Spiritual Enlightenment - Intro
By Leo Gura - February 9, 2015 | 407 Comments
The most SHOCKING truth you’ll ever hear!
Video Transcript
Hey, this is Leo for Actualized.org, and in this video I want to talk about the most advanced, most profound, most important and most challenging concept that I have discovered in all of my personal development research, and that is spiritual enlightenment.
Warning — this video will cause you emotional distress, including anger, depression and confusion.
There is a profound truth that virtually no human beings on the planet understand. This includes you. This includes humanity, society and science at large. This truth is so rarely known that, just to give you an idea, out of the 7 billion people who live on Earth, on this planet, we don’t know for certain, but we can estimate that perhaps 10 thousand of these 7 billion understand this truth.
The rest do not. They are completely clueless to it. What is worst of all is that this truth is fundamental to your happiness and emotional well-being in life. This is not some abstract philosophical truth. This is a very practical, most important and most profound truth that you can understand as a human being. The problem is that this truth is also extremely nuanced and delicate.
To understand this truth takes something really extraordinary of yourself. It takes extraordinary open mindedness, extraordinary self-honesty and extraordinary commitment to the path to discover this truth. This truth is not discovered through a simple video or reading a book.
It takes a lot more than that. In this video, I am going to put you on the track towards this truth. This video will not give you the truth. It will tell you about the truth and how you can undertake a journey to discover this truth for yourself, if you should choose to do it.
I want to start off by giving you a sense of what I mean by the need for open mindedness in this investigation and what I also mean by nuanced truths. Because as we go through society, as we are raised and go to school and go to college, we’re off in the business world, all these places don’t teach us to deal with nuanced truths very well.
Even if you are an intellectually rigorous person, you went to a university and you did research there, that is still not going to be sufficient to do this investigation. What we’re going to show you here is this. I will show you an experiment right now that’s going to help to open your mind to the possibility that there could be something that’s true, right before your eyes, right under your nose, but yet you’re not seeing it.
So, this truth we are talking about, it’s not going to be some hidden dragon, mystical unicorn or some deity out there somewhere that you are never going to get to see. It’s right before your eyes. You can see it right now, except you’re not aware of it because you haven’t developed your psyche far enough along so that you can see it.
Now, it’s not immediately clear that this is even possible, that something could be so obviously there, but then you’re not able to register it. So, to give you a taste of that, I want to show you an optical illusion to start to open up your mind. In a second here, this screen is going to change.
What I want you to do is when the screen changes, you are going to press the pause button and then you’re going to look at this optical illusion. Here are the instructions for what you are going to do. You are going to put your face up towards the screen, not too close, maybe a foot or two away from the screen.
You are going to focus your eyes. Hold your head steady. Focus your eyes on a little dot right at the center of the screen. There is going to be a little dot. You are going to focus on it, and you are going to keep looking at it.
Just look at it, and look at it, and look it. Hold your head straight and see what happens. What’s going to happen is an interesting phenomenon with your visual awareness. I am not going to spoil the surprise, so go ahead and do that right now. Then, we will talk about it when you come back.
This is not what spiritual enlightenment is, but it’s a little bit of like an analogy of what it might feel like to experience spiritual enlightenment, in the sense that there could be something right there that appears one way to you under certain circumstances, in a totally different way under slightly different circumstances.
This is in fact so, even though the facts of the situation haven’t really changed. That’s what this truth is. It is the truth that’s kind of hidden out in the open. It is hidden in the open so much that when you find out and discover the truth for yourself, it’s going to shock you just how obvious it was the whole time and how obvious it should be to everybody else, and yet nobody knows about it.
Uncommunicated Truth
As a possibility, I want you to consider that a truth can exist that cannot be communicated. Can you open your mind to this possibility? This is very important, for you to be able to understand what we are talking about in this video. A truth can exist that cannot be communicated.
Think about that. Why would that be the case if that could be possible? How could that be the case? Well, our communication is a system after all. This system has to function in certain ways. Could it be that this system functions in certain ways that produce blind spots as we’re communicating?
By the way, communication also involves thinking. Sometimes, people think that thinking is separate from communication. Actually, these two things are very closely related because, in your own mind, you communicate with yourself all the time.
The way in which you think is basically a form of self-communication. We’re including communication and thinking together here. Imagine this communication, plus you’re thinking in just the way that it was built and designed that it can produce blind spots.
If you’re not aware that these blind spots can exist within the way that you communicate, within language and within the system of thinking and logic itself, then you might not see things that are right there and really obvious. Could that be possible, just in theory? Can you allow that to be a possibility?
Also, consider this additionally. What if your psyche, your very psyche and how you rationalize and think about the world, what if this system was also designed in such a way that, just to get it up and running, it had to be based on certain assumptions and certain mechanisms?
These mechanisms and assumptions also produce blind spots for your psyche to exist at all in the first place, for there to even be a psyche, because what is a psyche? A psyche is not a simple thing. We might look out into the world and we might say a tree is a simple thing.
A rock is a simple thing, but a psyche – what is a psyche? We don’t even know if this is a physical object. Consider that this thing we call a psyche, for it to even exist, it might have to be founded on something that is fictional and that is not true.
Can you open your mind to that possibility? Good! We are going to continue building on this. I am going to tell you exactly what spiritual enlightenment is, in a very clear—cut way. I’m not going to beat around the bush. Before we get to the actual meat and before I tell you, I want to set up your mind so that you can understand this truth.
Like I said, this truth is so delicate and so subtle that it’s very easy to misunderstand it. The first thing I want to say is that this video is designed for rational people. If you consider yourself a rational, scientifically minded, serious and intellectually rigorous person, that’s perfect.
That is how I was before I discovered this truth. Early in my adulthood, I spent a lot of my time discovering and researching what is the actual truth. How do I get to the bottom of things, and not just believing what people tell me?
This meant thinking independently for myself and really doing serious research to discover this, not taking it for granted that we already know what the truth is. So, that’s good. This video is not for New Age, hippie and dogmatic people.
There isn’t going to be any New Age stuff in this video. There aren’t going to be any hippie notions. There isn’t going to be any dogma. There isn’t going to be any mysticism. We are not going to be talking about Gods, philosophies, conspiracy theories, deities, mythology or religion.
All of that is going out the window here. If you don’t like that stuff, great! In this video, what I am going to help you to do is I want to help you to start an empirical investigation into this truth yourself, because this truth can only be discovered through a personal empirical investigation.
You have to start doing the research, doing the looking and finding the facts for yourself, generating your own proof. Remember, if this truth is actually incommunicable, it cannot be communicated. That means that I can’t give it to you, nor can teachers, professor or a spiritual guru.
You have to find it for yourself. This empirical investigation is going to be very important. What I mean by empirical is that you’re going to be using your own faculties, the things that you know the best. You will be using your own sight, sound, feelings and emotions, your own consciousness and your own thoughts. You will be using all of this to discover this truth for yourself.
You’re not going to have to rely on other people telling you things. You’re not going to have to believe people. Another thing you should understand is that this investigation that you will be doing is going to be very different, radically different than anything you’ve ever done in your life, even if you’ve done scientific research before and even if you come from a university background or whatever your background might be.
This is a very different investigation than you are used to. If you are a spiritual person, this is different than any kind of investigation you’ve done in your spiritual work as well. Be open minded that you can be using a process here that is different and something that you’re not comfortable with using.
That’s okay. You’re going to have to learn along the way. Here are a couple of things you are going to need to make this journey successfully, even to begin the journey and to just understand what I am going to tell you in this video. You are going to need these things – open mindedness to the ultimate degree, complete open mindedness and the ability to embrace paradox.
That means if something is paradoxical or contradictory to you, after I say it, you need to be comfortable with holding that paradox and embracing it for potentially a long period of time, not just hours and days, but potentially months and years. Can you embrace a paradox for years, before you’re able to get it to resolve?
It will resolve in the end, but it’s going to take patience with you and from you. It’s going to take a willingness to want it to resolve. You are going to have to work for it. The third thing you are going to need is a desire for Truth. That is truth with a capital T.
You’re going to have to really want to know what the truth is, not because it serves you, it’s pleasant, interesting or because you can come up with some theory and you can now justify certain actions that you do in your life with this truth, but simply for the sake of knowing the truth itself.
The fourth thing you are going to need is that you are going to have to be completely objective as you do this investigation and as you listen to me as well. You will also need a healthy dose of skepticism here too. Be skeptical about things I’m telling you, but also be skeptical about the things your mind is telling you because while I’m talking, your mind is talking.
You have a tendency to be biased towards what your mind is telling you. That’s the whole danger of discovering this truth. It’s very tricky because your mind is going to play games with you, to prevent you from seeing it. I’ll talk more about that a little bit later.
The Truth Will Scare You
This truth is going to scare the shit out of you. That’s not an exaggeration. It is also going to confuse you. It’s going to confuse you, especially if you’ve been following some of my other videos, the more normal videos that I do on personal development topics.
It is going to confuse you. It is going to confuse you if you are a religious person. It is going to confuse you if you are a scientific person. It doesn’t matter who you are. It’s going to confuse you. It does not matter who you are, but it is going to scare the shit out of you.
It’s going to emotionally disturb you. Why is this the case? It is necessarily the case because this is how the psyche protects itself and protects its own structure. To discover this truth, we really need to break down the structure of the psyche, which is not a comfortable thing for most people.
If you’re a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or a spiritual person, the things I’m telling you in this video, if you actually take them seriously, will crush your models of reality. They will crush you. If you’re an atheist, scientist, academic or Agnostic, you will also be crushed by the things I’m telling you.
Why is this so? Because the models you’ve built up over your entire lifetime, no matter how true you feel that they are, we are going to be challenging these models here. These models are built on somebody’s assumptions that we are already questioning, and you do not like questioning these assumptions.
The end result of this journey will be the dissolution of your models of reality. If that doesn’t sound scary, trust me, it will be when you start doing it and feeling it in practice. However, also realize that when you are feeling this fear, you have to be very self-honest and ask yourself – why is there fear here?
Why do I fear going in this direction? Why do I fear doing this investigation? After all, I’m doing it very objectively and honestly, yet they’re so much fear there. What is the psyche hiding? You have a very firm mental model of who you think you are, you, as an entity in this life.
You have assumptions that you’ve made about yourself that you have never really questioned. What we’re doing in this video is we want to challenge some of those assumptions and start to question some of those. You need to be open to question this stuff.
If you’re closed to that, then you might as well turn off the video. The problem is this. When you say to yourself and you say to me – “Yes Leo, I want to do this investigation, it sounds interesting, let me do it.” The problem is that you don’t appreciate just how psychologically tricky your psyche is going to be here.
You are going to be psychologically manipulated and sabotaged by your psyche to prevent you from seeing this truth. Now, you might wonder why that is the case. It sounds very nefarious, almost like a conspiracy theory. We’ll talk more about that as we continue.
For now though, what I want you to do as I am about to tell you the truth, I’m getting to the truth and I’m going to tell it to you right now, point blank, is I want you to watch extremely carefully for an emotional reaction in you.
Your psyche will produce an emotional reaction right now. I want you to watch for it. I want you to just observe it. Don’t react; just observe your emotional reactions. So, here’s the truth.
To get you to really understand it, we need to get your mind around what we mean by the concept of you. When I talk about you in this video, I want you to be very clear about what we mean by you.
The Truth – There Is No You In Reality
Right now, I want you to stop everything that you’re doing. Focus right now on what I’m saying. I want you to get really comfortable in your seat. Relax; get your back up straight. I want you to close your eyes right now, as I’m speaking, and follow along.
Now, what I want you to do is I want you to get in touch, as your eyes are closed, with the present moment. Feel yourself breathing gently, in and out. Feel those sensations in your body that you really were not aware of before, such as the pressure of your butt on the seat and the pressure on your feet.
Feel your hands. Get in touch with the present moment. Also notice that there are thoughts. There is like an inner dialogue that is happening inside your mind. It might be saying any kind of random thing. Notice that there’s a thinking going on inside.
Notice that there’s awareness inside of you, an awareness of life and awareness of being and existing, of living and all these feelings, even the colors that you see through your closed eyelids. Notice that.
Now, what I’d like you to do is I want you to get in touch with YOU, who you know that you are, the most true thing that you know about yourself, which is that you exist. Get in touch with the evidence of your existence. Maybe you think it’s your thoughts, the thoughts that are being thought or the feeling in your body.
Maybe you say your name, whatever your name is. You can say it. That is me. Maybe you can think of some memories from your past, which are you. Most fundamentally, who you believe that you are is this thing that’s experiencing life, right? You are like at the center of life. Life is happening to you.
It’s your life. You own this life. Get in touch with that right now. Get in touch with it. You got it? You got that sense? Okay, now – the truth. Keep your eyes closed. Focus on that.
Focus on that feeling. The truth that I’m going to tell you here, the truth is that there is no such thing as YOU in reality. What you’re feeling right now is an illusion and that does not exist in physical reality. That thing that you think you are, that feels most true about life, is in fact false.
Go ahead and open your eyes. So, that is the truth. It is a very simple truth. The problems are these. A – You cannot believe this is true. That doesn’t sound plausible to you. B – Even if you do believe it, the problem is you don’t actually have an experience of it. You just have a belief, even if you took what I just said, on my word.
Let’s continue working with this truth because there’s some more stuff I need to tell you about it. Let me give you another taste of what we mean by you. I’m pointing at you right now. In your mind, you are registering this, that I am pointing at you and I’m talking to you. I’ve been talking to you this whole video. That YOU I’ve been talking to, we’re saying that YOU doesn’t exist.
Not theoretically, not philosophically, not poetically or not figuratively, but literally and physically. Everything that I am saying here is literal. I want you to register this, what I’m telling you. I want you to open mindedly register it as a truth.
Remember, also watch for that emotional reaction. Keep watching for that emotional reaction. I am going to talk about that a bit later. Let’s now continue. I want you to take your hand. Put your hand in front of you so that you’re looking at your hand.
I want you to look at your hand and I want you to notice and register it in your mind and ask yourself who is looking at this hand. Get in touch with the feeling that you, some sort of entity which we call you, is looking at this hand and seeing this hand.
This hand is being seen by someone. Have you got that feeling, that you’re seeing this hand? Good! The truth is that you’re not seeing this hand. There is no entity looking at this hand or seeing this hand. This is a pretty freaky and mind melting notion.
It is hard to even understand how this could be possible. Let me start elaborating a little bit. What we mean here is that who you think you are, this entity experiencing life, also the body, the mind and thoughts, you think about all this as you. That sense of this is myself. This is a personal cell owning life. That’s an illusion.
This doesn’t mean that the body doesn’t exist. The body clearly exists and reality clearly exists, but your notion of ownership over this reality, over this body and over your thoughts doesn’t exist. That’s a fiction.
Also, you believe that you are a perceiver, that you are something perceiving objects. So, we have this kind of model that we use. We basically assume about life that there are agents in life and then there are objects. Agents can perceive objects.
Conscious beings, like animals and humans can supposedly look at the world and see things and then other things can’t see anything. We think that we are these entities that are seeing stuff. We call ourselves perceivers. We call our perceptions perceptions.
Well, what we are saying here is that there is no perceiver. You then might wonder what is there. There is simply perception itself, without a perceiver. The hand that you’re looking – look at your hand again – this hand is real. It’s a hand.
We are saying that it’s not your hand. It’s just a hand, no different than any other hand. It’s just a hand, not yours. Moreover, no one is seeing this hand. The hand simply exists as a perception, what you would call a perception. It just exists as a perception, without a perceiver of it.
The feeling that you have, that you perceive it, is an illusory feeling. You can come into a realization that, in fact, it is not the case. You can come into realization that you are not a perceiver. What you currently believe that you are, what you think you are right now, is that you think that you’re a body and this physical entity.
Actually, what you really are, without knowing it, is that you are a thought, not a physical entity. That’s who you currently believe you are. There is kind of the false self and the true self. The false self is who you currently believe you are.
If you think that you’re the body or the one perceiving things, then that is actually not a physical entity, but a thought which is telling you who you are, this physical body. This thought is false. This is the very core of spiritual enlightenment. It is this truth.
There are also a few other corollaries to this that I want to mention and some details that I want to fill in. I want to tell you exactly what spiritual enlightenment is. When people say spiritual enlightenment, a lot of them are confused. The ones that actually know and who have experienced it, this is what they mean.
The Meanings of Spiritual Enlightenment
Firstly, they mean that who you think you are right now is a thought, not a physical entity. Secondly, what they mean is that you are not the body or the mind. Of course, immediately the question comes up – but then, if that’s the case what actually am I? That is the truth that can’t be communicated.
You have to actually experience it for yourself to know. But, we can say some things about it to give you a little bit of a sense, like a story about it. So, I will talk about it a little bit. The truth is that there is no you perceiving anything. Reality simply exists and that is the end of it. There’s no need for a perceiver of reality, which we assumed that we need.
Actually, that’s not necessary. Also, it’s the notion that we have about matter. We think about it that there are perceptions, colors and tastes, but there’s also like hard physical matter. Well, this distinction is a false distinction too because what we call matter doesn’t actually exist.
In reality, what we call matter is a conceptualization by us. What exists in reality is actually a field of awareness. So, what you call matter is actually a field of awareness. In this field of awareness you will say – “Okay, I can kind of buy that notion maybe, but then isn’t this field of awareness localized within me? Isn’t it me who’s aware of the world?”
What we are saying here is no. That’s an illusion too. The field of awareness that is reality is a non-localized field of awareness. Think of reality being self-aware, like every bit and pixel of reality.
If we can see that reality is composed of bits and pixels, then every bit and pixel is self-aware, whatever that might mean. That is very core to spiritual enlightenment. Another thing about spiritual enlightenment is that it means that life is totally impersonal.
There’s nothing personal about life, which means that everything that you take personally about your life is an illusion. In fact, life is completely neutral and completely impersonal. Even your very body is impersonal. Even your thoughts, your very thoughts about you, are impersonal.
The other thing spiritual enlightenment means is that all thoughts and all beliefs, no matter whether they’re religious, spiritual, scientific or everyday beliefs, are all just stories. They’re not reality and they’re not truth-telling. They are just stories.
They are stories about reality, but not reality itself. They don’t carry truth about reality, even though we believe that they do. Another aspect of spiritual enlightenment, which is really cool, is that because the you is an illusion and it doesn’t actually exist, mortality becomes irrelevant.
You are not the body. Sure, the body is going to decay and die. You can’t really prevent that. At least, at this point of our technological advancement, we can’t prevent that, but the body is not you. When you dis-identify with the body, you’re not going to be really too attached to what happens to it in the end.
Another important facet of spiritual enlightenment is that there is no free will. By free will, we’re not talking about philosophical concepts of free will. We mean very practically. So, the control that you believe you have over your life, all the decisions you think you make, even the motions you make with your body and your hands, even the blinking of your eyes, the thinking of your thoughts and the talking of your mouth, is all done without any input from you.
Even though it feels like there is input from you, that you have control over these things and that you consciously dictate and direct the stuff, it is actually a part of the illusion as well. When the self and the you go, the free will goes. Also, this means that all the fear, all the suffering, all the emotional distress that you have had in your life and all the problems you have in your life, are all fake.
Your entire life is a pathetic excuse, basically. It’s a pathetic escape from your true nature, from ever discovering true nature, because this is how your psyche is inherently and necessarily constructed. Your psyche cannot be constructed otherwise. It has to be constructed this way to currently sustain the way that you live.
Also, this means that all religions, all philosophies, all schools of thought, whatever they are, whether you think they are scientific and rational or irrational, are all just stories. They’re not true. They’re just stories. Another important facet of spiritual enlightenment is the thing that we’re talking about. What is spiritual enlightenment itself?
It’s an insight that you have. It is an insight into the truth of reality. That’s what it is. This insight happens in a split second. It happens in a split second, when you have it. Technically, it’s not even a you having it, considering there is no you to have the insight. The insight simply happens.
It’s important to not mistake this with an emotional state or a high of some sort. This is not some sort of a drug induced high, nor is it an emotional state that you pop into and then pop out of. It’s not a meditation high or whatever else you might think about it. It’s the truth. The truth exists always, so this is a permanent state of realization if you can attain it.
The real trick of it all is that it’s actually impossible. It’s impossible for you, you who you think you are right now, to understand any of this. Not really, you can get a taste of it through metaphor. I am kind of giving you metaphors here.
But, you don’t actually understand it because your psyche has to break down and dissolve to understand it. Only when the psyche dissolves and what’s left is the truth itself, then you understand it. It is not about just really understanding it. It is just a being of the truth itself.
When you get rid of your you, what does that leave? That only leaves reality, raw reality, no more separation, no more thoughts, no more theories, no more models, none of that stuff – just raw reality. You are it. You are the raw reality.
We were talking about the false you. The true you is actually very paradoxically nothing. You are nothing, and you are also simultaneously everything, nothing and everything. This is hard to understand. It’s impossible to understand without experiencing it.
Nevertheless, this is what it is, a fact. Everything I am telling you here is not a theory. It’s an observable fact. You don’t have to have faith in it. You don’t have to believe in it. In fact, you can’t believe in it.
You want to believe in it, but that is going to prevent you from seeing it. You have to actually see it for yourself. So, it’s an observable fact which means it can be discovered through this empirical investigation that we talked about.
Another interesting wrinkle is that all “spiritual” – I use the word with quotes, I don’t really like that word – all “spiritual” stories from the Bible, from various religious texts from the East and the West and from mystics, point to this fact right here. Except, what they do is they cover it up with a bunch of nonsense, a bunch of stories and a bunch of metaphor which makes it very confusing.
But, what I am really trying to do here is to lay it out very strictly for you, because this is what actually helps you to see it. It is a very dry fact about reality. There are no gods, unicorns, deities, heaven and hell. Reality is exactly what it appears to be, without any addition of you to it. This means that we have to subtract you from it for you to see it.
Understand And Confront The Truth
At this point, what I want to do is I want to pause. I want you to actually soak it in and take in everything I said. Drink it all in and notice your emotional reactions right now, as I’ve been laying all this on you. What are your emotional reactions? What’s your mind doing? Is it getting upset? Is it getting frustrated and angry?
Is it getting stubborn and confused? Is it getting excited? Is it having an “aha” moment? Is it getting sad? Is it getting depressed? What’s going on in there? Notice it and notice that it might be something very subtle and not as obvious as a major depression or a fit of anger.
It might be something very subtle, like a subtle resistance, a subtle not wanting to listen anymore and a subtle shifting away of attention and focus towards something else in your awareness.
Notice that? Just watch that reaction. Also, take in what I’m saying here. Take it in. The problem is that people hear this truth. This truth is talked about in spiritual books. The problem is that they just gloss over it. They just run through it.
They don’t actually understand what is being told to them. I want you to understand it. The way you know that you understand it is that you have an emotional reaction to it. So, make sure you had this emotional reaction. I hope you can sense it. This truth is outrageous.
What I told you is outrageous because I did not say it figuratively, like other spiritual texts tell you. I said it literally, and now you’re forced to confront it. In other spiritual texts, what you do is you read it and then you think it’s just a story and it is parable. It is just something from three thousand years ago when people were stupid.
No, confront the truth right now. It’s outrageous, right? It is outrageous. What I said is outrageous. Just notice that. Notice it. Just because it’s outrageous, it doesn’t particularly mean that it’s false.
Right now, also notice that if you have a lot of objections and counter arguments happening in your head, notice that it is happening. A voice inside your head is saying stuff about me and about these ideas. Notice that.
Also, notice what that is. Is that part of the communication system that we were talking about? Remember that I said this. What if your communication system was flawed and was designed a particular way that creates blind spots? Could it be that this communication system, which is functioning right now on overdrive and in your mind, is doing its usual thing and creating more blind spots?
Right now, a blind spot was exposed to you, but the communication system in your psyche doesn’t like seeing these things. So, at this point, you might be saying – “Okay Leo, this is very outrageous. Let’s say I give you the benefit of the doubt for a few seconds. How can I be so deceived? How come I am so deceived if this is in fact true?”
Well, what we’re saying is that this is not the Matrix. We’re not talking about the Matrix. Some people confuse this and say – “Leo, are you saying that nothing is true and I am living in a dream? Is that what you’re saying?” No, that is not what I am saying. Everything is real.
The world is real. Reality is real. Your hands are real. They’re just not your hands. It’s not your reality. It’s not your life. So, the only thing that we’re questioning here is the you at the center of it. That is what we are questioning.
It is kind of like five hundred years ago, before we understood astronomy. People believed that the Earth was the center of the whole Universe and that we were at the center of it all. Well, we still believe that we personally are the center of the Universe, right? Long ago, science has found out that we are not the center of the Universe.
We still personally believe that each one of us is at the center of the Universe with this life that we have, which turns out to be an illusion. So, that’s what we’re questioning. How can you be so deceived? I’ll tell you. Remember that voice inside your head, spinning objections and talking to me right now?
Well, the key assumption you made that everybody makes, that every human being makes on the whole planet, is that the inner voice that’s talking is truthful. Now, consider this. What if the inner voice was talking and labeling reality and it wasn’t truthful?
What if it was just arbitrary? You are just saying stuff and slapping labels on reality. We will call that thing a tree. We will call this thing a person. We will call this thing a building. We will call that thing a planet. We will call that thing the Sun. These are just random labels, just slapping labels on.
Also, use a random form of logic to connect these things together into some sort of conceptual framework. Then, it says – “Look, we’ve got reality! This is what reality is!” That is not what reality is. That is a very heavy conceptualization of reality. You’ve got reality itself and then you’ve got the voice, spinning stories about reality.
It constructs a web of concepts. Then, this web of concepts gets layered on top of reality. This happens so quickly, fluidly and outside of your awareness that you then get this hybrid and this augmented reality. We then look at it and say it is reality.
No, that is not reality. Reality is this thing that it was, before you spun all of this nonsense about it and all these stories. The stories that are spun, they are stories that are spun from our intuition, from our naïveté, from science, from religion, from philosophy and from every corner of life. Stories are being spun all the time.
You might wonder – “But Leo, aren’t certain stories more true than other stories?” Well, what’s telling you that your stories are true? See, to believe that your stories are true, you have to tell yourself my stories are true and then lie to yourself about it while you tell yourself that.
So, what a true story is isn’t actually a true story. What you call a true story is actually a story that has another story behind it that tells it that it is true. Sometimes, we take this up to very crazy degrees. You might have layer and layer and layer and layer, a dozen layers deep of story, telling you that this story is true.
It is a story backing up a story backing up a story. If you dig all the way down to the chain and you get to the very bottom of it, what you discover is that there’s no truth there at all. What you are creating in your mind is that you’re creating self-fulfilling prophecies or basically, a better way to put it and a more technical term, you’re question begging all the time.
You are creating vicious circles, vicious logical circles inside your mind. You then cleverly hide this under the rug and then you prop up your stories as truth. This is what you are doing. You have to strip away.
Take reality that you have hybridized and augmented and strip away all the thoughts. Just keep stripping away. Just keep stripping away until there is nothing left except the raw reality. Then, you get to the truth.
If you do that, you will then discover that there is no you at the center of it. It’s pretty cool. That is the fundamental explanation of how this stuff works. What I want to do is I want to get you another taste of what a spiritual enlightenment experience can feel like. I want to give you just an analogy of it.
I think that this is going to work pretty well. Another optical illusion is coming up here. You are going to do the same thing as last time. You are going to pause the video when the optical illusion comes up. You are going to look at it.
What I want you to do is you’re going to see a tridimensional cube. This cube can be looked at and seen from two different perspectives. The first time you look at it, you are going to see it from one perspective automatically. Keep looking at it. You might stare at it for 30 seconds or maybe a couple of minutes.
If it takes you that long, then that is good. What is going to happen is that you are going to see it flip. Try to see it. As you look at the cube, try to see it from the opposite perspective. What you see is that it will flip, in a second.
It will flip and then you will see it from the other orientation. This is a cool phenomenon. You have probably seen this before. It is called the Necker cube. Indulge me here and take a look at it again. Go!
What is interesting about this example, which is what I really love about it, is that it shows you that the facts of the matter in that picture stay the same. Nothing changes. What changes is your shift in perspective, right? That turns out to be a pretty significant difference.
The picture didn’t move at all, but in your mind, the picture moved. That makes all the difference in the world. You might wonder – “Well Leo, if what you are talking about is that the body is still here and the world is pretty much exactly as I see it except there is no me, is that like a semantic argument then? Are we just splitting hairs here and quibbling about words?”
Actually, no! We are not quibbling about words. Not at all, because based on this one falsehood in your consciousness and in your awareness, this creates a lot of your suffering and trauma in life. In fact, all of your suffering and trauma, which I am going to get to in a minute, is created by this.
This makes a very important practical difference in your life. It makes all the difference in the world. Just like in this cube example, you notice that it is subtle. It is not like we are saying that everything is going to change.
We are just saying that your perspective on things is going to change. In fact, I want to twist your mind a little bit more. What I want you to do now is to skip back and rewind to the cube again. I want you to look at the cube again.
This time, I want you to notice that we are in fact talking about cubes, but when you notice the picture, there is actually no cube represented in the picture at all. Can you remember that? Can you remember what the picture actually was?
If you cannot remember, go back and look. What it was is this. It was just a couple of circles with some stuff carved out of them. You were seeing the cube as a wireframe negative that your mind was projecting onto the image because your mind is really good at filling in blanks and stuff like that.
If you look at that picture very strictly, very dryly and very objectively, you will notice that there is no cube represented at all in that picture. It is a projection of your mind. I hope you can get a taste and a sense from this example that you are you, yourself and the ego. Say your name right now.
Nod your head right now. Who is nodding their head? No one is nodding your head. The head is nodding itself. It sure feels like someone is nodding your head, doesn’t it? Yes, it does, in the same sense that the cube really feels like it is there when, in fact, it is not.
If you live your whole life believing the cube is real, when it is in fact not real, and then you base your entire set of actions through life on the fact that the cube is real when it is not, you can imagine that it might create some problems, right? It might create some problems for you.
At this point, you might be wondering – “Leo, it is sounding a little bit plausible, but kind of crazy. Okay, let’s say I buy into it for a little bit. I just cannot understand how come society has not been buzzing about this? If this is true, it is so outrageous and revolutionary. How come more people are not talking about it?”
Let us address this question, because it is important. Otherwise, you are not going to even trust me here that this is even worth pursuing for you, as an investigation. Why isn’t society buzzing about this?
First of all, most people don’t know. Second of all, society is ramped on group think, conditioning, cultures and all sorts of delusions of the masses. We know that for a fact, just based on other theories and studies of social dynamics. So, group think is very ramped in society.
Third of all, you have to understand society. What do you call society? This great thing called society is actually a playground of distractions for your psyche. Do you understand this, what society actually is? Do you understand what it’s designed for?
Just like your psyche, the entire social system is designed so that the psyche is distracted from looking at what the psyche is not seeing. Do you understand that? This isn’t obvious, but when you start to see the truth and do the investigation, you start to see that all of society is like this without even knowing it.
This isn’t done in some sort of evil or nefarious way. Because people are unconscious, they behave in unconscious ways. They suck you into it too. It’s everything, buying houses, going partying, having drugs and drinks, the political and educational system and the corporate system.
It is all of this, and religions as well. Religion brings us to the fourth point. Why is society not buzzing about this? Actually, society is buzzing about this. It’s just that this is happening. The people who buzz about it and who actually know, nobody listens to them because they sound crazy, like I am right now.
Religions were originally supposed to be communicating this truth. Religions are ubiquitous around the world. The problem is that religions distort this truth so much because they don’t recognize that the truth is impossible to communicate. Yet, they try to communicate it anyway.
Over time, over thousands of years, the distortion becomes just so enormous. It becomes so enormous that it loses all touch with reality. In a sense, you could say that society is buzzing around it. That’s why people are religious.
They are just extremely confused about it. This truth is very difficult to communicate. This point needs to be appreciated. It is hard to understand that there can be a truth that cannot be communicated.
It doesn’t seem like that can be possible. Actually, it is very easy for this to be possible because communication is part of your language system and part of your thinking system. It is part of your psyche. Communication is part of the psyche.
Do you understand this? It assumes that the stories that are told in your mind are true. Sure, we allow for lying and deception. It never even occurs to us to question the assumption – wait a minute, all the communication that is happening in the world that has ever happened, all the thinking that has been done, could these have just been empty shells, stories and labels that were completely arbitrary?
Where Is The Proof?
Could that possibly be true? We never think about that. We never seriously consider that. You also have to ask yourself this. At this point, some people might say – “Well Leo, where is the proof? I need proof of this. You are making a really bold and outrageous claim. We need some scientific proof.”
People can get hung up on this. They can use science as an ego defense. I have a video about that called How Not To Use Science As An Ego Defense. In that video, I talk about this at length. You also have to ask yourself this.
What proof are you looking for exactly? What kind of proof are you expecting? What do some people expect, like a study? Do you expect a study to prove to you that you don’t exist? Do you expect a scientific consensus? What exactly do you expect?
Are you expecting like a microscope picture? You have to understand that we are talking about something internal. Understand that science’s proper domain is external. Science does not really deal with internal and subjective matters or what you call subjective matters.
Science is concerned about looking for molecules, calculating distances, calculating quantities and this kind of stuff. This is not what we are talking about here. Here, we are talking about a certain perspective that you have on life.
Even if there were scientific proof, you would have to wonder what kind of proof it would be. This is a very different animal than we are talking about. In fact, right now, there is a lot of research being done on neural paths and the brain.
We don’t really understand the brain very well at all. We are pretty much in the Dark Ages as far as that goes. We just don’t have the tools and technology to understand the brain. The brain is very complex. Science has theories about consciousness and reality, but one of the currently open questions in all of science, that we haven’t even scratched in the last 3000 years since it was discussed in the Greek and Roman days, is this.
How does matter, what science calls matter, and energy connect and relate to consciousness? We think that matter and energy exist, but we also tell ourselves that consciousness is the most real thing we know. We know there is consciousness.
We know there are colors. We cannot deny that colors exist. Then, on the other hand, what are colors? Are colors matter or are they something else? In philosophy, colors and sensations are called qualia.
This is the qualitative aspect of reality, which science doesn’t really do a great job at explaining. The only proof that you can get for this is by doing the empirical investigation yourself because you are investigating yourself. No scientist can go inside your mind and investigate you for you.
Only you can do that. The looking for external truth is not going to help you here. Another difficult part of this communication is that you literally cannot understand what I am telling you. Why can’t you understand it?
You can’t because there is a you that believes it is there. If you understood it, the you would not still be there, which is the thing we are trying to get rid of. For you to understand it, the only way it is going to happen is if the you dies and if we get rid of it.
Ego Death
It has to dissolve. This is why this is called an ego death in certain spiritual circles. They call enlightenment an ego death because your ego needs to die. One thing that I see people mistaking and getting wrong about ego death is this.
They assume that the ego is like some aspect of them. There is me, and then there is the ego, like the arrogant inside of me. Let me kill the arrogant inside of me and then I will be left. The wholesome me will be left.
No! We are not saying that there is a wholesome you and then some sort of nefarious ego. We are saying that all of it is one thing. The ego refers to everything, so it is your sense of you. Remember, I am pointing my finger at you right now.
Nod your head. That is you. That is the you. It doesn’t have to be something arrogant or nefarious. The other thing is this. To understand this idea, it requires very deep self-honesty. Why? This is because the self is inherently dishonest.
The way the SELF perpetuates itself is through lying or just unconscious behaviors and lack of awareness. What is required to do this empirical investigation is to simply raise your awareness higher and higher, until you see that the self doesn’t exist anywhere. But, this requires self-honesty.
You firstly tell yourself that you are already conscious. You are already fully conscious. That is what you believe. You believe that you are real. You believe in your beliefs. You believe in so many things about life that you are not ready to go in there and question them very objectively and very honestly.
You just give lip service to self-honesty. You don’t actually practice self-honesty in your life, so that is why it’s very difficult. It is also very difficult to communicate this because you don’t like it. This is not a pleasant truth.
When I go around talking about this to other people – I don’t really talk about it to other people. If I chose to, what do you think would happen? First of all, this is a very difficult communication. It is a very nuanced communication. Most people do not even listen to you.
The next thing is this. If they hear it and actually register it, they get upset. They get angry and depressed and they blame you for it. They get confused, or whatever. Their ego defense just kind of entirely keeps them away from this truth.
They might spend their entire lives not looking at this truth, not knowing that it is there. Everyone does this. Everyone in society does this. All of your friends, family, professors, business partners, wife and husband, everybody does this.
This is not a pleasant truth. You have to appreciate it. This will make sense to you. If you study how society works, you have to understand that the stuff that spreads through society is stuff that people like. It is the stuff that is pleasant.
That is why society is all built upon the most low consciousness entertainment and other things that you can possibly come up with. So, what is the most popular food, the most low consciousness and unhealthy food? It is the food that tastes the best, but is the unhealthiest.
It’s McDonald’s. What are the most popular movies and video games? They are also the most low brow and low consciousness movies and video games that you can possibly construct. They appeal to everybody and they are satisfying.
They have no intellectual value, really. You have to use your brain. That is a struggle because most people do not want to use their brains. They just want to unplug. What about music? It is the same for music.
What about politics? Politics is that way too. Who are the political leaders who win the most elections? They are the ones who are the lowest brow, dumbed down and black and white candidates. They are the ones who are the least qualified to run the country.
What about governments? Governments work this way too. Find any system in society that is widespread like this, such as religions. They are the same thing, right? It is all about making something as low conscious as possible. That is what makes it spread through society.
If there is a truth that people really hate, it’s not going to spread very well. The last and most difficult part of this communication is this. To really do this empirical investigation and to understand this communication fully, you need to spend at least a thousand hours doing this investigation yourself. I am not exaggerating.
Spend Time Investigating
I am talking about hard work, hard and emotionally distressing work that takes a thousand hours to do if you really want to understand what I am saying here. You think this video is long? This video is not long. That is at least a thousand hours.
That is in the best of circumstances. That is if you cut out all the religious dogma, all the spiritual nonsense, and go straight to the core of it. You just sit down, drill down and do the empirical investigation day after day after day, a thousand hours at best.
Many people won’t’ do this in their entire lifetime. To be more realistic, it’s more like 10 thousand hours than a thousand hours. Try to understand this. There is a truth that needs to be communicated that nobody likes, requires enormous self-honesty, threatens the shit out of your current life and world view, literally cannot be communicated and it takes a thousand to 10 thousand hours of sitting down and doing hard work to understand it.
Who is going to know this truth? About 10 thousand people in the whole world will know this truth. That is about it. You have to appreciate this. Why do you have to appreciate this?
This is because your mind is coming up with excuses right now not to listen to me. At this point, you might be saying – “Leo, this is very heavy. You are talking really heavy stuff. Some of this stuff sounds really dark, depressing and nihilistic. Where are you going with this? All I want is a good life.”
“Why would I undertake this journey a thousand or 10 thousand hours? You want me to invest that much time studying this. Are you crazy?” Actually, there are some awesome rewards which we have not talked about yet.
There are rewards of doing this work. Why would you want to do this work? It is difficult work. It is long work. There needs to be a worthwhile reward for this. Here they are. I want to numerate some of them.
The Rewards Of Discovering The Truth
Number one – You get access to the truth. It’s the Truth with a capital T. if you value truth, which you should because this is one of the highest values for a human being, then this should interest you.
If you are a scientific person, a philosophical person or even a religious person who has been looking for the truth your whole life and you think you found it or you’re not satisfied with what you have found, this is the ultimate truth. What we are saying here is the ultimate truth.
If you are scientifically minded, this sounds ludicrous to you. If you study philosophy like I have, for six years, this is a ludicrous notion. Actually, this is one of the rewards. It is the ultimate Truth, with a capital T. How? I will talk about that in other videos.
Number two – The other reward you get is lasting happiness and peace of mind. You will have true happiness. What you have now is not true happiness. You are living in a living hell. With this truth, you can actually have true peace of mind, regardless of circumstance.
This is a very cool thing. From the moment you were born and up to today, you have been living your life looking and chasing for happiness. You keep telling yourself that if you watch enough of my videos or if you do enough of the personal development work, you will find happiness.
Well, I hate to break it to you but you never will. You never will. You can already sense it because you have been trying your whole life and it hasn’t been working, has it? Don’t lie. It hasn’t been working.
No matter how many houses you get, girlfriends you get or marriages you get, you are not going to be truly happy. Why? It is not possible because the you is an illusion. This illusion needs to be perpetuated by constant motion. Constant motion creates suffering.
If you want to fix this happiness thing and be peaceful, if you want to be peaceful independent of what is happening in life, no matter if you are rich or poor, if you have a girlfriend or not, if you are married or you’re not, you’re kids are doing good in school or they are not, you’re healthy or you’re sick, you need to be spiritually enlightened. It sounds too good to be true. Again, this is one of the awesome rewards of doing this work.
Number three – The other cool thing you get is an instant elimination of self-image problems. This means all of your self-image problems. You just don’t get how powerful this is. I don’t know about you, but for me, it is very vivid.
My entire life is a drama of self-image problems. What do I mean with that? I mean caring what people thing about me, people pleasing, worrying how I look, worrying about your hair, worrying about this, worrying about that, worrying about relationships, worrying if someone is going to abandon you or love you and all of this.
All of this stuff is self-image problems. That can all be eliminated in one swoop. When you get rid of the self, there are no more self-image problems. It does not make sense.
Number four – The other thing you get with enlightenment is emotional mastery. Emotional mastery is a theme of Actualized.org that we are actually trying to develop here. Actually, it is not possible to develop true emotional mastery through traditional self-help techniques.
Why? There is actually no you at the center of it, controlling emotions or thoughts. Your delusion is to try and control emotions and thoughts, which is not possible. So, how do you get emotional mastery?
You get emotional mastery by discovering that there is no me at all in the first place. When there is no you, do you know what that does? That makes you calm and peaceful. Why does it make you calm and peaceful?
There is no longer any control and you now realize it. You finally realize there is no control. Right now, you are struggling for control that does not exist. Because of this, what happens is that you counterintuitively develop emotional mastery.
This is because there are no longer any emotions of frustration and of trying to seize control. When you let go of that whole game, you’ve got your emotional mastery. But, it doesn’t happen along the lines you were expecting, doesn’t it?
Number five – Another thing that can happen is that you will eliminate all your suffering in life. Why is this the case? Right now, you think your suffering is creating by things outside of you. Actually, your suffering is all internally created, 100% and completely internally created. This is hard to believe because you are so enmeshed with yourself.
When the self is gone, that becomes true. You can get rid of emptiness, feelings of uncertainty, feelings of depression, loneliness, anger, jealousy, purposelessness, lack of motivation or whatever emotional suffering you experience in life. You can get rid of that.
Number six – The other cool reward is that you actually get to understand the true understanding of what religions actually are. Very few people understand what religion actually is and what it talks about, which is “God”. I am putting the word “God” in quotes because it is a very misunderstood word.
It is a very misused word. You can get a true understand of that in a way that you cannot get, whether you are scientifically minded and you do a lot of anthropology, social science or whatever kind of science you do to understand religions. That is not getting you a real understanding of religions, nor is being religious getting you a real understanding of religions.
Both of these caps don’t understand religion or “God” at all. They are very confused about it. If you attain spiritual enlightenment, you are going to understand it really easily. It is a no brainer.
Number seven – The other cool reward that you get is no more fear of death. This is why the Easterners talk about immortality. I don’t know about immortality. The body is certainly going to die. It depends on what you mean by immortality.
The fear of death will not be an issue anymore. Why is it not an issue? Because, like we said, if there is no self, there is no one to protect anymore. There is no one that is going to die anymore. The body is going to die, but you are not going to be identified by your body or your thoughts anymore. It really becomes irrelevant.
Those are some of the rewards. They are pretty cool rewards. I don’t know about you, but these rewards make the process of spending a thousand hours doing this hard emotional work worth it for me. Even the first reward, just knowing the truth alone, is enough for me.
Just knowing the truth alone is worth it, even if it was not good for my life. The problem is that you look at this and say – “Even if what you are saying is true, probably not, but let’s say it is just for the sake of argument, why the hell would I want to know it? It seems like my life is going to become miserable.”
See, you are so concerned about you. You are so concerned about you feeling good. What is that? That is the ego. Also, what you fail to understand in your closed mindedness is that the greatest pleasure in life actually lies on the other end of enlightenment.
Once you get rid of your SELF, there is no more worry, no more frustration, no more stupid rat race and no more chasing of your tail all of the time. You literally get these rewards. These rewards sound pretty far out there. They seem a little too good to be true.
Make no mistake about it. You are going to kill yourself. Do you understand this? You are going to kill your SELF getting these rewards. You are literally going to kill your SELF to get these rewards. How many people are going to kill themselves?
It’s an infinitesimally small number. I am talking to you right now. You are not going to do it. Don’t worry. You are not going to get these rewards. You are too afraid to do it. If you are extremely committed, one out of a million of you who watched this video, if I get lucky enough and in my entire lifetime a million people watch this video, maybe one of you will get this.
One of you will get these rewards. The rest of you will never get them. Not only will you not get them through spiritual enlightenment, but if you don’t get them through spiritual enlightenment, this means you will never get them through any other means that you might imagine you would get them through.
So, if you want any of this stuff, this is the only way to do it. At this point, you might be wondering – “Alright Leo, so then what is the point of this video? You said that the stuff you are talking about here is just a story and I have to spend a thousand hours. What do you want me to do?”
The point of this video is to share this truth with you in a very stark way, so that it disturbs you, so that it is on your radar screen in life. You have been running around life, chasing your tail this whole time. It has not been on your radar screen.
Many of you have already heard this truth in various disguises, in spiritual literature that you have read, your religions and even with science. You haven’t actually pursued it in the way that you have to. You need to make a commitment to do a very serious, self-honest and empirical investigation, without any nonsense and beliefs, into the reality of who you are.
The purpose of this video is to introduce you to this. I want you to stop and consider this, after this video is over, very seriously. Don’t let your mind just jump onto the next thing. Don’t distract yourself.
The biggest way that people don’t achieve spiritual enlightenment is that they simply distract themselves with other stuff. They forget about it, very conveniently. You have to stop and consider very carefully. You are also going to take a look at your emotional reactions.
The emotion reaction that you have, whether you become depressed, sad, angry or offended by what I am saying, if you become critical of what I am saying, if you leave a nasty comment or you have an inclination to it or you have some objections and you want to dispute this, you have some brilliant arguments for how to argue with me, is that there are no arguments here. All of that, those are emotional reactions that you have to be conscious of.
All of those equal the proof that you have been looking for. The proof that you want right now, which you are not getting from me because you say I’m being evasive or whatever, is in your emotional reactions. You have to start seeing how your ego is deceiving you. Your ego and your psyche is what we are talking about here, right?
Just be very mindful of that. I am going to be very mindful as you are leaving comments down below. I am going to be very mindful at pointing out to you at how you are reacting emotionally. There are three dangers with this video, as I am wrapping up here.
The Dangers Of This Video
The first one is that you reject it. You reject it out of hand because you say – “This is a cockamamie idea. It is silly. It’s outrageous. There is no way it can be true.” So, you just reject it out of hand.
Let me remind you, especially for those scientifically minded people out there who want proof, that when a scientist does research, when a proper scientist does proper science, he has a hypothesis. He holds his hypothesis in his mind.
He can hold this hypothesis in mind for 10 years, 20 years, 40 years or an entire lifetime, and maybe even not prove it. He might do that and then he might disprove it at the end. If you really want to do a serious investigation, you have to actually do proper scientific method.
Just because you watched this video and you have some clever little arguments, some little ways to critique what I am saying, does not mean that you did any kind of investigation. No, that means that you have been clever and you have been tricked by your own cleverness in refusing to do the actual research.
You have to do the actual research yourself. What I want you to do with what I am saying here is just take it as a tentative hypothesis. You don’t have to have faith in it. You don’t have to believe in it. In fact, you can’t.
You can’t believe it. We are not talking about beliefs here. We are talking about an insight. You have to have an actual insight into the truth of the matter, not a belief. Don’t confuse this with other beliefs that you have.
This insight that we are talking about; you have never had one of these in your entire life. It is not a belief. Just watch out and don’t reject this out of hand. The other problem that can happen here and the other danger is that you can believe it.
If you believe what I am telling you and you are saying to yourself – “This is just like Buddhism, I’m a Buddhist and I win the religion game!” – Or you say to yourself – “Oh, I am spiritual, I am a meditator, I win, this is right, this is what I believed all along!” – No! That is not what we are talking about here.
You can’t believe this. Beliefs account for nothing. Beliefs are a story. They account for nothing. Nothing! They are just a story. They don’t help you at all. If you believe every last word I said in this video, it does not help you at all.
It does not make you any closer to the truth. The only way in which it might help you is that it might motivate you and inspire you to go out there and do the work to find it. The last danger is that you just might listen to this and think it is cool.
You might even say – “Yes, I am on board with the journey, Leo. Let’s do this journey! Tell me how to do this journey.” What you then do is that you forget all about it a month later. You just forget all about it because life and distractions come and swoop you away.
Society swoops you away, like it does with everybody else. So, you become lost again. You have this brief window of clarity and then you’re lost again. Those are the three dangers. Watch out for them.
At this point, you might be wondering – “Leo, how do I do this work? Let’s say I’m on board with you. Let’s say I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. I am willing to hold this high tentative hypothesis. I will do the empirical work. I will even lay down the thousand hours that you want me to. What do I have to do next?”
How is this work even done? That is going to be the topic of a bunch of new videos that I am going to be shooting because it’s a process. It’s a process and it will require many of videos for you to understand how to do this work.
It is tricky work, full of many traps that you are going to fall into. Fundamentally and to give you an idea, what we are going to do if you are on board with this is that we are going to rip the fuck out of your ego. We are going to rip the fuck out of your ego and we are going to destroy all of your beliefs, all of your most cherished beliefs and all of those beliefs you love so much about yourself, about life and about everybody.
We are going to destroy all of those beliefs. We are going to destroy all of that. At the very end, when you cannot take it anymore, when we twist your arm so bad that you’re screaming, aching and your ego cannot take it anymore, your ego is going to finally surrender. You are going to surrender.
It’s going to dissolve and you are going to see the truth. That is going to require some real work. But, you know what? I am excited by this. I don’t know about you, but I love this stuff. I love ripping the fuck out of my ego. I love it.
It’s great. It’s kind of like a bittersweet thing. Sometimes, I don’t like it. I experience all of these emotional reactions, but I fundamentally want it. I want to know the truth. To me, it’s worth to just know the truth of things.
Right now, I have spent about a year and a half on this journey, studying it and doing a lot of this work. I fell into a lot of traps already myself. I am not spiritually enlightened yet, but I can feel myself getting pretty close.
As I am working really actively right now on my own enlightenment, I want to help show you some of the pitfalls that I have experienced and some of the stuff that I have learned over the last year and a half. I think that there are a lot of practical things that I can show you and techniques that you can use to do this.
They are very simple techniques that you can use to do this that would perhaps take you a lifetime to find otherwise. There is so much confusion about this subject. There is so much nonsense out there. I want to talk about this subject in a very “no bullshit”, “no nonsense” and hardnosed kind of way.
If you really want to get down to the nitty-gritty and you’re not afraid to get your hands dirty, then sign up to my newsletter and the channel. Stick around. There are more videos coming on this soon. I am really excited about that.
To me, that is the whole point of Actualized.org, to talk about this more advanced and deep stuff. Alright, that is a long video. I am done. I am wrapping up.
Wrap Up
This is Leo, I’m signing off. Go ahead and post me your comments. Let me know what you think about this. Click the like button to like this video, so that more people can see it. Finally, share the video.
Share the video on Facebook or with a friend. Sign up to my newsletter too. It is a free newsletter. I release new content every single week, including new videos. Like I said, my advanced videos are coming soon.
You will want to stick around for those. It’s going to be a journey, so stick with it. This is like a marathon. We are training for a marathon. It is going to take some work to do this. You will also get some good free goodies for singing up, such as exclusive videos.
You can also get all of my videos as MP3 downloads for free on the site if you become a member. Go ahead and check that out. I will see you really soon.
So…its like the matrix…….
Yes! It’s exactly like the matrix! There’s an awesome book that explains this reality, and corroborates what Leo is saying here in a much bigger picture. It’s online for free, by Tom Campbell, and is called “My Big TOE.” (TOE is an acronym for Theory Of Everything.)
l injoyed the video felt good
Leo! I feel relief. Thank you
Hello, Leo! I have watched many of your videos, but this was realy shoking. I have no information about what scintific degree you have and which University You gradueted, but after this video, I am sure, that You are not a neurologist or spychiatrist and You don’t know how exactly human’s brains working.
You must not have a scientific degree because you spelled “shoking, scintific, graueted wrong and YOU used improper grammar in your last sentence. Thanks for trying though YOU took his ideas on how the brain works as rational in the world YOU live in when you have to forget the world YOU live which is your ego and take his ideas that way. You’re not a pepper aka the one in a million that has the intelligence to shed your ego and truly understand him. I bet you’re religious that’s why…oh well if we were all extra ordinary we would be called ordinary.
Best comment I’ve ever seen lmao
It’s even simpler Matthew 5:3
Yes Brett. Kinda, if we think about all that we are. As a collective. Law of diffusion. Energy fields or whatever. But, yes it’s a hard thing to handle.
“What goes around comes around” is an unjust euphanism I think. Even the person with the purest intentions can be blind perhaps to the ignorance of their intentions. Or is that unawareness in the judge’s presence.
So if I am getting this right. How will there be any real perceived happiness if there is no me to experience it? If there is no Ego how will this body function other then that of an automaton or monkey?
If I understand what you are saying the monkey is the body’s expression of it’s own existence. An elaborate spontaneous expression of it’s existence. I would be curious on your thoughts of dreams. And in particular could you talk a bit about near death experiences. Are those simply the psyche painting a picture for us based on our stories of what we should see and or feel? How would you explain a child that see’s things in a near death state whom has never seen or heard of them before?
Thank you …and yes this scared the shit out of me. I felt out of body and bizarre half the time.
Ohhh so this like the “nothingness” in meditation,that all our conceptualizations,rationalizations arent real everything we think we see, feel is because of this psyche other than that its just “blank”
Hi Leo, well done!Please have a look at Byron Katie’s website on The Work. she explains and communicates, through self investiagtion, what your are attempting to say. You’re right I can’t understand what you are saying because you are talking in concepts and so addressing my intellect. Do “The Work” with Byron Katie and a self understanding is reached through personal enquiry. No one can explain, not even you! Give up and do “TheWork”.
Is there a way to get the time in as we earn a living and care for a family? This is an important question to me, but not the ultimate question. To be frank I would much rather have it than what I have now. So how do I begin the 10K hours. I seriously believe what you say it only makes sense. Especially this is hell. I’ve held that thought for a long time.
Thanks for another awesome video. I’m mostly in agreement with everything you said. You are taking on a very tough assignment and I applaud you for your courage. As for myself, I’m also doing this work of ego-annihilation, and experiencing some of the benefits you mentioned.
I hope you do continue to produce more videos on this topic, as well as continue to progress on your own path to enlightenment.
David, how did you find yourself on this path (if it’s not to rude to ask) and where did you / are you sourcing your learning material? I guess my journey began with Eckart Tolle’s “the Power of Now” & “A New Earth”, but until finding these Leo video’s, I’ve not had any real guides…?
Mark7 Adelaide Australia
Hi Mark, thanks for asking this question… I’ve identified with been a philosophical/spiritual seeker for a long time, but only in the last couple of years did I find some clear directions.
Eckhart Tolle is on my list for sure. I got immersed into Tibetan Buddhist philosophy/religion and that really helped me. In any case I’m a little cautious with any religion that is heavily fused with a particular culture, and that is why I like to also listen to other advanced personal dev gurus, like Leo and Simona Rich.
I’m searching for ‘echoes’ of this knowledge, in all places that it can be found. Surprisingly, I’ve found resonance of this topic in all religions, as Leo said, but mostly in the ‘esoteric’ or hidden parts of the religions.
Bottom line, I agree with Leo wholeheartedly in that daily meditation is critical. What I got from my teachers is that through meditation, specifically ‘calm abiding’ or single-point meditation, we train our ‘monkey-mind’ to become able to focus on a single point. This makes our minds more resilient and in fact smarter, and then through other types of meditation such as ‘insight’ meditation we are also able to get in touch with our higher knowledge…
I haven’t seen Leo’s video on meditation yet so I’ll leave it at that. There’s so much more to say. I’m very grateful to Leo and anyone else out there trying to disseminate this essential knowledge.
Regarding your own path, from your words I can sense you are already on it… Just keep asking the questions and you will receive the answers! Much love and power to you and remember this old saying: “When the student is ready, the teacher appears”.
Hi Leo,
I’d like to know what you are talking about in a more experiential way. I will look forward to more of your videos on practices that lead to this realization. I like looking at your vids so even if I’m one of the billions who will never get it, I’ll still tune in to check you out!
Hi Leo,
Thank you for the video, I think the effort is nothing compared to the rewards…
I’m on board.
I’m Excited to get started I want to destroy my ego or as you said “Fuck up your Ego”
Maum Meditation…exactly the method to find the truth…subtracting ones self…
I am, therefore I am not, now I’m really puzzled. The stories are just that, stories, some are true and some are fiction which sound true, look true and are actually true lies. I can feel my non existent brain being stretched beyond the confining space that is within my skull, now that is mind opening. I need a drink and a drug to stop this mental and spiritual expansion and awakening right now or else I fear an anxiety/panic attack is inevitable.
I have been experiencing some of these same feelings. It is almost as though my mind wants to expand beyond my body and the small space in which it dwells. It’s a strange feeling that I have a hard time explaining, and it does cause anxiety for me also. A sort of panic like wait something is not right here. It started as I have been on this journey of selfactualization.
I’m super confused. Thanks for the video though.
Hi Leo,
Experiencing the Truth, the non-dual, can be done in more simply than the way you seem to be going about it. It is hard. As you say the ego can fight a good fight. However to experience the Truth does not need complex and time consuming methods. This might shock you, as it shocked me.
I invite you to be shown the way to Truth by a man called Mooji.
Two youtube channels; Moojiji and moonji answers contain many videos in which he discusses this with people from all over the world. Many videos of Satsangs where he guides people in this quest.
This man has a very simple and honest approach to this. He is a master of this and has helped many people to confront this.
I think this would be of great benefit for you in your quest.
I also second another comment above, that Byron Katie also provides a way to experience this Truth.
Very heavy to understand the technology you are talking about. I was involved with this kind of tools for a longtime. What they thought us was this:
You can take a while board and write on it about your entire life until now
and than take a white board eraser and erase everything you wrote. That means life is nothing, you can erase it and leave it blank as it was before.
I have a question Leo, How about our kids. Are they real or fake to us?
Thank you for great video again.
Ooooo, Leo. Sorely intrigued and sniffin’ at the bait, for sure I am. Too often I’ve screamed that naught matters but the Truth. But, Jeez Louise!, the opportunity cost whelms me for the moment. You have taken on the most awesome – and probably thankless – task I may have ever borne witness to. You are one brave soul. In olden times you’d not have been well treated.
I’m not offended at all by this video or topic. I was not surprised or otherwise emotionally vested one way or another in some knee-jerk reaction to The Truth, which in and of itself was in some ways surprising.
At 55, I have been on a life-long, mostly Quixotic, journey for The Truth; and, only just recently, as in the last few months, have I arrived at some of the same conclusions discussed here…letting go of Ego…as a by-product of my own investigations.
I recognize shimmering allusions to this Truth woven throughout MA’s Meditations, Buddhism’s Emptiness, Christ’s Humility, on and on. And yes, convoluted by “powers and principalities” that influence our day-to-day existence.
I’ve certainly experienced many of the highs and lows life bestows on most if not all of us. Demolishing my own Ego is perhaps one of the greatest challenges I face; certainly the most profound and compelling that I would choose to take on for myself.
I’m in.
Hi…There is no me and there is no you; I have made you up in my imagination. Amazing imaginations !
No i think it’s saying the imagination is not your either
I’ve experienced a moment of enlightenment, but the trick is how to live from it and stay out of the Ego. However having experienced it, I can no longer buy into what my ego has arranged or imagined for me. I completely agree with you; the ego will fight you all the way. I found that acceptance and self love is needed to make this journey…I’m with you Leo
So as first step towards spiritual enlightenment, what should I look for and think of? Would I have to questions by my self ? I yes then on what basis? I mean bases like ego or daily experienced emotions or on the basis of keeping in mind what you said. How do I search for answer? Is it thinking by myself only or searches in Internet or biography or what?
What should I look for?
I think I need to watch this video again.
Leo please answer this question!
So i have listened very closely to what you said and, of course, tried to accept this thing an understand it.and here is my confusion about this thing and I beg you to make it clear.:
So pretty much, that means, that there is no reason to study anymore, to learn anything to take action because everything is connected to my Ego, this means it dosen’t matter studying personal development because, again, It’s about what comes from yourself, your Ego.
It means it dosen’t matter to read books, get mentors,make internet researches, audio and video products, in general it dosen’t matter investing in myself…. Because there is no “myself”.
I, and i believe everyone, who wanted succes(health, wealth, love and happiness) decided to study and to learn more so that in the end they would be what they want.
And it is very hard to give up on this work an this ideas, because now it’s like your whole life was a lie.
Is this the scary thing you are talking about? Understanding that everything is literally useless and that there is no investing in “you”? Because for me it is fucking scary and it’s very hard to investigate an accept this thing, and it’s also kind of risky,although i really want to take this thing seriously, because even though it sounds scary, it also sound true. I need time to make everything clear and to understand it.looking forward for your answer and your next videos
Iulian Apostol, 16 years old
I would like to know how you came to this realization? What steps did you take like a scientist did you take and come to this conclusion. I have taken the very same scientific approach and asked the question of why does everything exist? How does it all exist? I researched all the theories. I made my own hypothesis and came up with a differnt theory.
We can’t both be right, somewhere along our research one of us miscalculated. Would you break down the steps that you took to come up with this theory?
Who are these 10,000 that came up with the same answer you did? Did they tell you this? Or did you discover this on your own? Who are these ten thousand, are they monks living in mountains? Are they average people living normal lives? What effect did this enlightenment do to there lives? Now that you came up with this truth, how are you going to live differently?
WTF, Leo? I have been following your videos for several months now, and quite a few of them seem to contradict each other….yet, I continue to listen. I guess that you intrigue me in some ways, in that you are a twenty something who thinks that he is some kind of spiritual guru…I guess that your philosophy background has taught you how to exude these crazy concepts…resulting in nice, comfortable, financially secure life from exploiting the insecurities, self-esteem issues and bruised egos of all of us. You are smoother than a lot of them out there…you know how to draw people in…you have perfected the self help guru mode…so I’m now assuming that since I don’t exist, and that it is my ego that is in the way, all of your self help products are moot….no more Tony Robbins or Jim Rohn, or Dr. Wayne Dyer…we should just suck in Leo’s TRUTH, because he holds the key to real spiritual alignment! Although you are espousing this bullshit, that is actually developed to tickle the ego into following you and buying your products, and advancing your notoriety as a guru, I will continue to follow your FREE, ego feeding videos, as I do find some of the info helpful. Good luck on your quest for guru status at the expense of others… ka ching!!!
For sure there is some emotional reaction. Feels like lifting weights emotionally.
When you fully accept the idea (or fact if you believe this) that there is no ‘I’, then there is no ‘I love this’. There is no ‘I’ who can love.
The funny thing is that science as well as spiritual belief systems accept the idea that there is no ‘I’.
For me enlightenment is being fearless, in any situation and feeling agape love for everyone. I am aware that that is a possibility – it feels like watching the sun – but I am not the sun yet. And that is ok. The ‘I’ who doesn’t exists love myself anyway.
Thank you for sharing.
listening to your video some how i made a conection with dreaming, what about dreams … are dreams stories too? is my ego there when i dream?
Thank You, Leo! A difficult subject to communicate, but you are very articulate in doing so. I look forward to more from you!
This video made me so angry, alright!!! …. Angry that I have to wait to see the upcoming videos on HOW!!!! I am conceptually aware of the truth that you speak of, but I have not experienced it for myself, as much as I want to. By my calculations, if we spend an hour a day working on this, it would take over 27 years to wrack up the 10k hours needed to get to “enlightenment.” YIKES! I hope future videos will have ways to infuse more practices in our daily life so we can excel more quickly than that! I will be anxiously awaiting future videos on this topic. All of your videos are great, and very helpful. Thank you very much!
So, being aware of the fact it’s a metaphor, are you going along similar lines of Plato’s Cave Analogy? I agree on this basic truths but also accept that the actual raw truth is much more vivid and clear. Sounds like a very worthwhile journey, I think you should also give advice and opinion on how to deal with other people’s reactions to our journey or our decision to suddenly change large chunks of our lifestyles as a result of the journey. That for me is always a challenge, as people are almost desperate for you to blend in with everyone else’s unfulfilling behaviour.
If it is not cummunicatable, why do you keep saying there is no me? Either the one or the other is a lie.
How do you think emotions play into this? True love? Part of the consciousness or the thought and integral to “us” or part of the hosted “reality”?
Acceptance and self love will be the journey, fuck the ego!!
The real question to be asked here… If there is no “I”… If “I” don’t exist and everything “I” do, think, or act upon is a matter of perception. What the hell is the point of living?
Is to live to seek the truth?
Should I pretend to live in my false image of myself until I seek the truth?
If this theory is true then in “my” opinion our lives are a lie. And if I want to seek the truth I would need to become completely cut off from the “normal” world. In other words, in order to avert being completely fake I should almost become a zombie and not speak words or never take action that “I” think “I” like.
And if the truth is found then what? We live amongst humans who have never found the truth and they are playing this game of what they think reality is.
I’m always on board to believe and take in what you have to offer Leo, but even if this is true, would you want to take on the journey that will make you never fit in amongst other humans? What then will you do?
Hey, Leo.
You know, this video reminded me of the times when I wonder about “existence”. I mean, many times I sit thinking and wonder what life is, what things are, and kind of that everything becomes senseless. I wonder if we really exist, if this (whatever it is) is all true, and I have serious doubts about it, like it’s all a big lie. It has happened to me to look at myself in the mirror for long enough and not recognize myself, like I’m not that thing I see in the reflection. For years I’ve believed we just live a big lie, that we don’t exist, I can’t find the purpose of it all and the emptiness I feel is really disturbing. Nonetheless, I do have my happy moments, my job, etc… But it all seems so unreal. Thank you for this enlightening video, Leo.
All the best,
Hey Ceci,
I’m sure Leo will have a better response for you, but your a prime candidate for self-development and even Stoic philosophy. I was sitting in your shoes not too long ago. I felt like I didn’t have a purpose and life was kind of just a drag. Since I’ve been studying Stoicism and watching Leo’s videos my life has completely changed. I have found my life purpose, and completely driven towards it everyday, and I am experiencing tranquility on a day to day basis. There’s no easy way to set your life straight and experience unfaltering happiness. It takes time and effort. But the paths are already paved for us from philosophers like Zeno, the creator of Stoicism, and Marcus Aurelius, the greatest Roman emperor, who was also a Stoic.
Yeah. That’s long…
My reaction to this video is that I’m worried about morals. If there is no self how are you responsible for your actions? The second reaction is that I love my distractions. I am not sure if I would like to give them up to eternal peace of mind. Sounds boring. And also. You seem pretty sure of your perspectives on reality. Do you have reflections on that?
that’s really confusing!! i can’t just accept. Leo, i couldn’t understand what you’re trying to say
That’s like most of the point. You can’t understand it because there is no you to be understanding it. Plus I think understanding this video at most will just give you sort of a point in the direction of what you should be looking for.
