Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 3
A deep Tier 2 communication from Jordan Hall:
Few comprehend the significance of perspective this high.
This is brilliant:
That is mature, Tier 2 spirituality.
Do you see how much work it takes to reach this degree of spiritual understanding and maturity?
Do you see how far mankind is from such a stage of development on average?
The self-help industry, especially anyone associated with Tony Robbins, is such a shameless grift. Here's a prime example of how the grift works:
This is just milking of celebrity and charisma for profit.
One of the most disappointing aspects of the self-help industry is how it has been turned into a vapid hyper-capitalist money-making machine. These people have turned the selling of self-help into a pathetic incestuous formula. It's such a shocking level of corruption once you learn the behind-the-scenes of this industry. These people are utterly delusional. It's like a secular version of prosperity gospel.
So, there's two lessons here:
1) Don't fall for such grifts. Distinguish genuine development work from fake capitalistic self-help.
2) Don't become such a grifter yourself. Don't get sucked into the self-help grifter ecosystem because it is corruption and it will corrupt your consciousness.
The self-help industry is as corrupt as politics, social media, Wall Street, corporate culture, and religion.
And third lesson for you here: notice how effective charisma is for selling bullshit. Never again be fooled by charisma. You should be intelligent enough to see right through it. The deepest insights and lessons you will learn in life will not come with a charismatic delivery. The deeper an insight is, the less charisma it needs. The shallower a thing is the more charisma is needs to sell it. The deepest teachers have the ability to be charismatic but they lay charisma aside because they are conscious and mature enough to know that it is inappropriate to use charisma to manipulate their students. Being influenced by charisma is for fools.
According the physics, the notion of there being simultaneous events is deconstructed:
It is amazing how poorly people grasp the significance of relativity. People honestly walk around arguing how abortion is wrong or natural property rights, but they do not even understand that the physical nose and the tail of their dog do not exist at the absolute same time because your dog's nose and tail are separated in space-time!
Really contemplate the significance of this to how humans understand reality. This is not just academic, this undermines the entire way humans understand what reality is.
Reality is so metaphysically twisted that you cannot even say that the nose and tail of your dog exist at the same time! The simultaneity of your dog as a unified object is a relative assumption. Until you comprehend that, what talk can there be of morality, right & wrong, good & evil, property rights, human rights, and so on.
The perfect illustration of how humanity corrupts God with its own survival:
When we say that religion is stupid, this is why. Religion is a corruption of God by mixing God with human survival agenda. This clip makes it look silly, but if you look at how humans use God/spirituality in their lives, it's not far off from this clip. Humans use God as a survival tool, and they genuinely have no understanding that there's anything wrong that. Humans don't really want God, what they want is God as a tool to serve their petty human biases and needs. You want God to help you earn more money, make you more popular, give you sex, breed your children, give you political power, and spread your human mind viruses across the land. You want God to make you feel good. You want God to endorse your judgments and criticisms. You want God to align with your historical ethnic fantasies. You want God to anoint your tribe and damn your enemies. You want God to endorse your silly political views. You want God to make you successful. You want God to feed red meat to your ego. And perhaps, most of all, you want God's Love to be the grotesque, selfish, pathetic love that you have mistaken for your survival. And when God doesn't do those things you get quizzical and find some way to rationalize it without changing anything fundamental in your view of reality, humanity, or yourself.
How can God or Love be understood when this is what humans want spirituality to be?
By the way, this is also a perfect parody of Trumpism.
Are you familiar with D-Limonene?
It's an all-natural, non-toxic solvent, cleaning solution, and degreaser. You can use it as an industrial grade hard surface cleaner for removing all sorts of difficult stains, grime, grease, labels, ink, dyes, tar, goo, glue, etc. It's especially good for removing stubborn labels and stickers. It can be a paint stripper, food-safe insecticide, bug spray, kitchen cleaner, wood finisher, electronics cleaner, automotive cleaner, weed killer, air freshener, adhesive remover, chewing gum remover, mold remover, essential oil, flavoring agent, and even an oral digestive supplement. It's just so versatile.
D-Limonene is made out of hyper-concentrated orange peels. It has a potent orange smell that stings the nostrils. It is available in food-grade form, but it's so potent you should be careful because it can burn through plastic or skin. Imagine concentrating orange peels into such a potent solution that it can burn a hole through plastic! That's D-Limonene in a nutshell. D-Limonine is not a corporate brand or gimmick, it is a type of chemical.
I recommend keeping a bottle around the house for difficult cleaning jobs which will inevitably arise.
I just used a few drops of it to remove an impossible sticker from an Ikea dinner plate. The sticker came off without a trace.
One time I was walking on the beach in Southern California and I stepped on a bit of tar that washed up from an offshore oil spill. It clung to and nearly ruined my favorite sandals. That tar is very nasty stuff that refuses to wash off with anything. But D-Limonine can dissolve tar.
Got ants? You can use D-Limonine on them without poisoning your dog or your kid.
(Note: D-Limonine and all citrus oils are toxic to cats.)
Got weeds? You can make a non-toxic weed killer by mixing D-Limonine with dish soap and vinegar.
It's affordable, can be bought in bulk, and lasts for years.
Buy Here (affiliate link)
I want to warn you about the trap of pseudo-archaeology.
As you get into spirituality, you'll get sucked into the New Age and you'll see that domain overlap with the domain of pseudo-archaeology. Myths of advanced ancient civilizations, Atlantis, ancient flood stories, ancient golden ages, people living in Antarctica, aliens building the Egyptian pyramids, etc. At first these ideas will sound appealing, playing on your sense of mysticism, wonder, openmindedness, and unconventional thinking, but eventually you will come to see that these are lower perspectives — self-deception — based on poor epistemology. The evidence for it just doesn't exist and the people who engage in this type of unscientific speculation are falling for their own New Age biases. It's not just that the content of these beliefs is wrong, the epistemic structure of how these beliefs are being formed is wrong. I'm talking about the kind of theories that people like Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson are pitching. The kind of New Age -fueled speculation they engage in is an epistemic trap that you should be intelligent enough to see through.
Unfortunately, podcasters like Joe Rogan have popularized and mainstreamed a lot of these bad ideas because they sound fascinating to uneducated people and they make for good, cheap slop for the endless content mill that is the alternative social media ecosystem.
Here are some good videos to help you deconstruct that misinformation:
More links:
What Graham Hancock Gets Wrong About Flood Myths
How Rogan Was Fooled By Graham Hancock
One of the most important lessons I hope you learn from me, from the Actualized work, is that spirituality is not about speculation, it is not about adopting New Age beliefs. Such things are false spirituality. True spirituality requires extreme epistemic rigor, more rigorous than science, not less. Distinguish between direct experience and speculation. Distinguish between grounded scientific evidence vs wild ungrounded wishful theorizing. Have the intellectual discipline and integrity to refuse wild speculation about history or the future. This is an important discipline for serous truth-seeking. Truth-seeking is NOT what Graham Hancock or New Age people are doing. Recognize that difference.
One of the most important lessons for you to learn is to stop your mind from adopting beliefs it wants or needs to be true. If you are unable to do this, self-deception is guaranteed. Be extra skeptical of any belief that feeds into your sense of the mystical and magical. Just because some aspects of spirituality are true — like God, Love, relativity, or the imaginary nature of things — does not mean that anything you want goes. Spiritual New Age fantasy is a serious, serious problem that you should be on guard against. Just because spirituality is valid does not mean that you don't take scientific rigor and rationality seriously. Evidence for things still matters. Sound reasoning still matters. Scientific method still matters. Epistemic rigor still matters.