Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 8

November 23, 2024


November 22, 2024

Elon Musk has completely perverted Twitter/X. That's what happens when you have a narcissistic megalomaniac with unilateral control over a media platform. This is what abuse of power looks like.

November 22, 2024

If you are a Christian, how do you know that the Devil didn’t write the Bible? Because the Bible says so? But if the Devil wrote it then anything the Bible says is a lie. So you don’t actually know. You can’t know. And that you don’t know that you can’t know, is the corruption. All of Christianity could be a plot by the Devil to ensnare the mind of man. But no Christian understands this.

See, this is what I mean when I say that people do not think. If you were truly thinking, if you cared about understanding reality, you would take what I said here very seriously. But no Christian does. Because Christians are epistemic perverts. No Christian has an answer to this very simple problem. If the Devil actually exists then Christians would be his easiest marks. How much of a fool must you be to believe that the Devil exists or could exist, but he hasn’t corrupted Christianity? Stop taking the Devil for a fool. The Devil is way more intelligent than you. Isn’t it obvious that if the Devil existed that Christianity would be the perfect vehicle for his work? You can’t just assume that the Bible isn’t written by the Devil. You can’t assume that! That’s epistemic pervertry.

God exists, but you cannot know that from reading the Bible or any human source. Which is why no Christian understands God.

You may think that this is all philosophical and it doesn’t really matter. But it doesn’t matter that you think it doesn’t matter, because it does matter. You have no comprehension how much it matters. Epistemic pervertry always matters. I just showed you the essence of all human self-deception with a single thought-experiment. What this little thought-experiment reveals is the corruption at the very base of your mind, in your very soul. It reveals that you don’t care about truth. It reveals that you are not intellectually serious. It reveals that…

Christianity is devil-worship.

The Devil isn’t a horned creature! The Devil is epistemic pervertry. And how does one become an epistemic pervert? By not thinking through such issues for yourself. By not even caring.

It astounds me that people think they can get away with epistemic pervertry, that it won't matter to the quality of their life or society at large. Nothing could be more wrong.

That people don't care about epistemic pervertry IS epistemic pervertry. Not caring about truth IS the pervertry. Every fundamental human problem boils down to not caring about truth. All of my work is just a meta-lesson in caring deeply about truth. That's all I have to teach you.

Real spirituality is about caring more about truth than anything else, and aligning your life to it. Just fucking do that rather than running around like a monkey. This is what makes a human good. Because TRUTH IS GOODNESS! TRUTH IS GOD! When you don't care about truth, you don't care about God. When you don't care about truth, you are the Devil.

November 21, 2024


November 20, 2024

I use music to put myself in contemplative flow, to connect to God's inspiration, to generate my deepest insights. If the insight comes from logical ego it will never be as powerful as if it comes from a flow state. My best insights are super-intuitive. Avalanches in Mind. It's not enough just to know, at the levels of understanding that I work at, understanding blossoms into poetry. Mind becomes art.

You are a conduit to God's intelligence. If only you did the work to free your mind of human bias and noise. Beyond Awakening or Liberation, what no one ever tells you is how beautiful your mind becomes through this work. The poetry, the wit, that consciousness unlocks. A scintillating hyper-intelligence.

The artistry of Mind is the real reward.

Is there anything more beautiful than Mind firing on all cylinders? Gleaming with cosmic intelligence.

From decades of existential contemplation, cultivation, and deconstruction of all human ideas, my mind has become an exotic garden where alien flowers bloom and iridescent hummingbirds zip from blossom to blossom.

I bask in the beauty of trans-human intelligence like a kitten in a beam of sunlight. I live connected to metaphysical abstractions no human comprehends. My mind is richer than the material world. Mind and Universe, fantasy and reality, in Union. A self-aware hallucination.

Artistry of mind is not a possibility most people know exists. But it's a vision you can set for yourself and work towards.

I can show you not only how to make sense of every facet of reality, but how to develop artistry of mind.

November 20, 2024


November 19, 2024

Here's what you need to understand about politics. Politics is its own developmental line. Having good, high-quality, wise, mature politics is nothing natural or automatic. Very few people have it because it requires specialized research, study, and contemplation to get. Do not assume that just because someone is spiritually advanced, or has a high IQ, or is good at business or science, or is popular or successful, that they should have good politics. No, no, no.

Spirituality and Awakening will not give you good politics. Going to an Ivy League university will not give you good politics. Reading a bunch of books will not give you good politics. The only thing that will give you good politics is if you do serious work in specifically developing good politics. Of course good politics requires a good epistemic foundation, but even a good epistemic foundation on its own is not enough to assure good politics. Good politics requires lots of experience and exposure to political events plus historical grounding, reading, and independent contemplation. It takes at least a decade of following politics to get good at understanding its tricks. Which explains why good politics is so, so rare. Most people are not interested enough in this domain to develop this far, and those who are interested mostly fall into the trap of one ideology or another. To spend a decade studying politics and avoid every ideology, every side, is rare indeed.

The reason I was able to do achieve it was because all of my work is fundamentally grounded in pure understanding of reality. My political understanding is just an extension of that, grounded in my understanding of existence at a metaphysical, spiritual, psychological, and philosophical level. You see, unlike most people in politics, I am not a political actor. Nor am I a journalist or pundit. My aim within politics was always this: pure understanding. My aim was philosophical, not activist or journalistic. This allowed me to keep my mind from getting corrupted with bias and various human agendas. Because I never took my eye off this ball for 25+ years, my reward is that now I have good politics. That doesn't mean I believe in the right set of positions. It means I understand politics on an existential level, as a domain of mind. While everyone else was busy arguing over this or that ideology, or reporting on news, I was busy understanding reality at an existential level. That's what you must do to cut through all the human noise. What I see instead is everyone lost and distract by the human noise. As a result, they never gain an existential understanding of politics and are forever lost and confused, arguing over breadcrumbs like rats.