The whole video is a pointer to an experience.
“You” is a concept, there is no “you”. What is real is experiential, non-conceptual.
I’m not entirely sure, (there’s that I word again) but I have a feeling Leo is pointing to some sort of present moment awareness, ego
Death… Thing or non-thing… The ego being your self concept, meaning the “you” that you think of when Some one asks “who are you”.
Who (or what) ‘you really are’ is something you cannot define as doing so would make it conceptual, and also it would make a distinction of you being diffrent from everything else. What people usually talk about themselves being is a label claiming to be the thing it is labelling. It’s like thinking when someone points to a full moon, there finger is the thing they’re getting all excited about (it’s not just look at the moon). Bruce-lee touched on this.
Concept and reality – ego and present moment. Is kind of like the concept of “the map is not the territory”
And the idea that we are seperate from the rest of existence is also false.
Tolle talks about how we’re sort of the space for experiences to happen. That we’re the eternal observer. David dedia talks about this as well and I’m pretty sure it’s buhda-y as well.
But Leo seems to be pointing to something more nuanced here.
I believe that what it is about here, is the full and total awareness (not of yourself).
Once this is accomplished the mind and body is fully aligned with the present.
just to name few of them:
– Ego dead
– Illusion dead
– Mind aligned with emotions
– Complains engine stopped
– Projection & forecast engine off
Mind trick you to trails of thinking once control you free yourself and start
controlling your thinking process in real time before the event triggers the
thoughts that generates the thinking trails and generates the emotions
You will need meditation to maintain this in your life a lot of it.
mediation is the connection to the full present. Hence the reasons behind why it is called the “present”.
try to understand now the word: INdependent (it says it all)
control the inside and you will get the the secrets of the gods
I have been tracking this all my life so far… and still focus to always learn more keys.
By the way Leo I LOVE YA MAN..
You are a real guide for many and this is what this world need. Finally one that do not fear to give fully freely. and best is your giving the best present ever ;o)
Hello leo your 20 part video series i signed up for it said im alreay perscribed but its not in my email what do i do?(i had it before yet i deleated it before watching the rest of it.)
Awesome and flawless presentation! Honestly, when you finally “broke” the Truth (or at least, an approximation of it), I felt nothing but intrigue. “But Leo” …what about the dot? A real cliff hanger I tell you, hopefully to be resolved in future videos. I’m on board for future work and videos …looking forward to ripping the f&#k out of my ego and seeing the expression on his face when he finally realizes he’s been hounding someone who never existed!
So i watched this and have then been pondering it. Obviously i find it very difficult to even begin to understand, which is of course impossible.
The insight that i did find which i think i am able to communicate is that i am not the thoughts that i am thinking, i am not the entity that is having those thoughts, but i am the awareness, the perception that is observing them, and that this awareness, this perception isn’t anything different then the same awareness and perception that is what reality is in itself, no different then the same awareness that is observing the thoughts of any “person” or the properties of anything in reality. So the notion of myself as this being that is having these thoughts and making these actions is an illusion but what is actually happening is these thoughts and actions are being observed or witnessed by whatever i actually am which is just the oneness of all reality and awareness.
Does this make any sense Leo? I realize the paradox in itself that i am attempting to explain and understand what cannot be explained at all and cannot be understood in this “realm” of thoughts persay.
As i start to think i have someone of a beginning of a grasp on the subject all that is exposed is that i don’t know anything at all … i am lost.
Hey friends,
I went through some emotional turbulence (like Leo described) after I watched Sam Harris’ “The Self is an Allusion” on Big Think. He sums it up well in the 6 minutes. (You can find it on Youtube- start at minute 2:50) After watching it, I promptly read Harris’ book, “Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion.”I highly recommend it.
I felt very fueled afterwards- Like, “Yes! I want to be enlightened!” Then I realized that’s fucking difficult, and that’s why hardly anyone gets there.
So, what’s wrong with accepting that our sense of self is an allusion, and then just using this understanding to hack our own psychology? (ie. Creating meanings/interpretations that make us happy.) That’s one thousand times easier than reaching enlightenment, right? Why again is knowing the Truth important? I know Leo sort of addressed that, but… I don’t get it.
Two questions.
If the human mind was evolved the way it did just to be able to function, why would you want to change that? Would being enlightened not mean, fundamentally changing the way the mind works, making it unsuitable for function in modern society? Seems to me that knowing this Truth does not have an advantage if you want to be able to function in modern society. Apparently, the ‘vision of Truth’ has been lost in evolution because it was no longer necessary, or even redundant like a vestigial organ.
Secondly, if you are enlightened, and there is no more you, no ego, are you still ambitious? Can you still pursue goals in life? Or will you ‘understand’ that your existence is a lie and nothing you do is relevant and you might as well commit suicide right now? If pursuing goals, meant to kiss my ego’s ass, makes me feel good and worth something in life, I’d rather stay unenlightened.
It might be that the only reason you’d want to pursue this Truth, is to know it. Not because it could serve you in any way, and basically my question is, WOULD it serve you in any way or would knowing and acting on this Truth actually make your life really difficult? Yes, I’ve listened to the summary of the rewards knowing this Truth might gain you, but a stable constant life, without negative (or positive at that) feelings, just sounds very dull. If I didn’t feel a need to achieve something in life, I would just sit down and sustain myself till the end of my days for no reason in particular. Perhaps the ‘vision of Truth’ got lost in evolution because it made way for our desire to give purpose to our lives?
You don’t have a conscience, you only think you do!
I thought the conscience was some inevitable byproduct of a complex computing machine like the brain. Uuhm… I was going to write a whole lot of things but my head is one big mess. Somehow good to hear you haven’t found the big T yourself, I guess this means the journey itself is rewarding. Feeling excited and scared.
great that your spreading the word Leo,a request, please give the people more of a taste of what letting Go of the ego can do:
no worrying,
No fear,
no baggage.
I believe you will get through to more than 1 person!
but many would not make it through that last video without a little more sizzle! I understand it was necessary though.
Hi Leo!
Pleeeeeaaaase answer my question,please!!! cos if I’m always confused about this part, I can’t start my investigation.
Ok, the thing is we all have the ego kinda for survive. If I really jump out of myself, maybe I will not do those things even to protect myself. For example, a truck is coming towards me and if I don’t sense the “me” and don’t believe anything like I could be killed by the truck and only observe the reality, maybe I indeed will be killed.
Does this sound crazy? Could you please explain me this?
I know you want a response from Leo, but I may help to
So here is the thing, when a truck comes, and you suddennly appear before it, the eyes will eventually transport the information they have, through perceptors,
to the brain.The brain will eventually transport the information throughout the body, and the body will eventually move itself to survive.This happens in a 1/4 ( even less) of a second. There is no “you” which control the body.The body, which exist, is an organism which works by itself, just like everything in our universe.
Reality is just regenerating itself with no “on” or “off” switch.
Hope that helped you
Well I think we should take a look at what Darwin called “Survival of the fittest”.
If you know what this is, I guess you will understand.
But, I personally don’t know, although, I don’t think understanding this thing, wil somehow change the way your emotions are. Ok? I mean don’t imagine something supernatural
The shocking part of this video was not the information that you shared, but the fact that you are in war. It seems to me that it’s a new goal for you. You’re in a struggle with this person called Leo Gura (that you depise) and the result is not peace of mind. I can see it in your eyes, in the way you breathe, in the expression of your face. You are not coming from light. This whole idea that you don’t exist is nonsense. “I AM” cannot be denied, but yes, you can argue with what is coming after these words: “I am George, I am shy, I am the husband of Margaret, I am the owner of this house, etc.”, because if you eliminate one of this elements or all of them, I still AM. I AM ALL OF THAT, BUT NOT ONLY THAT. So the “I” is not the problem, the suffering comes from the identification with this person who has to live in this world, with her belongings, with her attachements. We come here and we receive a name from our parents, we go to school, receive an education, make connections with others, have desires, set goals, experience all kind of states of minds, all kind of things. We cannot all live in a cave. Your relationship with this person called Leo Gura is one of dispise, as if you want to erase all the work he had done until now. It’s not about erradicate this person, it’s about understanding that it’s a role we assume in this life: the son of somebody, the nurse, the personal coach, the adventurer, the artist, the teacher, the monk, etc. At one moment in the future, we leave not as the son, as the nurse, as the friend, but as a flux of energy who will, probably take another form after death. Probably. So, instead of making war with this person that is necessary to live in society, that has to take care of a body, of an income, of the interactions with others, why not just be relaxed, allowing this person to be, feeling peace with all the things that will happen to this person (good, bad), be grateful that you have a body to experience this world, knowing all this time you are not just this person, you are more than that?
Take care.
Do you Know what that dot test thing is called ? Im giving my son these tools, different ways to look at things and the two optical illusions are perfect.
Thanks Elie
Hi Leo and everyone!
What you’re saying here Leo is certainly right but I allow myself to point one thing out. To get to the state of spiritual enlightenment as you describe it here is impossible for a regular human being (like all of us) without the constant guidance and supervision of someone who already got it. Certainly everyone is free to look for the truth but it’s guaranteed that you’ll end up with one or the other form of neurosis before you’re even close to enlightenment. The right person will guide you through the entire process and it does not have to take that long at all. Certainly it takes hard work as you said and it’s a big commitment. If anyone is interested, the guy who knows how to do it stays at the place called Pic lumineux in France.
As a warning I have to say that if you ever think that you’re enlightened you’re as far away from it as it is possible.
Been there , seen it , lacked the balls to work hard.
Thank for the video Leo and give us some more.
Hi Andy, could you write more – why do you think this guy is “the one”? is it pure intuition or can you describe it somehow?
Hi Piotr.
I am talking from personal experience. I met the guy years ago and it was mind blowing. Unfortunately, after some time I decided I was ready and I quit. My scared little mind tricked me into doing it and I really regret. I went through some mild nervous breakdown after that. I was lucky. Before and after I met a lot of people who claimed they had “it” but they did not know shit and lived their sad lives drinking camomile tea, trying to convince themselves that meat is bad and would cringe at the sound of the word “sex”.
Well, enough, this is Leo’s site and I am not going to run an advertising campaign here. I only wanted to share a piece of advice as I thought it was important. If you want to dig deeper I am willing to share a whole story off the record. Get in touch [emails not allowed]
Great, a jnani dressed up like an all american guy, throwing in some paradoxes, blowing up some mindconcepts, creating holy confusion, love it.
Wonder where it brings you, this alternative route US style. Staying honest and tuned in with your audience will be the hardest part because solitude is an almost inevitable part of the journey.
Jai Guru Dev (victory to the light within you)
Hello Leo,
Firstly, congratulations on finding your (the) truth! I am wondering, now that you know the truth, how does this affect your believe system(s) prior to finding this truth?
Does it affect your desire for sex or food or any other ego enhancing activity?, Does it change your viewpoints to “all” the videos you have published prior to finding this truth, more specifically does the truth negate all your previous work? How will this change your meditation practice?
