Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 89

March 15, 2020

Corona virus public service announcement:

The virus seems to hurt most those with the weakest immune systems. The best thing you can do right now is to boost your immune system with supplements, vitamins, powerful antioxidants, and good nutrition. This should be done prior to infection and doubled down upon if you start noticing flu-like symptoms.

Here are supplements I recommend you buy. I make no money off these supplements.

Basically anything which boosts your immune system:

  • Chaga mushrooms (tincture or powder)
  • Mushroom immune support (tincture or pills; these usually contain a mix of many species)
  • Black Elberberry (tincture or pills)
  • Enchinacea (tincture or pills)
  • Garlic (pills)
  • NAC (pills)
  • L-Glutathione Reduced (pills)
  • Beta Glucan (pills)
  • Astaxanthin (12mg pills)
  • Vitamin C (1,000mg timed-release pills)
  • Vitamin D3 (5,000 IU softgells)
  • Colloidal silver (20-30PPM liquid bottle, not eyedropper or nasal spray)

And generally, any other supplement which is proven to boost one's immune system. You can do some basic research to find others if the above are out of stock. There are also many different brands and many online stores besides Amazon (which might get sold out). You can buy these supplements individually or sometimes in various "immune booster" blends. Either way is fine. You can also buy them at local grocery stores, pharmacies, and vitamin shops. Sometimes finding them locally is easier, so don't give up hope if they are sold out online.

I suggest you stock on up on the above, take some daily for the next month or two, and triple down on the dosages if you start to feel sick. It is safe to mega-dose Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 for short periods of time. I would do so immediately if I felt sick. A mega-dose of Vitamin C might be 5,000mg to 10,000 per day and a mega-dose of Vitamin D3 might be 10,000 to 20,000 IU. I would only mega-dose a few days at a time if I was sure I was sick.

The government should really be passing out these supplements to everyone for free, but of course that's not gonna happen, so it's up to you to take responsibility for you and your family's health. Don't expect your doctor to know about these supplements. Doctors work within a very narrow-minded medical system, ignoring all natural and herbal remedies.

Note: I am not saying these supplements & vitamins are a "cure" for the corona virus. I'm merely saying your body will stand a much better chance of fighting the virus if you supply it with the raw nutrients it needs. Your recovery will hinge on the strength of your immune system, which hinges on your diet and nutrition. Taking these supplements on time could make the difference between having a mild flu vs ending up in the ER or dead. Raw juicing of fruits and veggies should also be helpful, although that requires going to the grocery store frequently, which isn't the best idea.

Don't panic, just get prepared and take this virus seriously. Start limiting your public exposure because this thing is gonna get a lot worse before it gets better. I would expect most countries to get locked down very soon.

This is also a great opportunity to become mindful of how SURVIVAL dominates all human thought and behavior, both individually and collectively. Notice just how wrapped up your mind is in survival. Your mind is not interested in truth, fairness, or love. It's interested in a warped, biased perception of reality which serves the narrow survival goals of your limited self-identity. From this one dynamic all the rest of your problems emerge.

March 5, 2020

I'll be doing an intense solo retreat for the next 25-30 days.

See you when I get back.

The site, store, and forum are still fully operational.

Thanks for your support.

March 5, 2020

This explains it all:

February 29, 2020

Warning: I advise extreme caution when using salvia. This is a dangerous substance only for experienced psychonauts. A trip sitter is mandatory. Be prepared to completely lose your mind & sense of reality.

February 27, 2020

I don't spend much time on Twitter. But if you're gonna follow one political commentator, Anand Giridharadas is one of the best:


His critiques of hyper-capitalism are sharp and devastating.

This is what serious progressivism looks like. Serious progressivism is not college kids protesting for trans rights. It's someone like Anand going for the jugular of unchecked capitalism. Everything else is a sideshow.

American capitalism is in the process of cannibalizing itself. But most elites are in denial about it because they want to keep milking the cow until it drops dead.

February 25, 2020

If you want to break out of wage slavery and become successful what you need is to develop serious skill, like this example. Skillz are how you become a somebody in the world.

Would you hire this guy if you needed some drawing work done? You couldn't say no! He's too good to be ignored. Everyone wants to work with skilled people. It is like honey that attracts all the ants.

You are not going to make it far in life without building a unique and powerful skill set. Building a skill set takes time, patience, focus, vision, and passion.

See my Life Purpose Course for help finding your direction in life. It's very practical and gives you the core principles you need to move forward with building your unique skill set. Building a skill set takes a lot of time, so there's no time to waste. Get started now! The better your skill set the more money you will make, the more creative freedom you will command.

BTW, my skill set is articulating understanding. Not to brag, but I'm really, really good at it. Which is why you watch my videos. How did I get so good? I practiced it in my mind for 20+ years. Why did I do that? Because I love it.

So, Step #1: Find what you love and master the shit out of it.

Step #2: Profit!

If you live in a poor or underdeveloped country where life is difficult, your best way to rise out of that muck is to train up an incredible skill set. That is your passport to freedom. And yes, you can do it. But you need a clear vision and sense of direction.

The beauty of building a skill set is that it can be done virtually anywhere and it can be done virtually for free. You can build up an amazing skill set in a village in Iraq. Which allows you to bootstrap yourself from nothing to something.

So roll up your sleeves, lock yourself in a room, and build your skill set.

February 24, 2020

Great discussion which ties together concepts from my videos: Conscious Politics, Understanding Relativism, and How Society Evolves.

When it comes to understanding shifts on the political spectrum the key notion that people do not understand or explicitly state is Relativity. All political ideologies and positions are completely relative. So what looks "extreme" or "radical" left or right wing only appears that way given a particular vantage point. There isĀ  no "radical" in the absolute sense. But this notion is too radical for mainstream news people to speak. A great confusion results when news people speak of liberal, centrist, or conservative positions as if these are fixed, absolute quantities. All scientific scales are relative, and even more so political scales, but this point is lost on mainstream news anchors.

There is no such thing, in politics, as staying in the middle. Because the very notion of "a middle" does not exist! "The middle" is always defined relative to the extremes. Your mind literally cannot know what "the middle" is unless it has extremes to contrast it with. And since the extremes are always moving, so is "the middle." By trying to stay in "the middle" you're actually naively fooling yourself that politics isn't changing when it is.

Yesterday's radicalism is today's "middle". And yesterday's "middle" is today considered barbaric or criminal. Don't forget, the middle between truth and falsehood is still falsehood. The middle between non-slavery and slavery is still slavery. So being in the middle is not as safe and sound as it first seems. Don't try to be in the middle. Try to be truthful, conscious, selfless, and loving. That is the best position. And in an ego-obsessed society, truth, consciousness, selflessness, and love are seen as radical.

February 24, 2020

Amazing raw footage! Try to put yourself in the epistemic position of the tribesmen. Notice how their minds simply cannot make sense of what is happening. That's because their limited paradigm cannot account for what is happening in their direct experience. It's very much like a psychedelic breakthrough trip. It's clearly real, but your mind has no clue how to explain it, and of course you're terrified it might be dangerous.

This is exactly what it's like for humans to meet advanced aliens. And exactly what it's like for humans to meet God. God can be present in your direct experience but your mind will not be capable of making sense of what God is, let alone how it is possible that God could be YOU!

Humans who have never had a breakthrough dose of psychedelics are like those tribesmen, with no clue of the world that exists outside their little tribal village.

This video is also what it's like for a materialist scientist to encounter mysticism. Mysticism is like that white man. It makes no sense to the rational mind because it's so much more advanced.

Teaching about God feels like being that white guy trying to give food to those terrified and puzzled tribesmen. Imagine trying to explain to them what a video camera is.

February 21, 2020

If you struggle to remember what the Spiral stage colors mean, here's a quick and simple reference. This is Spiral Dynamics distilled to its essence.


(click image to enlarge)

February 15, 2020

Watch this time lapse of how the global mind is coming online:

This is the real meaning of globalization.

The Earth is wiring itself for unity — reaching out and reconnecting to lost parts of itself. Becoming more integrated and whole.

This is a poignant example of what I was talking about in my video: Division vs Unity.

There is no stopping this. We cannot ever go back. The only way forward is ever-higher integration of the species.

Reminds me of this image which shows the mind's level of interconnectedness by default vs on a psychedelic:

brain on psychedelics