Talladega Spirituality

By Leo Gura - February 19, 2025

The perfect illustration of how humanity corrupts God with its own survival:

When we say that religion is stupid, this is why. Religion is a corruption of God by mixing God with human survival agenda. This clip makes it look silly, but if you look at how humans use God/spirituality in their lives, it’s not far off from this clip. Humans use God as a survival tool, and they genuinely have no understanding that there’s anything wrong that. Humans don’t really want God, what they want is God as a tool to serve their petty human biases and needs. You want God to help you earn more money, make you more popular, give you sex, breed your children, give you political power, and spread your human mind viruses across the land. You want God to make you feel good. You want God to endorse your judgments and criticisms. You want God to align with your historical ethnic fantasies. You want God to anoint your tribe and damn your enemies. You want God to endorse your silly political views. You want God to make you successful. You want God to feed red meat to your ego. And perhaps, most of all, you want God’s Love to be the grotesque, selfish, pathetic love that you have mistaken for your survival. And when God doesn’t do those things you get quizzical and find some way to rationalize it without changing anything fundamental in your view of reality, humanity, or yourself.

How can God or Love be understood when this is what humans want spirituality to be?

By the way, this is also a perfect parody of Trumpism.

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