Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 5

December 28, 2024

Good video about this guy.

Remember, just because your ideas are different does not mean they are true or better than conventional knowledge.

I recommend that you sit down and contemplate whether 1x1=1 or 1x1=2, and why. Sit down and think it through for yourself rather than just believing anyone. This is a great exercise for building up your epistemology.

Challenging the intellectual status quo is a tricky business. You have to be very careful how you go about it or you will reveal yourself to be a fool.

December 26, 2024

Plotinus is one of the most accurate Western philosophers. His descriptions of God's nature are exemplary. He puts modern and contemporary Western philosophers to shame, excluding Hegel and Ken Wilber. It's despicable how few Western philosophers understood God. Western philosophy is an abysmal failure, a morass of human ignorance.

It's wonderful to validate Plotinus' descriptions through your own direct experience of God.

But even so, there is more to God and Consciousness than what Plotinus describes. So don't take that as the end.

December 26, 2024


December 24, 2024

I love watching police cam videos of criminals, addicts, drunks, perverts, and the mentally ill — because of how much I learn about how the human minds works.

There is a whole cottage industry of police cam footage on YouTube — 100s of hours. With more released every day. Body cams have revolutionized the field of policing.

Here are my favorite channels:

I have binge-watched days of police cam footage and learned so much about the sub-100 IQ half of mankind, and about policing. This is more important than it seems because I usually don't encounter this segment of people in my life. But they are out there and you should know how to deal with them because eventually they will run into you — perhaps literally. Their minds work is such strange ways that it's good to be aware of it. Getting yourself caught up with these people can destroy your life.

If you are a parent, if you have teenage kids, I highly recommend you show them some of these police cam videos to educate them about proper protocols for dealing with police. You should teach your children about their legal rights, how to handle traffic stops, how to handle being arrested, DUI laws, drug possession laws, ID laws, trespassing, search warrants, bail and bonds, and sentences for various kinds of crimes. So that your children understand and see the penalties they will face for breaking laws. Most people don't even know the sentences for the crimes they plan to commit. Seeing the consequences for various crimes in these brutal videos is really eye-opening and educational. It's also important that your children understand how do deal with criminals, drunks, addicts, perverts, and the mentally ill. This is one of the most important things you can teach your kids. Watching these police cams with your kids can be a bonding experience and far more effective than lecturing them about staying away from drugs.

After watching 100s of police cam videos I realized that 95% of people just don't know how policing working, what the laws are, and what the penalties and consequences are — because no one ever tells you. I didn't know much of this stuff until I started watching these videos. I learned a lot. I have a feeling that half of crime could be stopped just by educating everyone properly about this stuff in high school.  This is a glaring gap in our education system. We sorely need a high school class that teaches this stuff. But until then, do yourself and your kids a favor by educating yourself.

We have a Police Cam Mega-Thread on the Actualized Forum where I share my favorite clips. If you find particularly great clips, please share.

December 23, 2024


December 23, 2024

I have a guilty pleasure: watching sovereign citizens getting arrested as aggressively as possible.

These "sovereign citizens" have unlocked a whole new tier of self-deception and epistemic pervertry.

As I watch I sometimes wish police still beat people with sticks, to beat the stupid right out of them. People have become so spoiled and entitled about state power. In the old days you'd just be killed or at least tortured for being this dumb. Without suffering people refuse to relinquish their stupid ideas. In this sense, people are getting softer and dumber because their ideas are shielded from direct contact with reality. These days, in a welfare state, you can bullshit yourself and still live in relative comfort. That's one of the downsides of a progressive welfare state: everyone becomes spoiled and entitled about rights with no appreciation of where those rights come from or what responsibilities they entail. This is the curse of libertarianism.

Ironically, the minds of these so-called sovereign citizens are not sovereign at all but addled with cheap online ideology. Where else would one get such silly ideas of law?

Self-deception is like water, it seeps through any crack. No matter what era, what country, what culture, what race, what gender, what ideology, what platform, what medium, what industry, what level of technology, what level of IQ, what level of schooling and credentialing — self-deception finds a way.

December 23, 2024

What a beautiful city.

December 22, 2024

I've mentioned the topic of theft in the past, and I have a video planned about the subtlety of theft.

Notice how many forms of theft hide themselves as other things. Notice that a lot of stuff goes on in society which isn't usually called theft but which is just a sophisticated or subtle form of theft, but it's whitewashed and called something else to make it more socially acceptable.

For example, a Hollywood producer doesn't think of himself as a thief, even though that's what he is. This is an example of how deep corruption runs. The corruption is so deep that the people doing it aren't even conscious that they're doing it. It's just baked into the culture of doing business. A best-selling book could be written about all sneaky forms of theft that mankind has invented.

If you are in business it would be wise of you to make a deep study of all these subtle forms of theft because pretty soon it will happen to you. The "legit" business world is chock-full of theft.

Understand this: theft is not a rare exception done by thugs, theft is the default mode. You should expect people to be thieves, and in ways they do not even comprehend. Theft is a force of nature beyond human awareness. The more unconscious a human is, the less developed, the more a thief. This is one reason why people do not achieve high stages of development: because they don't want to give up their thievery.

December 17, 2024


December 17, 2024

More good bushcraft videos: