Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 12

October 21, 2024


October 20, 2024

My geography challenge continues.

More about the history and politics of Oman.

October 19, 2024


October 18, 2024

I love to study corruption because it gives me many insights into human nature, self-deception, and truth. Corruption is a super-truth. Corruption comes in infinite forms. Here's corruption in tiger form:

I am reading dozens of books about corruption, developing an incredibly deep understanding of it. Corruption gets more and more profound the more you study it. You could make a life purpose just out of studying corruption. However, be careful, because it will badly blackpill you. If you understand corruption deeply enough you may start having thoughts of annihilating mankind. So watch out.

I am planning a new, much deeper video on corruption. But I have to be careful not to blackpill people. This stuff gets very dark.

National Geographic has an amazing YT Channel. I recommend searching it for juicy documentaries. You're guaranteed to find some gems.

October 18, 2024


October 18, 2024

I found this cool new index, the Global Peace Index. It ranks the top and bottom most peaceful nations around the world using 23 different metrics.

Global Peace Index Map

This is another example of how development can be objectively measured. Politics is not just personal opinion, ultimately our goal is to increase the peace index. With peace comes prosperity, happiness, cognitive development, consciousness, freedom, love, and truth. Notice that the least peaceful countries are also the least truthful. Because truth is the first casualty of war.

Top 10 Most Peaceful Nations:

#1 Iceland
#2 Ireland
#3 Austria
#4 New Zealand
#5 Singapore
#6 Switzerland
#7 Portugal
#8 Denmark
#9 Slovenia
#10 Malaysia

Top 10 Least Peaceful Nations:

#154 Mali
#155 Israel
#156 Russia
#157 Syria
#158 Congo
#159 Ukraine
#160 Afghanistan
#161 South Sudan
#162 Sudan
#163 Yemen

October 17, 2024


October 16, 2024

This is a satellite heat map of South vs North Korea:


Capitalism is evil, but socialism is eviler.

If you are Green, Leftist, Marxist, socialist — you should take this map seriously. Don't rationalize it. Sit there and stare at it. Stare at the glaring hole in your political worldview.

Socialism didn't just happen to fail. It failed because it cannot be sustained at mankind's level of development. And the fact that you do not understand this, that you deny this, that you try to rationalize this, speaks volumes of your piss-poor understanding of mankind. You understand mankind so poorly that you're dangerous.

Marxism is a dangerous delusion. And the truth of this has nothing to do with capitalism, disgusting though capitalism is.

America has done a lot of evil shit. But fighting Communism was a net good. This is the most correct thing that conservatives did in the 20th century. If you are not intellectually honest enough to acknowledge that, you've got some self-deception going on. Sometimes you gotta give the Devil some credit.

I hate capitalism more than most people, but that doesn't make me stupid enough to buy Marxism. The opposite of the thing you hate is not automatically a good thing, because it may not work at all.

Don't get this twisted. The reason capitalism is evil is because mankind is evil. So you can fight to the death to take the capitalism out of mankind, but you will still be left with evil. For Marxism to work it would have to cure mankind of evil, which is a lift it cannot make. Marxism is way too shallow to cure the condition of mankind's corruption. If you think it can, that's because you haven't yet awoken to mankind's corruption and your entanglement with it.

October 16, 2024


October 16, 2024

Again, people say it's biased when I claim that conservatives have a lower level of development than liberals. But it's not biased, it's just accurate. There are many objective metrics you could look at. Here's one: level of criminality and corruption. People at lower levels of development and consciousness will exhibit more criminality and corruption, since they are run more by ego, greed, lust, fear, hate, ignorance, and negative base emotions.


More Info: Click Here

This chart does not include the full Trump term, only the first 3.5 years. Which means it leaves out all the Jan 6th crimes and charges. The latest count for the Trump admin is 215+ criminal indictments against 34 people (9 Americans, 25 Russians). Including many serious charges against Trump himself. Trump is already a convicted felon, with many trials yet to come.

So yeah... Both sides are not the same. This data is not coincidence, it is predicted and expected by developmental psychology theory. Egos at lower stages of development gravitate towards conservative values, and lower stages of development are more corrupt, i.e., ego-centric. So politics is not just my opinion vs your opinion. Politics is about development levels.

When I say Trump is bad, it's not because I hate him. It's because he's objectively the most corrupt President in American history. That this isn't obvious to every American is deeply problematic. This is an objective matter. It has nothing to do with my bias. It's not that Trump is bad because I am biased against him for some ideological or personal reasons, it's that I'm biased against him because of his insane and obvious degree of corruption. And it's not true that both sides are equally corrupt. Corruption is not a subjective thing where you can just call whoever you disagree with or dislike, corrupt. Corruption can be objectively measured. In the same way that a friend who steals from and lies to you is objectively more corrupt than one who does not. Theft, lying, cheating, fraud, sexual abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse, criminality — these can be measured. Narcissism, psychopathy, and nepotism can be measured. Ignorance can be measured. We could give Trump a basic exam on government functions and he would fail it. We could give Trump a high school geography exam and he would fail it.

There is no mystery here. Someone as egotistical as Trump must be as corrupt as Trump and must attract to himself the most corrupt characters in Washington. That's how this works. This is what it means to understand politics vs subscribing to bullshit political ideology. A real understanding of politics is not about left vs right, it's about understanding the deep structures and systems that make all of politics work.

What matters more than political ideology is electing people who have integrity, who care about truth, who are competent, who are intelligent, who have empathy, and who will not abuse their position of power for personal gain and to enrich their friends.

The reason Trump is a bad choice to vote for is because he has no integrity, he doesn't care at all about truth, he is incompetent, he is ignorant, he is incapable of empathy, and he is only pursuing the presidency for personal gain and to enrich his friends. This is a textbook definition of the worst candidate. Unless voters understand this, we will never have good government. This understanding is the bare minimum. You have to set aside your personal feelings and ideology — like an adult — and look at the development structure of this matter.