Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 13

December 12, 2024

I've been playing a lot of chess lately.

I don't play classical chess. I prefer Fischer Random since the games are much more unique and creative.

My rating at Fisher Random is around 1600. I would like to reach 2000. Best human in the world at Fischer Random is 2800, Hikaru Nakamura.

Here's an interesting game I played recently against a 1600-rated bot. I had the white pieces.

Move 28 is where it got really tricky. I had to take like 20 minutes to crunch that one move because one inaccuracy would have cost me the game. Even though black was down a lot of material, black's position was so rock-solid around the king that it was hard to see how to break it open. Black's king was impossible to reach and all his pieces were guarding each other and his double bishops were threatening all my passing pawns. It was an unusual game as I was pushing 4-6 passed pawns! My strategy was to flood the zone with pawns. Don't underestimate the power of pawns.

December 9, 2024


December 9, 2024

I'm really into weird creature design. This video showcases all the weird creatures in the Star Wars universe.

This tiny little scene from Return Of The Jedi outside Jabba's Palace with Worrt is one of my favorite scenes in all of Star Wars. It's so understated yet more evocative and inspiring than mountains of bombastic CGI crap. When I saw this scene as a kid is was like discovering a new world:

(The video works, but on YouTube only)

Just from that one 10 second scene I could know that I love creature design. One scene is all it can take to discover your life purpose.

You can turn creature design into a life purpose. You could make a whole YT channel devoted to how you design weird alien creatures and use that as your portfolio and parlay that into a career as a creature design expert for film, games, etc. What a fun career that would be! What is stopping you from becoming the world's leading creature design expert?

Be bold with your life purpose and think outside standard career choices.

December 7, 2024


December 6, 2024

One simple duck is the best thing that's happened to chess since Fischer Random.

The genius of the duck revolutionizes chess.

December 5, 2024

It's amazing how these machines were designed and built before the computer age.

December 4, 2024


December 1, 2024

I highly recommend that you teach yourself how to dance.

I don't mean any kind formal dancing. I mean Pure Dance. Pure Dance is spontaneous and unchoreographed.

How do you learn it? Just by doing it over and over again for hundreds of hours. You turn on some music that you genuinely love, you shut off your mind, you feel into it, and you start to move with the feeling. It's all about feeling. This is why women are naturals at dance, because they live in their feelings while men live in their logical minds. So this is harder to learn for men, especially introverted men. But that makes it all the more worthwhile.

The most important thing is to shut off your mind, don't think about how you look, don't try to look cool, don't try to copy others' moves, but just FEEL and move to your feelings. Pure Dance is about surrender to your feelings, to your body. If you do this you will start to invent your own dance moves and you will build dance skill. But it takes lots of practice and experimentation. Practice in the shower. Keep doing this over and over again for hundreds of hours over the course of a year or two and you will eventually become good. And then you'll have this skill for the rest of your life. Don't go asking someone else to teach you how to dance. Let your feelings teach you. Invent Pure Dance for yourself.

This is one of those soft skills that no one teaches you growing up, but it's so powerful for dealing with women. You can use dance to guide a woman's emotions and moods. But beyond that, it's powerful just for yourself.

Pure Dance is a test of your ability to feel. Are you able to take the stick out of your own ass? That's not as easy as it seems — to be able to do it sober, at will — especially if you are a serious intellect.

Note: A trap here would be to develop a choreographed dance routine. You have to let that go and develop spontaneous dance skill, which is a different thing.

December 1, 2024

This channel has some amazing videos about General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, and theoretical physics. I recommend you watch them all. They are some of the best explanations of physics you'll ever find.

It's important that you understand some of the fundamental insights at the heart of General Relativity, because relativity has much broader implications in epistemology and metaphysics. It's important that you understand that distance, time, velocity, position, and rotation are relative.

The physical length of material objects is relative because the very notion of "length" is a human construct! Length is not a discrete notion because length is so entangled with the speed of light. Length cannot exist by itself without light! Because the only way you can know that anything has length is through light. To understand this is fucking profound.

It's astounding that people believe that their morality, worldview, and epistemology is not relative when science says that length, time, and velocity are relative. Physical space is relative! Yet Christians believe that their religion and morality is not relative. Physical space is relative! Yet scientists believe that their science is not relative. Physical space is relative! Yet progressives believe that the wrongness of racism is not relative. What an intellectual embarrassment.

Humans are so disconnected from reality. The implications of General Relativity are so radical, yet nobody understands them or takes them seriously. Relativity is baked into the very fabric of space-time, yet humans go around acting like their stupid human constructions and narratives are not relative. The blindness and incoherence is stunning. You really believe that your view of reality, your ideology, your morality, your spirituality, your science, your philosophy, is in any way absolute or objective?

Humans are not intellectually serious creatures.

November 29, 2024
