Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 74
Some gossip, but beautiful gossip it is:
Never forget, ambition comes with a price.
There is Japanese sect of Shinto called Konkokyo. "Kami" is the Japanese word for God.
You can read about the Konkokyo's metaphysics and descriptions of Kami on this Wikipedia page.
You will see many similarities to what I teach about Kami. For example:
"God is named 'Tenchi Kane no Kami-Sama' which can mean 'Golden spirit of the universe.' Kami is seen as infinitely loving and powerful.
Kami is omnipresent and is essentially the energy of the workings of nature and the universe that gives all things a conscious mind. This is also the reason the physical universe is referred to as 'Kami's body'. Kami is often seen as a divine ideal parent — offering love, affection, support, protection, and nurturing us through his blessings. It is taught that Kami loves all people of the world no matter their race, religion, gender, and so on. Although mentioned as 'He' in materials for linguistic convenience, Kami is neither male or female."
-- Wikipedia
Why is it that some dude on YouTube in the 21st century teaches the same basic stuff that was taught by some obscure sect hundreds of years ago in Japan?
Is this just an accident?
Find out for yourself.
If you're starting any kind of biz, this is must-known advice:
Important insights and concepts here for systems thinking, holism, collective ego, and building a better society:
I have long claimed that the left and right wing are not equally conscious, truthful, loving, or developed. Many take offense to this claim, accusing me of bias. Well, here's the proof in one image:
This chart shows the vaccination rate of every county in the US vs the percentage of them who voted right-wing (for Trump). Roughly speaking, the typical vaccination rate in right-wing counties is about 37% whereas the typical rate in left-wing counties is about 53%. The stronger a county voted for Trump, the less vaccinated it is. The other important fact you need to know is that 99% of people now dying from Covid-19 are unvaccinated.
So what this chart shows is the real-world consequences of an underdeveloped epistemic framework. You see, it turns out that one's worldview, one's beliefs, one's paradigm has serious survival consequences. Those with bad epistemologies get weeded out by natural selection. I'm not saying this to gloat. This is tragic and embarrassing. But this is the consequence of the mind-cancer that has been promoted in right-wing circles and media over the last 4 years. The constant conspiracy theories, denial of basic and obvious science, grifting off culture war issues, "socialism" hysteria, and just overall reactionary attitudes against stage Green has led to what you see in the picture above. It's in vogue these days to hate on mainstream media. But actually it is non-mainstream conspiratorial fringe media which is killing people through sheer stupidity. This is also clear evidence of the costs of abusing skepticism (false vs true skepticism). The human mind can easily be poisoned with false skepticism.
In the long run it matters how accurate and truthful your worldview is. You cannot just bullshit your way through life without paying some consequences. The more selfish you are, the less truthful your worldview will be, the more negative karma it will produce for you and your community. Which is why we at Actualized.org focus so much on epistemic issues and truth. This stuff is not "just philosophy". Millions of lives are at stake. The economy is also at stake (in case you are so selfish as to only care about the young and healthy).
Sorry, but there is empirical proof that left-wingers have higher cognitive development than right-wingers. Which of course is not to say that left-wingers are immune to delusion and group-think — they are not. But on average, right wingers have less truthful, more selfish worldviews. Remember, selfishness = falsehood. Selflessness = truthfulness. Why must this be so? Because the finite self is an illusion. So anyone who clings to the finite self too much will pay a price.
This also shows the important connection between truth, consciousness, development, epistemology, and politics. Sometimes people criticize me of being too political. Why talk about politics at all? Because if we don't work to bring truth, consciousness, psychological development, and epistemology into politics, our politics will remain a domain of darkness, corruption, and devilry. If you are sickened by the selfishness of politics you should be eager to light a candle within that place of darkness, otherwise who else will shine the light? And if you don't like conscious people taking some time out of their work to light a candle, then what right do you have to complain about the sorry state of our political situation?
Stop complaining about the darkness, start lighting candles. A candle is something which helps people see reality more truthfully. The best thing you can do for the world is to become a candle. And the more light we can create the less devils will flourish in our midst, for devils can only thrive in the shadows.
There's this popular Neo-Nazi book — The Turner Diaries — which gives us some good insight into the ethno-nationalist and fascist mind:
What you need to understand from this is that a psyche stuck in a low-consciousness state gets embroiled in a toxic, destructive energy pattern that makes fascistic action look appealing. Those of us who are not stuck in such a state often wonder how it is that people can act in such an obviously "evil" manner. Well, when you're stuck in a low state of consciousness, your life feels like shit, you are disconnected from love, you don't know how to properly receive or give love, your mind is governed by fear and bitterness, and so dominating and hurting others becomes one's reason for living. For a wounded psyche, hurting others is actually enjoyable and it can even become a sense of life purpose. A life purpose can be constructive or destructive. The less conscious you are, the more selfish you are, the more destructive your life purpose will tend to be.
Just try to imagine what life would be like if your life purpose was to exterminate an entire race who you saw as parasites responsible for ruining the world. It sounds fantastical, but plenty of people are so bitter, their connection to life is so shallow, that this becomes appealing.
I like this example because it shows you the enormous range and diversity of motivation that a psyche can have. People who experience and interpret reality is radically different ways end up having radically different motivations and values. Consciousness is extremely flexible and fluid in this regard — much more so than people believe. Consciousness's range for constructing a psyche is astounding. There are so many different possible kinds of psyches, not just a handful.
"It is the cult of self that is killing the United States. This cult has within it the classic traits of psychopaths: superficial charm, grandiosity and self-importance; a need for constant stimulation; a penchant for lying, deception and manipulation; and the incapacity for remorse or guilt."
― Chris Hedges
Here's a prime example of the twisted ways one's mind can interpret reality:
The meta-problem with all such "intellectuals" is that they are not construct-aware. In other words, their own mind is not conscious of how it is constructing, imagining, and projecting symbolism and meaning onto reality.
The Universe is a field of consciousness that dreams up symbols, meanings, and ideas, and spins them into coherent, life-like narratives.
Consider this: your life is not a biological or physical process or phenomenon. Rather, your life is a narrative spun by Universal Mind, of which biology and physicality are sub-narratives. The Universe is a not a physical system, the Universe is a Mind which spins the narrative that physical systems exist outside of a narrative. "The brain", "the body", and "the world" are not things that Mind occurs in, they are elements of a narrative that Mind is spinning. Mind itself is unlimited and not bound by any physical constraints or needs. In other words, a brain cannot exist without Mind, but Mind has no problem existing without a brain. The key insight is to realize that Mind is more fundamental than brain or atoms. Until you realize this, you do not grasp the significance of what reality is.
But anyhow, the key for not deluding oneself is to be conscious that whatever interpretations you're making, to recognized them as part of your reality-construction-project. Until you accomplish this you will keep getting lost in your own interpretations, confusing them for an objective material world.
As much as Jordan Peterson rails against the dangerous excesses of the neo-Marxist/progressive worldview, how about the dangerous excesses of the Jordan Petersonian worldview? — as exhibited by the guy in the video above? When some conservative mind gets ahold of JP's philosophy — that's way more dangerous, even if JP himself is innocent.
Make sure you don't fall for the misinformation being spread about the Covid vaccine's supposed ineffectiveness.
All the vaccines are nearly 100% effective against hospitalization and death.