Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 123

September 29, 2017

With anything you're angry about — and I do mean ANYTHING — you can stop and ask yourself, "What aren't I understanding about this situation? What is the bigger picture that I'm missing?" and I guarantee that you can find a bigger picture which makes you go, "Oh, of course... This is exactly as it must be. Reality is functioning perfectly so there's nothing to be angry about."

You could be getting nailed to a cross, and still find this understanding.

Now... whether you actually find this big picture, and how quickly you find it, is another matter. That will depend on your level of knowledge of the world, your level of personal development, and how much consciousness work you've done. Don't expect to always find it if you're a newbie to this work. But it is there to be found all the same. Which is nice to know. It's easier to solve a puzzle when you're sure it has a solution.

One way to see anger is as the result of too narrow of a perspective. The whole problem is, the mechanics of reality are so ingenious and epic, they dwarf the human mind. If you saw the mechanism in its entirety, you'd melt into a puddle of goo.

And don't forget, if you're unable to find the wider perspective, that's also part of the mechanism.

It's safe to start assuming that reality is perfect. The only imperfections are how you relate to it. And even those imperfections are perfect.

September 29, 2017

"The lazy one works twice as much."

-- Mexican proverb

September 27, 2017

I want to introduce you to these two thinkers. They have some important, fascinating, and paradigm-busting ideas about the evolution of human civilization.

If you like that one, watch these additional videos:

Joe Rogan #872 - Grahman Hancock & Randall Carlson
Joe Rogan #606 - Randall Carlson
Joe Rogan #852 - John Anthony West
Joe Rogan #961 - Grahman Hancock, Randall Carlson, Michael Shermer

A lot of meta-lessons about epistemology can be learned here. Whether or not their theories are actually correct isn't as important as becoming aware of the many taken-for-granted assumptions you hold about human civilization. The point of these videos is to open your mind, not to get you to replace one set of beliefs for another.

It's a rather deep rabbit hole, and rather speculative. It's a lot of hours of watching, so don't get too distracted by it from your main line of personal development work. But this stuff is worth knowing about. It's important to start to break down the mainstream illusion which we've been taught, that 21st century society is the greatest thing ever. Nope, we are ignorant chimps, so stuck in the Dark Ages we hardly realize it.

September 26, 2017

"Success makes a fool seem wise."

-- British proverb

September 25, 2017

You can be sure that if TED bans a talk, it's one of the most important and accurate ones. People get so self-deceived by paradigm lock.

September 21, 2017

"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one striking at the root."

-- British proverb

September 21, 2017

Look at this cube until you experience a Gestalt shift.


Notice how radical of a shift in perspective your mind can experience with this very simple image. That gives you a little taste of what we mean when we say that reality is relative.

Now imagine, if you will, that existence itself is a relative notion. If you look at an object one way, it appears to exist. If you look at it another way, it ceases to exist. Poof! What was once a solid, physical object now looks like a hollow mirage. Where did the physicality go? Where did the cube above go? Its existence was a matter of perspective to being with.

September 19, 2017

"Do not blame God for having created the tiger, but thank him for not having given it wings."

-- Indian proverb

I'm thinking I'll start a recurring series here on the blog of thought-provoking proverbs from all around the world. I've got hundreds of juicy ones to share. Short and simple. Hope they inspire you.

September 18, 2017

Here's an additional cool way to think about this week's video topic (What Is The Devil):

If you're a math-inclined thinker, you'll appreciate the following equations:

  1. Devil = unconsciousness = ego = self = evil = selfishness = ignorance = division
  2. God = consciousness = True Self = No-self = love = selflessness = wisdom = unity
  3. Devil = 1/consciousness
  4. God = 1/Devil

What the 3rd equation means is, the less consciousness you have, the more of a devil you are. As consciousness approaches infinity, the devil approaches zero (annihilation). Good to know.

What the 4th equation means is, the Devil literally is the division of God! It's no accident that some of the Devil's favorite tools include division, separation, fragmentation, and partiality. Because God is EVERYTHING — a unity, a totality — God is best approached through holism. So the Devil does the exact opposite, sowing division and separation everywhere he can. Since the Devil is literally a division within God, it makes perfect sense.

Notice that anywhere you find fragmentation, you also find unconsciousness and mayhem. Also notice, that the nature of mind and thought is to fragment reality. An accident? No! The Devil's breeding ground is the mind! That's where he roosts. Because where else can a concept exist?

Also notice that our society tends to fragment reality. Look at the majority of science. Look at the majority of spirituality. Look at partisan politics. Look at how our schools compartmentalize education. Is this an accident? No! The Devil knows that controlling social institutions is of vital importance to his scheme. Since falsehood can only exist in a large society if it goes unnoticed, that can only happen if everyone is bought in to the same tacit delusion. So the Devil takes great care to corrupt all social institutions, biasing them against holism and towards division. When everyone is solely focused on his or her own little department, the Devil is happy. Now he can flourish.

But you must never forget that: God = Devil. Unity means, the bringing together of all divisions. So don't make the mistake of pitting God against the Devil. God IS the Devil. Form is formlessness, formlessness is form. At least if you've experienced nondual consciousness. If you've never experienced nondual consciousness, this won't make sense for now. That's okay. Work towards it. Start by observing the Devil working in you.

Evil is just ignorant love.

September 11, 2017

It is possible to become conscious of what you were before you were born.


Reflect on the monstrous significance of that for moment.

How is this possible?

It's an outrageous claim. And as far as you know, it could be false. But what if it's true? What would that mean for your entire worldview?

Can you try to imagine the possible ramifications of such a discovery on your life?

Mainstream culture is not openminded enough to acknowledge such a possibility. Don't let that deter you.