Matthew McConaughey's Self-Help Grift

By Leo Gura - February 21, 2025

The self-help industry, especially anyone associated with Tony Robbins, is such a shameless grift. Here’s a prime example of how the grift works:

This is just milking of celebrity and charisma for profit.

One of the most disappointing aspects of the self-help industry is how it has been turned into a vapid hyper-capitalist money-making machine. These people have turned the selling of self-help into a pathetic incestuous formula. It’s such a shocking level of corruption once you learn the behind-the-scenes of this industry. These people are utterly delusional. It’s like a secular version of prosperity gospel.

So, there’s two lessons here:

1) Don’t fall for such grifts. Distinguish genuine development work from fake capitalistic self-help.
2) Don’t become such a grifter yourself. Don’t get sucked into the self-help grifter ecosystem because it is corruption and it will corrupt your consciousness.

The self-help industry is as corrupt as politics, social media, Wall Street, corporate culture, and religion.

And third lesson for you here: notice how effective charisma is for selling bullshit. Never again be fooled by charisma. You should be intelligent enough to see right through it. The deepest insights and lessons you will learn in life will not come with a charismatic delivery. The deeper an insight is, the less charisma it needs. The shallower a thing is the more charisma is needs to sell it. The deepest teachers have the ability to be charismatic but they lay charisma aside because they are conscious and mature enough to know that it is inappropriate to use charisma to manipulate their students. Being influenced by charisma is for fools.

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