Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 38
This is an excellent primer on Saudi geopolitics. Especially the second half of the video shows you how complex and difficult geopolitics is. Neither mainstream media nor progressive media properly explains the nuances of global geopolitics, which leads to a lot of ideological games and finger-pointing, without the deep understanding needs to resolve these problems.
I would never want to live in New York, but this is amazing. I love the idea of living high. Like an eagle.
I want to seriously apologize for being too dismissive and callous about peoples' feelings and suffering in my work. I adopted that approach for selfish reasons to reach certain astounding levels of understanding of reality — which required me to turn my back on everything human. But this approach came with limits and some serious costs which have been coming home to roost.
As a spiritual teacher I want to be more sensitive to the suffering that people come to me with. Very deep recent suffering in my own life has awoken me to the importance of cultivating a deeper compassion for the many varieties of suffering and struggle that ordinary humans face. Over the last few years I had become so monomanically engrossed in my pursuit of pure understanding and reaching the highest possible states of consciousness that I started to stray from the human side of this work. The profound paradox of this work is that it is so beyond the human and the personal but simultaneously so unavoidably human and personal.
Sometimes I would say things like, "I don't care about how you feel", when a more mature response would have been for me to care. The truth is, I didn't want to care because I wanted to save my mental resources to access higher understanding. But as much as I want to say that I don't care about feelings, the truth is that I cannot ignore my own feelings when I am in deep suffering, so it is an ugly and untenable double-standard to deny the same to others. My own recent deep suffering has forced a certain kind of truth upon me: the truth of compassion and respect for humanity. One devilish trap of this work is that as you access insanely high states of consciousness you may start to become cocky, falling into the illusion of feeling that you are invincible and above humanity. But of course no matter how conscious you get you are not invincible in this human form.
My adventures in higher consciousness led me to start to develop a contempt for mankind which took me a while to figure out how to integrate. I had to question and transgress against classic spiritual virtues like humility, compassion, and goodness itself. This was a phase and it had its uses. But going forward I want to work on the humanity aspect of my development and presentation. So I apologize if I was ever dismissive of your humanity or your suffering. I could have handled that better. If you are suffering right now, if you are feeling bad, I want to tell you this: I'm sorry you're stuck going through so much hurt — sometimes it hurts so much it seems like a surreal dream — but you must stay strong and look for ways to transmute this into becoming a better human. A more loving human. And to sharpen your priorities. This requires serious optimism, turning inward, and perhaps rethinking your whole approach to life. It might also require reaching out to another human and asking for emotional support. Don't feel too proud to do that. There are good people out there who want to help. It might also require some deep solitude, of just laying in bed and crying yourself to sleep. Give yourself the comfort and love you need in your darkest hour. Remember that hitting rock bottom means that there's a lot of room for upside. And remember that bad things often lead to great things.
I'm going through a phase right now where I am doing a lot of soul-searching to determine what the next level is for me. And by next level I don't mean some higher state of trans-human consciousness but how to be a better human. I want to rethink my relationship to the human. I had started to take it for granted. A big part of why this happened to me is because I over-consumed politics, social media, and online communication, which has become so toxic and low-consciousness in the last 10 years. If you are chronically online and consuming social media or political content I have to warn you to be extremely careful or your mind will get completely poisoned within a matter of 5 years. Do not underestimate how serious this can get, and it can happen to you so gradually that you won't even remember your old humane self.
I have gotten too sloppy lately and you might say that God has given me a whipping and now I'm licking my wounds and rethinking some things. I make plenty of mistakes as I stumble my way through this work. That's one of the secrets to deep learning. You will learn a lesson 10x deeper by screwing up and feeling that pain than you will by following some rules in a book. So don't beat yourself up too much for making deep mistakes. Try to transmute your deepest mistakes into life-changing lessons that you never forget. When you make a mistake and recognize why it was a mistake, that's gold. Right now I am going through a phase where I am inspecting all of my past work, sayings, and worldview for deep contradictions and weaknesses. The mind is so sneaky, it bullshits so well, that once every 5 or 10 years you just have to step back from business as usual and go back to the drawing board.
Thanks for sticking with me despite my limitations. I will try to be a better human going forward.
And remember, it's always better to admit a mistake than to live on it forever. So don't be afraid. A huge part of healing is admitting deep errors in your ways. And I promise you, there are many deep errors in your ways.
Skeptics often ask me, "If UFOs are real, why do they only seem to occur in the United States?" Well, of course UFOs happen all around the world. In fact, one of the best documented cases of an alien crash and recovery happened in Brazil in 1996. Here's the full story (skip to timestamp 1:14:30):
I recommend watching James Fox's full documentary on this incident. It's very well done. Below is just the trailer, you can buy the full thing on Amazon.
It's amazing how similar this incident is to the Roswell incident, including the cover-up.
"But Leo! You said you don't believe in conspiracy theories." I generally don't. However, I think it's highly likely that if the military ever found an alien spacecraft or alien bodies, they would cover it up as they clearly did in the case of Roswell and Varginha. The way they do the cover-ups is pretty sloppy, which is why rumors and myths about UFOs have circulated around for decades. It's not that people are making up stories, it's that these incidents actually happened but covering them up is almost impossible so bits and pieces inevitably leak out because otherwise you'd have to kill a dozen eyewitnesses, which would be monstrously psychopathic, highly illegal, and draw even more attention to the story. The military is not ruthless enough to kill some 12 year old girl just because she saw some alien foot. But they will intimidate and discredit her, and they will bullshit the public. Bullshitting the public is what PR folk excel at.
To me, the idea that all these eyewitnesses are lying or delusional is a bigger conspiracy than a military cover-up. You have to understand that intelligence agencies like the CIA recruit sociopaths on purpose to fill their ranks. So for them lying is business as usual, especially if the topic is alien spacecraft and bodies. You just have to accept the reality that the government is not going to be honest with you about aliens because this topic is way too heavy. However, the eyewitnesses have no reason to make up such detailed, consistent, and outlandish stories.
Sometimes life is just stranger than fiction. But if you think about it properly, it's not that strange that aliens crash-land on Earth if life is abundant in the universe. It will only seem strange to you if you assume that life is impossibly rare. But that assumption contradicts basic science.
A good documentary about the real story behind Roswell:
What's amazing about the Roswell case is that the military's initial response was simply to tell the truth: That they recovered a flying saucer. They literally admitted it in their first press release! Then it took them a few days to change their story once the higher-ups realized how serious this was. And ever since they have decided to concoct cover stories rather than just being straight with the public. Remember, that during the time of Roswell the CIA didn't even exist yet! So secrecy methods were not perfected yet. It was a simpler time.
If you think about it for a bit, there is no way that any human would ever confuse debris from a weather balloon or an airplane with debris from an alien spacecraft. Even country rednecks are not that stupid. And there's no way that anyone would confuse a live alien with anything else. If you see a live alien face-to-face in broad daylight there's not gonna be any doubt in your mind about it. And that's exactly what the eyewitnesses at Roswell saw.
My backyard. Very interesting how they work. I've bumped into hundreds of them in my Vegas adventures.
Here's very good documentary about the problems at the border. One area where Progressives and Leftists go wrong is with border policy. Progressives are really delusional about not locking down the border. It's a good example of what I call "idiot compassion". When you see the actual border situation as shown in this video, it's pretty clear that the US border needs to be locked down.
This is a good issue on which the left can reach a good compromise with the right, where the right is not bat-shit crazy. The left needs to stop demonizing the right for wanting a secure border. Wanting to secure the border is not racism.