Beware: if you become a political actor you will take your eye off the ball of pure understanding and you will thereby never really understand politics, you will be a pawn within the game. Your mind will get so corrupted by human agenda, by survival, that you will not have the purity and objectivity necessary to understand what's really going on. You have a basic loyalty test before you now: will you be loyal to pure understanding and truth, or will you be loyal to human activity and survival goodies? You can have one or the other. Choose carefully.

Getting extraordinary results requires having extraordinary intent. What is your intent? The quality of your intent makes all the difference. Is your intent social justice? Is your intent having your side win? Is your intent proving others wrong? Is your intent personal fame and profit? Is your intent power? Is your intent fear and worry? Or is your intent something beyond all that? Why do you think about politics at all?

November 19, 2024


November 19, 2024

What is not generally understood is how profoundly media shapes politics. Because, fundamentally, people do not think, they make sense of reality through group-think. They think what everyone around them thinks. What runs the show is not policy concerns, it's group-think. The last 10-15 years we have seen a media revolution. This democratization and fracturing of media has lead to many new forms of fallacious, toxic, and self-deceived alternative group-think, which has huge implications for politics.

People are more misinformed and self-deceived than ever and yet they feel more convinced than ever that they have the truth, thanks to the epistemic bubbles and confirmation-biased echochambers that social media platforms and algorithms created. A few giant tech companies have monopolized all of media and sold their souls to maximize profits. The social media companies have whored out mankind's epistemic standards, corrupting the minds of the entire human species. This is what Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok have done. The reason these companies are worth billions and trillions is because they whored out epistemology and truth to the Devil for profit. And nobody in society understands this because nobody understood or cared about epistemology to begin with. The hidden damage these companies did is incalculable.

These companies and all the popular misinformation they enable for profit have rotted the minds of mankind for generations to come. And all the podcasters and influencers who got rich and famous in this business fundamentally got rich because they spread bullshit for profit. Alex Jones, Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Piers Morgan, Patrick Bet-David, Ben Shaprio, Tim Pool, Fox News, etc — this is all media pervertry for profit. They arbitrage misinformation and stupidity on behalf of the Devil. They do this without an ounce of self-awareness, guilt, or shame because none of them ever cared about truth.

We have people who never cared about truth in charge of all the media platforms, corporations, advertising, and all the eyeballs, shaping the opinions and worldviews of most of mankind. This is mankind's deepest form of corruption: worldwide mass-distributed epistemic corruption. It is a corruption so subtle and so profound that no one comprehends it. None of the people involved have any idea what they do. But the net result is that we have a profoundly sick politics, and sick minds, peddling sick ideas and views. The Devil has masterfully co-opted every media platform to spread self-deception. That's what every successful and popular podcaster does. Podcasts, YT channels, Instagrams, TikToks, and tweets — these seem like innocent fun, but they are really the tools of the Devil. That's why these bits of fun are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The entire media information ecosystem of mankind is perverted and corrupt to the bone. Social media is pervertry for profit.

The Devil's genius and intelligence is awesome. The Devil has successful co-opted religion, media, education, academia, science, medicine, finance, and all the branches of government. And no one suspects a thing. That is what I mean by self-deception. Nobody comprehends how deep this goes. This is what I mean when I say mankind are epistemic pigs. All of this occurs for one simple reason: Nobody cares about truth.

Evil is just not caring about truth. That's the real banality of evil.

Mankind is drowning in its own bullshit. This has been the case since mankind came into existence, and it's still the case today, now on technological steroids, and always taking new alternative forms. The flavor of the bullshit changes every 5-10 years, but that it's bullshit is a constant. What new bullshit will mankind invent tomorrow? Some fame-thirsty fool is hard at work on that today in his basement, desperately brainstorming some viral meme to inject into your mind for clicks.

Understanding this is what my work is really about. If you can't understand this, you will never understand reality. This is way more fundamental than "self-help" or "nonduality". These concepts themselves are just more group-think and mind-viruses.

November 18, 2024

This show is underrated genius. I've watched every episode many times. Robert Wuhl is just brilliant. I highly recommend watching all 7 seasons.

In an old interview, Wuhl describes how he got the idea for Arliss. In the early 90's while in the middle of reading Donald Trump's book, The Art of the Deal, he stopped and said to himself, "My God. This guy is so full of shit. I have to make a show about this." And so we got 7 seasons of Arliss.

The genius of Arliss is that it's seemingly about sports — and I dislike professional sports — but the show isn't really about sports, it's about mocking the excesses of Stage Orange, inspired by the bullshit antics of Trump. When you understand this easter egg, the show becomes even more delicious.

You see, someone with Wuhl's intelligence sees through a con-artist like Trump instantly. As it should be. Anyone who doesn't isn't serious, they are foolish or compromised. Seeing through Trump's bullshit should take no more than a few minutes. That people aren't able to, especially intelligent people like Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Lex Fridman, etc. shows you how intellectually bankrupt the podcast space is. These people are all compromised.

Robert Wuhl gives some great behind-the-scenes interviews nowadays about show-business. I love listening to him. He's so real yet such a charmer at the same time: