Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 34

November 9, 2023

Beautiful game:

It starts off slow. It takes a few hours to hook you, so stick in there.

I love isometric games.

November 8, 2023

This is important to understand if you want to understand global politics.

I've been on a geopolitics study spree lately.

November 2, 2023


October 29, 2023

Two points here:

  1. John Mearsheimer is consistently one of the best minds on this planet on geopolitics. I love that his takes are so realistic and unbiased.
  2. Judge Napolitano has an amazing YT politics channel with great interviews. Make sure you subscribe. You will learn a lot.

October 27, 2023

This is nuts:

What's nuts about it is how deeply their minds are brainwashed with this culture & religion. It's like an alternate reality these people live in, without any sense of construct-awareness. They are completely oblivious to how their mind is constructing all of this. And yet, at the same time, since they all do it together, it takes on a life of its own and acquires real survival value. The craziest and most arbitrary beliefs and practices can acquire real survival value as long as they are part of a self-reinforcing community. The community/religion becomes its own end.

It works sorta like this: I collect shoelaces. My whole life has deep meaning because I collect shoelaces. And shoelaces are meaningful because all my friends also collect shoelaces and we all believe that shoelaces are the greatest thing in the world. And if you question any of this, we will beat you. And since we are all so happy together, that proves this is the best way of life.

(That is sort of a strawman, but it conveys the strange-loopy, incestuous structure of this whole thing. The amazing thing is that this works at all.)

It basically doesn't matter what the content of a religion/culture is, as long as you give people something concrete to believe in and something concrete to do together. It then becomes a system of meaning and an entire lifestyle — literally a shared hallucination. And the craziest thing is that if you're fully bought into the hallucination, it can actually make for a happy, prosperous, rewarding life! You are tricking yourself into a narrow interface with reality which produces a genuinely happy life, as long as you can keep the trick going. This is the magic trick of faith.

The key insight about religion is this: Religion is not about a belief in God or whatever. Religion is a lifestyle. Religion is a pre-packaged set of meanings which a mind plugs into so that it doesn't have to go through the ordeal of questioning reality from scratch and searching for one's own meaning. Religion is like a styrofoam cup of instant Ramen noodles vs cooking your own dinner.

But if it works, what's the problem? Well, the problem is that: 1) it requires constantly brainwashing yourself to the point where you never reach construct-awareness, 2) it is such a limited understanding and experience of Consciousness, and 3) it means never understanding other worldviews and other forms of spirituality or culture, and to forever be at war with them.

Yes, you can narrow consciousness down to a Hasidic Jewish hallucination. But Consciousness is capable of so much more than that. So you never get to fully appreciate the richness, the diversity of God, if your God is the Hasidic God. A true understanding of God involves recognizing that God can hallucinate Hasidic Judaism, or Jihadist Islam, or Evangelical Christianity, or Scientific Materialism, or an infinite number of other dreams. That would be God-Realization proper.

To truly understand what religion is, how it works, and why it exists, is something very profound, that few people understand. Religion constructs a whole new reality for humans to inhabit, but it does so unconsciously, such that its inhabitants are unaware of the construction. And what's even more mind-blowing is that nonbelievers also don't understand the nature of the construction. A scientist, an atheist, does not understand what religion is! So who understands? Only those who have become so construct-aware that they have realized that science and atheism are also hallucinations.

It's not about good or bad, right or wrong — it's about construct-awareness. Are you aware of how your mind constructs meaning and culture out of thin air?

Warning: becoming construct-aware will not necessarily make you a happy or a well-adjusted member of society. It might make you miserable and depressed. Much of human happiness and productivity is grounded in pure fantasy and illusion. Which is why very few humans bother to seriously question it, and why they get upset with those who do. The typical religious fundamentalist is so bought into the hallucination that is his religion that he would rather die than free his mind of it. And of course this isn't limited to theistic religion, it also includes the scientific worldview and various others, like New Age spirituality. The bottom line is that virtually nobody on this planet is seriously questioning their own worldview, they are too busy propping it up, because their whole way of life hinges on it, and it's just too inconvenient and painful.

So why pursue construct-awareness? Because it's the only way to seriously understand reality. If you are not construct-aware your understanding of reality is as naive as a child's. In some sense I envy you. But then again, there is no greater pleasure than finally understanding the creative power of Infinite Mind.

I'm not saying religion doesn't work, nor that religion is merely bullshit. I'm saying something much more profound.

If you believe religion, you're a fool. If you dismiss religion, you're a fool. If you realize that religion is a reality constructed unto itself, you've reached some serious understanding.

The relativity of religion is such a serious thing. Contemplate its nature.

And it's not just religion, it's also culture. The relativity of culture is astounding. Much of culture is so arbitrary and silly, and yet people get so attached to it and take it so seriously. And yet, if you poo-poo all this meaning-making and just become a nihilist, you'll probably want to kill yourself. So you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Be ware of how psychologically dangerous it is to strip all meaning from your life. The consequences of a total loss of meaning in your life are much more serious in practice than they seem in theory. Without self-constructed meaning, there's very little reason to live, unless perhaps you're massively Awake.

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And this is just for fun:

October 25, 2023

"You ask, 'How can we know the Infinite?' I answer, not by reason. It is the office of reason to distinguish and define. The Infinite, therefore, cannot be ranked among its objects. You can only apprehend the Infinite by a faculty superior to reason, by entering into a state in which you are your finite self no longer, in which the Divine Essence is communicated to you. This is Ecstasy. It is the liberation of your mind from its finite consciousness."

-- Plotinus

October 23, 2023

A third of the way into this video I just burst out in hysterical laughter.

Don't forget that 70% of Americans are Christians and 25% are Born-Again Evangelical Christians. This explains why American politics is so retarded. The level of self-deception of American Evangelicals is difficult to comprehend. These sort of people are sitting on the Supreme Court and in the Senate & House!

It takes a lot of study and contemplation to appreciate how deeply religion shapes one's mind. It is such an elaborate web of mental constructions, fantasies, and self-deceptions that it becomes a reality unto itself. It's not just a set of beliefs, it's a whole way of perceiving reality and a whole way of life.

Religion is a self-brainwashing system. You brainwash yourself so thoroughly that you start to inhabit a new reality. And then you use your experience of that new reality to validate to yourself that you have the truth.

October 22, 2023

What stage Purple law looks like:

October 21, 2023

"To understand the nature of Love and its myriad self-manifestations is to grasp the nature of Being Itself, for the two are in fact one."

-- Fakhruddin Iraqi

October 20, 2023

I've shared with you the importance of heavy metal detox in a past video.

But I found a new trick for heavy metal detox besides DMSA & ALA. Which is: Zeolite Nanoparticles

Zeolite is a naturally occurring mineral which has amazing heavy metal chelation properties. This has been scientifically validated in studies. There are now a few products on the market which offer Zeolite in nanoparticle form. Zeolite particle size can range from very large to nano-sized. The smaller the particle size, the more likely the particles are to reach all parts of the body, and potentially even past the blood-brain better. This is important because you want to chelate heavy metals out of your brain. Hence Zeolite nano is the best way to go, which is different from regular zeolite powder.

Below are the two products that I use. You can find reports, testimonials, and research data for each product on their website.

Coseva TRS Advanced Website Info

ACZ Nano Zeolite Website Info

I buy my ACZ Zeolite on Amazon and I buy the Coseva Zeolite on eBay. Coseva is quite expensive. If you're on a tight budget then ACZ Zeolite is much cheaper per volume. It's hard to tell if one product is more effective than the other.

Buy: ACZ Zeolite Nano (affiliate link)

Buy: Coseva TRS Advanced

Note: These products are experimental and data for their results are not easy to obtain, so use at your own risk. It can be difficult to get independent objective proof that these products actually work. But you can test them out on yourself and see if they have any improvement on you. Individual results may vary. I make no guarantees that this will work for you. I'm just sharing stuff I use on myself, in case maybe it will help others.

You might say, "But Leo, isn't this just expensive snake oil? Where is the proof that it works?"

Well, I can't know 100% that it works, but here's the best evidence I found:

It's up to you to decide whether this is enough proof for you. You can also read the Amazon testimonials for ACZ Nano Zeolite.

If you want rock-solid definitive proof, you can purchase two heavy metal urine tests, and do them back to back, one unprovoked as a control and one provoked with heavy use of zeolite. Compare your two test results to see the difference between how much heavy metals you pee out with and without zeolite nano. It would cost you about $400 to test that, but you would have a definitive answer for yourself.

The way I use Zeolite Nano is by adding it to my heavy metal chelation rounds with DMSA & ALA. But I will also be experimenting with using it by itself in between rounds. Zeolite Nano should be less taxing on the body than DMSA+ALA, although I don't know this for sure.

Zeolite is shown to detox the following heavy metals: Mercury, Lead, Arsenic, Aluminum, Nickel, Thalium, Cadmium, Tungsten, and others. If you like to eat a lot of seafood, you could consume a few sprays of Zeolite with each seafood meal, to reduce the amount of heavy metals you ingest.

You can also purchase Zeolite powder, non-nanoparticle. It's a lot cheaper but I'm not sure how effective it is for getting absorbed into the body and detoxing organs and the brain.

Buy Zeolite Power (affiliate link)

This powder works similar to activated charcoal and its great to have on hand if you ever get food or chemical poisoning. It's also good to consume with seafood or other meals that are high in heavy metals or toxins. I prefer to use the more expensive Nano sprays vs powder because what I care about most is detoxing the brain and organs.