Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 90
This is what visionary leadership sounds and looks like.
This is a speech by former Brazilian president Lula da Silva just before his unlawful imprisonment.
"There is no use in trying to stop my ideas."
"They're already in the air and you cannot imprison them."
"There is no point in trying to stop my dreams. Because when I stop dreaming I'll be dreaming through your minds and dreams."
"There's no point in thinking everything's going to stop the day Lula has a heart attack."
"That's nonsense."
"Because my heart will be beating through yours, and there are millions of hearts."
"The powerful can kill one, two, or 100 roses, but they'll never stop the arrival of spring."
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That is the power of Selflessness. It is the ultimate power. The power of God.
It touches your soul because deep down you feel the highest Truth is Selfless. And you yearn to be guided towards Truth despite all your devilry.
Talk about a man who understands that reproduction is not limited to biology.
I'm not a huge fan of Morning Joe's centrist views, but this was a nice example of them calling out devilry:
Joe has done a good job in the Trump era of not jumping into the cult of Trump and calling out his own side. This takes integrity and objectivity.
I want to introduce you to the phrase, "Through the looking glass". It's a great phrase to keep in mind if you're going deep into the existential work that we do here.
The phrase comes from the title of Lewis Carroll's famous novel, Through The Looking Glass, sequel to Alice In Wonderland. In the sequel Alice goes through the looking glass — looking glass is just an old fashioned word for a mirror — and of course discovers a strange and wacky alternative universe.
"Through the looking glass" is a metaphorical expression which means: on the bizarre side, in the twilight zone, in a strange parallel world where things are weird, loopy, and upside-down.
So what's the point?
The point is, consciousness has dimensions to it which are through the looking glass. Strange, bizarre, loopy, surreal, maddening. This physical dimension of conscious which we call Earth is just one tiny dimension out of infinite others which are not limited by the laws of physics, logic, or even sanity. These strange realms can be scary and shocking to the unprepared mind that only expects reality to fit its narrow logical categories. It's important to keep this in the back of your mind as you start doing spiritual work. Be prepared that one day you will find yourself through the looking glass. When it happens to you, don't freak out, don't panic. Stay calm and remind yourself that this was supposed to happen. This was the point of your work.
Especially you're going to use psychedelics you'll come to appreciate the significance of this phrase. Keeping these words in the back of your mind might help you to avert a bad trip.
What do you do when you suddenly find yourself through the looking glass? Enjoy the scenery, like an explorer in some uncharted land. As Terence McKenna said, "God is some kind of lost continent in the human mind." Or more accurately, the human mind a tiny island in the mind of God.
A new logo for Actualized.org has been in works for several years. It took a long time because I wanted to come up with something I'd be really happy with. Then, after much brainstorming and searching, finally in a trip it came to me.
So here it is:
It represents Maslow's Pyramid of Needs, which was the originating idea behind the whole site, but now with the final step of transcendence.
It is an interesting story that when Maslow first created his pyramid of needs, the highest stage — the pinnacle — he called Self-Actualization. But then in the final years of his life he added one last stage, which he called Transcendence, which of course stands for enlightenment. That's where your whole journey ends. Or should we say begins, as everything goes full-circle with Transcendence, where beginning and end merge into One.
In the end your journey will end exactly where it began, but everything will be different as God has been actualized.
User "Yog" on the forum found this amazing strange loop that I wanted to share with everyone:
That's how the ultimate nature of reality is. God created itself, without a beginning or end.
Impossible, yet here you are.
If your rationality cannot handle strange loops, your rationality will not be sufficient to understand reality (not even conceptually, never mind actually). The origin of reality exists in a place where formal logic cannot go. That's because formal logic cannot handle self-reference / self-reflection.
You have to learn to think in ways that accommodate paradox and strange loops.
And if you ever want to understand God fully, know this: complete comprehension of God will obliterate your whole mind. You will literally not be able to think your name or your birth any more. All explanations of reality will get expunged in the stark light of pure God-consciousness until only Void remains. Notions such a time, space, matter, humans, objects, history, science, cause & effect, logic, life, birth, death, will all be annihilated and transcended. You will be left dumb and mute.
Absolute Infinity, Absolute Truth, Absolute Love
I know, I know, it sounds so New Agey, but this term "light worker" is quite informative if you happen to be one but don't realize it yet.
Here's a list of 20 qualities of light workers:
20 Signs That You Are A Light Worker
If that's you, it's important to recognize it early and structure your life accordingly. As a light worker you cannot live the typical traditional life that everyone around you is living. You are different and you need to carve out a unique path in life which honors your unique values, strengths, and abilities.
If you're a light worker but you're trying to live a traditional life, you're going to suffer a lot without knowing what exactly is wrong.
If you identify as a light worker, you should really take my Life Purpose Course, it was designed just for you. It's not easy to live a life of purpose because society does not teach you how. I created the course after figuring out how to do it for myself.
A devil is one who has mistook devilry for God, and God for a devil.
Devils swarm, like moths around a campfire.