Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 108

October 1, 2018

There are dozens of different kinds of psychedelics and dozens of different kinds of neurotransmitter receptor sites in the brain. Each psychedelic has a unique neurotransmitter receptor site profile. This is like the psychedelic's unique fingerprint, which determines the qualitative effects you feel during the trip. It can be illuminating to compare the fingerprints for various psychedelics.

The following is a chart I put together that you won't see anywhere else. It maps over 40 receptor sites and a dozen psychedelic substances. Each vertical column represents the psychedelic's receptor fingerprint. Dark squares represent lowest activity, bright squares represent highest activity.


Looking over this data, some interesting observations jump out:

  • Notice the unique fingerprints of MDMA, ibogaine, and salvia. Salvia and ibogaine are two of the most unique substances. Ibogaine activates almost all the opposite receptor sites of conventional psychedelics like LSD, psilocybin, and DMT. This should tell us that an ibogaine trip will be unlike any other (as people report). Salvia pretty much only activates one receptor site: KOR, which no other convention psychedelic activates at all. KOR alone is responsible for salvia's notorious craziness.
  • Notice how LSD is the most active overall psychedelic. It lights up so many receptors, and it certainly feels that way when you're tripping.
  • Comparing ordinary DMT with 5-MeO-DMT we can see that DMT is very active in the Alpha1A - Alpha2C range while 5-MeO is not. This suggests that the Alpha range is responsible for the intensive visual hallucinations that DMT is best known for, but which 5-MeO-DMT almost entirely lacks.
  • Pay close attention to the Imidazoline1 row. This receptor site seems to be responsible for the experience of infinite divine love. The 3 greatest activators of Imidazoline1 are: MDMA (219.7), DPT (340), and DIPT (356). But any psychedelic which is active in this row will have a good chance of giving an infinite love feeling during your trip. Interestingly, LSD has no Imidazoline1 activation.
  • Notice how unique and "mild" mescaline looks compared to 2C-B and 2C-E (its closest chemical cousins). Perhaps this is why people report that mescaline trips (despite the initial nausea) are some of the most pleasant trips, with few reports of bad trips.
  • Notice the differences and similarities between Psilocin & LSD.

The chart would be even better if I could find some data for 4-AcO-DMT, 4-HO-MET, AL-LAD, DXM, ketamine, bufotinine, and datura.

In the future, with more research, we should have really accurate maps like this for all psychedelic substances. We could even design new psychedelics to uniquely target specific receptor sites.

Data Source: Psychedelics and the Human Receptorome, Thomas S. Ray, Feb 2010

September 30, 2018

This is a very important video. Watch it all the way through while doing the following:

  1. Be very mindful of your judgments.
  2. Be very mindful of how you separate yourself from these Mormons in your mind, taking a "me rational", "them irrational" attitude.
  3. Contemplate how your current place in life, and all of your beliefs, are the result of cultural indoctrination

Do not think you are any different than these Mormons. Fundamentally, every human in the world is just like them. All of your cultural, political, spiritual, rational, and scientific preferences were programmed into you in a very similar manner, just less obviously so. Think about all the ways you were indoctrinated: kindergarten, family, school, church, high school, university, friends, social circles, parties, sports, books, magazines, radio, TV, internet, video games, commercials, grocery stores, shopping malls, etc.

Contemplate the notion that ALL of your beliefs about reality are cultural programming. You didn't believe them because they were true, you believed them because you knew of no other possibility. Of course this includes all of your so-called "scientific" and "rational" ideas. Hardly a single idea you have came from independent contemplation of reality. And to top it all off, you basically run around infecting other people with your ideas just like the Mormon zombies above. And if anyone tries to point all this out to you, you will of course vehemently deny it.

Who would you be, what would your life be like today, if you had not been indoctrinated with all the ideas present in your head? Imagine if you were born into a Mormon family, a Muslim family, an orthodox Jewish family, a polygamous family, etc.

Watch out! You may think to yourself, "Phewwww! I'm so lucky I wasn't born into one of those fundamentalist families. I really dodged a bullet!" Except you haven't! All of your secular liberal ideals are also just cultural indoctrination. If you believe in the value of democracy, freedom, goodness, equality, justice, truth, etc. — all of that is cultural indoctrination! You did not invent a single one of those values/ideals. Notice this! Stop bullshitting yourself. Carefully trace where each of your ideals came from. Not the myth of where they come from, but where they ACTUALLY came from: someone indoctrinated you and you swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.

Only if you understand this will you have a chance of breaking free.

Try to imagine what it would take for those Mormons to break free.

Now you have a sense of what it will take you to escape The Matrix.

September 29, 2018

Eye-opening documentary about the intersection of ego, health, and environmental regulation.

Notice how the ego-mind rationalizes and adapts to unhealthy conditions as long as it serves the ego-mind's way of life. The ego-mind is not going to admit that its entire community and city are built on a toxic premise.

Notice how this is really an issue of collective ego.

Spiral Dynamics stage Orange and below turns a blind eye to these kinds of environmental concerns. This is all very predictable.

September 26, 2018

Here's a really good analysis by Fareed Zakaria of what's going on in global politics:

He is talking about transitioning Europe and the US to Spiral Dynamics stage Green.

Politics is basically about evolving our identity as a nation. The turmoil we're seeing in politics today is the result of old, ethnocentric, nationalistic identities struggling to evolve into new, more global, more multicultural, more cosmopolitan identities. As the world gets smaller due to digital interconnection, ease of travel, migration, and inter-racial relationships the old national, cultural, and ethnic boundaries will inevitably get blurred, leaving many traditional egos feeling their identities threatened.

What is required is an openmindedness to a new, wider identity. You can no longer just be an American, a German, a Muslim, a Jew, a man — you must open yourself to being a global citizen, a human. It is not sustainable to maintain isolationism and nationalism in the face of a rapidly evolving global marketplace. The globe is only going to interconnect more, not less. Diversity will be thrust in your face whether you like it or not.

Zakaria cites political scientist Francis Fukuyama as saying, "Identity is the deep-seated psychological need to be recognized as possessing dignity." But this fails to appreciate the depth of the problem. Identity is not merely a psychological need, identity is an existential, metaphysical imperative. Threats to one's identity are not merely perceived as a psychological annoyance, but life-threatening. Because identity is not a physical, objective fact but a conceptual construction. One's identity and one's reality are deeply enmeshed and mutually reinforcing.

This is why stage Blue and Orange egos resist stage Green with such passion. To the ego this feels like battle to the death. Because it is death! Death = loss of identity. And the ego will always lose!

But it is also a rebirth into a larger, better, truer you. Your true identity is infinite.

The trick is to get over yourself. (Which of course no one wants to do.)

What people fail to understand about politics is that it's not merely a personal preference for various "good" or "bad" social and economic issues. No! Politics is a battle to invent "good" and "bad"! Politics is a battle to the death to define one's identity, reality, and to rig the structures of society to maximize the survival of one's ego. This is why you don't find much truth in politics. Its purpose is the opposite of truth: survival through fabrication.

Politically in the US and in Europe things are going to get worse before they get better. Stage Blue & Orange are entering their sunset phase in the highly developed Western countries, but they are not going away without a fight. Be prepared for backlash and desperate death throes over the next 50 years. Be prepared for lots of propaganda, fake news, demonization, and disinformation campaigns. This is how the devil plies his trade.

September 25, 2018

Informative talk:

September 24, 2018

Here's an excellent salvia trip report. It gives a sense of how radically surreal consciousness can get. Salvia is one of the craziest psychedelics. I've heard descriptions like "I became a glass of orange juice" or "I drowned in a waterfall of Post-It notes."

Saliva is a dangerous psychedelic which I do not recommend, and certainly never do it without a reliable trip sitter.

September 23, 2018

This is how Spiral Dynamics stage Blue reasons about morality:

In reality, murder is NOT wrong precisely BECAUSE God exists! God IS murder! How could God be infinite and yet exclude murder?? In the eyes of God, nothing is wrong. Only in the eyes of a big fat ego — like Dennis Prager (above) — is anything "wrong".

This is the fundamental delusion of conservatives — they all tend to be moralists.

Oh, the ignorance!

September 20, 2018


Your mind's interconnectedness, placebo vs mushrooms:


Now that's what integral thinking looks like! :D


September 18, 2018

Vernon Howard is the one of the greatest least-known nondual teachers of all time.

If you've ever wondered why I sometimes deliver teachings like I am talking down to you, it's because I love Vernon's acerbic, in-your-face style. He has no qualms belittling you like a school girl.

When he speaks, your dumbass listens:

This is nonduality for people who love getting schooled for the devils that they are.

Damn, I love it! The epitome of masculine compassion.

September 16, 2018

Here we answer the question, "How are metaphysics and epistemology connected?" This is what 2500 years of Western philosophy and science have failed to understand: