Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 87

July 14, 2020

Much of the political turmoil we see today in the world can be simply explained as a battle between nationalism vs globalism. For thousands of years mankind has lived in communities separated from each other via geography, language, religion, race, culture, etc. But today, thanks to technology, each year, mankind is becoming more and more interconnected as one global community. This trend is inevitable and irreversible. But much of the world's population is running on the age-old nationalist operating system, thus resisting global integration. It's an matter of identity. Global integration requires relinquishing one's old, limited national identity — which feels threatening and uncomfortable for many people. So they invent all sorts of defense mechanisms to avoid it. These defense mechanisms include: judgment, blame, scapegoating, gaslighting, strawmanning, demonization, projection, denial, propaganda, lashing out, conspiracy theories, ridicule, righteous anger, violence, and fear.

I recommend you acquaint yourself with what the term "nationalism" means. It's good to have an explicit definition of it in your mind. It will explain a lot of what you will see going on around you during your lifetime.

Nationalism comes in many flavors and degrees. Read up on nationalism here:

Wikipedia Nationalism

July 13, 2020

Ever wonder what it'd be like to pick a homeless guy's brain?

Here's some perspective for ya:

There is an entire YouTube channel devoted to showcasing homeless people's stories and perspectives.

Check it out, if you dare: Invisible People

July 10, 2020

Some post-awakening music for your soul:

July 8, 2020

Additional deconstruction of libertarian notion of property rights and voluntary association:

P.S. Sorry for the bad lighting. New setup needs improvement.

July 7, 2020

This is a taste of what the mind of God feels like. It is pure, abstract, unstructured consciousness. Utterly impersonal and alien. Completely unlimited.

The above is how I imagine an alien hyper-mind might work. Completely beyond ordinary human thought or logic. It would be highly multi-dimensional, highly non-linear, beyond verbal thought or communication.

This is what I mean when I say Infinite Imagination or Unlimited Consciousness or Universal Mind. The Universe is capable of imaging absolutely anything it wants. It has no logical or physical restrictions. There is literally nothing which is impossible to for it to imagine. The power of unlimited creativity, unlimited intelligence, unlimited sentience.

This is the raw engine which created your human life. This is God. This is what you are when not limited to your human body/mind.

Some more if you like those:

July 7, 2020

One of the best shows HBO has ever released is the little-known House of Saddam. It's a 4-part mini-series about Saddam Hussein's rise to power. It's full of drama and insight into how brutal real-world politics are. Lots of great lessons there if you're trying to understand how societies develop. I highly recommend watching it. It's both education and seriously enjoyable. Perfectly cast and acted. Such an underrated show. Like Game of Thrones but without the dragons. It shows you how a society is governed at Spiral Dynamics stage Purple and Red.

If you want to go even more in-depth, I recommend you read the Saddam Hussein book found in my book list. It will give you an even deeper understanding of how and why stage Red rises out of stage Purple.

June 24, 2020

Here's a great discussion about the importance of finding your niche. This applies more broadly to career, life purpose, and/or business.

One of the biggest mistakes people make in biz is that they try to appeal too broadly and pleasing no one. Don't be afraid to be uniquely you, whether that's in your career choices or in your dating life. Offer the world something unique that only you can provide.

June 15, 2020

This video shows what I talked about in my recent video about how love, fear, and consciousness work.

A kitten (a fragment of Universal Consciousness) which didn't receive sufficient love during its birth will become terrified (fear) until it is healed again by a gentle application of love. Showing that love is the thing which heals dysfunctional beings. It works the same way for humans. But of course humans are much more complex and require even more care and attention to fully heal.

Notice how time-consuming it is and how much selflessness it requires. It's really hard to undo bad early childhood conditioning as it gets "baked" in the mind/brain.

Apply this lesson to how you see and interact with dysfunctional humans.

June 8, 2020

Sorry for the recent delays in content releases. Going through some pretty crazy new levels of awakening and taking time to integrate them.

May 29, 2020

Very well put:

Do not listen to nondual teachers who deny or don't acknowledge the centrality of Love in Awakening. There are some who would have you believe that love is merely an emotion or a second order thing. These people have not fully awoken. Their awakening is like a chocolate candy that's missing the gooey caramel filling.