Just wondering
Your video did not cause fear, anger, sadness or dispute. Years of abuse (others and self-inflicted), near death experiences, loss of everything I/ego felt was dear over almost 60 yrs slowly tears the ego apart bit by bit leaving a hole for the light to shine through. Metaphorically speaking…like a finding the beauty in a rotting log down to the cellular level. The rotting is birth – neither ugly or beautiful, bad nor good it just is. And that’s okay. The work is not drudgery or easy. It is living in a body, aware of inside and out. Dissolving into particles the wind can blow through, the sunlight surrounds, sound tickles and vibrates and returning (because the ego wants us fed and bathed!). When the “I” starts slipping into place, it cannot take hold, but will be tolerated for its usefulness and released again. It is a peaceful place here….but one cannot stay forever (maybe when we literally die), but gather intermittent moments (not quantitative moments, but there’s no word I can think of to put here) Some might say – she’s crazy! Had to go there to get here and back. Thanks for the video.
I have not heard anyone mention the elephant in the room. The SOUL!!! I am very open minded christian that I put jesus to the test everyday and compare his teaching to other teachings. The idea the Leo has has some truth but not in the way he explains.
We are put on this earth by god, which has put our souls into this earthly body. He has given us specific instructions for our own good because he loves us. He sent his son to help us and Jesus taught us how to live. He also asked us a very small favor, believe in him.
The thereo Leo brings to us doesn’t solve who put us here? who made us? What happens to us when this body dies? The answers are all in the bible. There is no questions after reading the bible.
Read please carefully, I respect your argument, and also the fact that you have something you believe in( in your case is Christianity).
I may be a bit rough here, but don’t worry I don’t mean any hurtf things
This things that you told me really piss me off! Religion! Believe in Religion! Bible is the sacred book! I beg you…
I come a Christian family, and i was exactly like you are until the age of 15.
I started to see things more differently and I happy that i gave up on these thoughts.
My friend, again don’t take any offense, but please keep your religion reasons for yourself, why? Because the religion and the bible has been changed for over the last 1000 years. What we are told now is only 40% pf what Jesus really did. Jesus explained somethin far more wise than what we are told.
Again, I respect everyone, but i want for you to understand that what you are saying is limited.
If you would like, you can Email me so we can disscuss about it, just for the sake of making it clear, Peace
Leo – that was bloody painful to listen to!! (But thanks anyway for the headache)
I started my own journey very recently. Got eventually my head around the ego being this programmed beast, and I can understand why without all these external influences, believes and all that jazz, that the I would be nothing.
Now – does the conscienceness still exist? Or am I really nothing? :-/
Thanks (from France)
I am a fool, know that, but so far, this is the first time that i am totally disagreeing with you, couldn’t watch to the end
Thank you Julian, I would love to have you email me, I welcome other point of views. My email is [emails not allowed]
Hi Leo! Thanks for this video, I think it’s very inspiring itself and whets appetites for the “technical” part.
Still and especially as we’re touching a subject that it’s difficult to grasp somewhat by definition, I think that for a moderate sceptical audience some evidence that “your” path is “valid” would be very vaulable. Of course the best would be something like “enlightement efficiency” measured by the number of such people (you mentioned the total, suppose coming from different traditions) and “speed” of reaching certain stages (some buddhist tradition introduce concept of “partial enlightement” which sounds quite practical).
Even if the above is not possible, any evidence of the research / comparison between traditions that you’ve made, information which one you’re based on would be helpful to locate your teachings in the “enlightement paths” offered by different schools/ gurus.
The real gold would be certainly a full fledged comparision but this is a subject for a separate video or series, so probably too much to ask for
I follow A Course in Miracles – it’s about understanding that we are all part of the whole and realizing we have never been separate from what is real and good. Unfortunately, as a culture, we believe we are separate, keeping us consumed by guilt. It’s a complex study. We are only our minds and not our egos or our bodies – we observe our lives like watching a play or a movie. Hence, our challenge is to be mindful. I will review this video a few more times to see the parallels between the “course” and what you are saying. Regardless, you are my guru! Thanks for speaking your mind!
You know what, this is my emotional reaction after listening to your video for the second time. I feel anger and disappointment. You say, in the comments above, that ambitions and goals make us eternally unhappy, that we don’t exist, bla bla bla, but guess what, you massively contribute by your site to the strentghening of our ambitions and goals: go to gym, have a fit body, pursue excellence in all the aspects of your life, become a sex guru in bedroom, visualize, eat healthy, etc, etc. Now you have the gut to come and tell us that we don’t exist and that all that you said until now is complete bullshit and don’t even SAY SORRY for misleading us?!?Oh, I forgot: you have no respobsablity, you don’t exist. Fuck you, Leo! You are an hypocrite. Suddenly you are now on the “wise men side”, and we are just fooling around with our futile and stupid lives, ambitions and goals. So, fuck you!
And yes, it’s my ego that is talking right now loud and clear. I am faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away from being enlightened.
I think (or my intuition is) that there’s no contradiction between working on our ego and trying to get rid of this.
we can treat it as a insurance – we cannot be sure we can get rid of ego (or “experience the Truth”, whatever you call it) so at least we should make sure it’s as best as possible
yet I see a need for making it more clear, especially for those who hear such “revelations” for the first time. I’ve personally had touched buddhism and some practices and even experienced some very tangible effects. but all of this CAN be described somehow.
How do you know this is an illusion?
Who told you?
When or how did you come to this realisation?
Written in our limited language capability (words).
Also when you said it was going to scare us, deeply, it did not really move me. Maybe I have not seen the impact yet.
I was more worried about being worried, then you said. We are not real, it is an illusion.
Why hype it up, just bang, get it out to people.
They will sit and think?
How can you test if it is real or not, my hands which are not my hands, are typing into this computer.
It is just a bit weird for me this concept, that is a concept that can not be expressed as a concept, or the truth is a truth that is not able to communicate it is a truth.
Seems quite abstract.
Is the truth , this is all an illusion, is that the truth?
I think that this “there’s no I” leads to a couple of logical contradictions.
Let’s say that, if there’s no I – this what we think is “The I” is only a “illusion of I”, in this case:
– who and why should care for “Illusion of I”
– what is left in an enlightened person, when they get rid of “Illusion of I”
That’s why for me a concept of “lower self”= ego and “higher self” = awareness, presence, soul whatever you call it is more handy as it allows ourseves to get rid of the “false identification” almost infinitely without the above contradictions.
The only one reason I can think of why to try to imagine that we’re “nothing” is simmilar to try to lift a weight that’s too heavy for us – this can makes us stronger than we are, cross our boundaries, even though we may never be able to lift it ourself. This way we can get rid as much of our “self” as possible but there will always be something…
Leo, hi.
I loved the video and I have experienced clarity at one stage myself for a number of years and it was bliss, beautiful and complete truth as you put it, I forgave all the people who had done me wrong in the past in a heart beat(because I became aware there is no such thing as wrong, only actions that effect other people) and nothing could touch me emotionally at all no matter how offensive they were, as well as all the other benifts you state. There was one thing that I couldnt sherk inside myself Though, that was this ‘wanting to ease my family’s pain’ I tried my hardest to explain but of course this never works and this experience can only ever but achieved by themselves as you say. But non the less I thought I would go back into the ‘system’ get a ‘proper job’ but lead by example that you can have enlightenment and operate in that environment. I have to do serious work on myself everyday in terms of yoga and meditation to de stress in order to stay ‘sane’ in the clearly ‘insane’ modern day environment. My question is Leo and I would love it to hear your opinion – can you be enlightened and have a 9-5 job? My theory is, if the likes of Donald trump did this video, a lot more people would follow wouldn’t they? As people sell there souls to the system if a leader or someone on top of the pile were to then tell people it was all a sham let’s change our ways then surley more people would follow? Can you be enlightened and raise a family in this modern day society?
Many thanks
Also Leo,
What is Suiside? I know it is a low vibration and unconscious act as the body does not want to die but you are enlightened and there is no death, where does it leave that question?
I philosophise a lot and read a lot but it does seem to be a bit of a taboo subject which aloy have stayed away from.
Many thanks again Leo
Hi Leo
Thank you for your video.
My ego or sense of “I” seems strongest when embarrassed.
My question is during our 1000 hours work, do you think the “volume of the ego” gradually becomes diminished? Or do you expect it to be like an on/off switch?
Lucy x
I am excited about doing this. you were right about some of the reactions. I did already see behind the government and cultures and religions and holidays and moved past those things, I am excited to try to see what it will be like to understand that I do not exist. I already had to unravel the stories I was brought up with to rewrite my own, now I can begin to take them all apart and end the struggle I have felt driven to fight, never understanding even why. I would thank you if I existed… I think lol
Self = Awareness
The what that is aware is not physical. Is that what you’re saying? What is real in the physical sense is the feeling from I AM this or I AM that. You are not the this or the that but the I AM. The stories we build around the I AM are what creates our experiences.
What bothers me about this idea is that unlike your other videos that are very logical. You break things down to its simplest form of psycology. You tell us why things happen, how they happen, use our conscious mind. In this video over one hour long you didn’t tell us how you came up with this theory. Simply you told us how we will feel and why we will feel this way. You are saying this truth is true because Leo says so and this is how it is. You just had a video on false profits. I hope in your next video you tell us why this is true, and not tell us to meditate about this idea for 1,000 hrs or ten thousand hours until we are enlightened.
You are throwing me a curve ball and you are a pitcher that throws fast balls right down the middle, that’s why I like you. Now you want me and all your followers to think about this for one thousand hours when you can tell them to help the world around them be a better place. Tell us to mentor some inner city youth, help orphans, help the poor, help drug addicts get off drugs, prosititue to find a better way of living. These and many other issue seem better use of time then 10,000 hours of contimplating our non-existence. I am still going to filter the things you teach and take the good and leave the bad. Some people seem to buying this idea hook line and sinker. God help them.
what I want to understand, and I left the same comment on youtube is where is the soul? is there? and if we’re hallow, then when we acknowledge that, who is acknowleging it?
I am a muslim, and this video have reminded me of the suffist spirituel stories that I heard about, people couldn’t understand that and they end up killing them, cuz they have accused them of rebelling against God!!! Don’t know about all this, but I believe in (again I know that there is no such thing as beliefs) is that there is a bigger truth.
You make a valid point in that this enlightenment is like my beliefe in Jesus. I don’t believe in him cause I was told to by my parents. I thought about it. I contimplated all my options. I then choose Christianity as the best choice. So is this enlightenment differnt then my Christianity? Is Leo’s religion better then mine, or mine better then his?
I am interested in knowing how old you are.
First of all, Leo has no religion, be dosen’t hold beliefs you can observe that by his videos.
And secondly, even if he did, what kind of question is that? “Is Leo’s religion better than mine”? That’s why i asked you about your age.
My friend there is no better or worse, in fact no one knows what is accurate and what not.
Religion is a whole different topic, it’s a hours-long disscussion
I believe I understand what you have said in this video, but there is one thing that my mind cannot let go of.
You did state that we are nothing and everything. The one thing keeping me from progressing here is my sense of position. Sure, I don’t exist. This body is simply this thing made up of other things that processes these senses. Yet I have a sense of location. I am obviously not the body. If I cut off an arm, My location doesn’t change. That arm isn’t and never was mine anyway.
How much can I cut down before “I” actually move? What is preventing me from looking through another beings eyes here?
I am merely agreeing with the comment that Leo’s theory that we don’t exist is like my christian religion. He can’t prove it. He is asking the question about the meaning of life. Why we are here? What are we? What is our existence about? He has come up with an answer that is different then my answer. Either we are both wrong or one of us is right. We can’t both be right.
What Leo is talking about is not human psycology. He is speaking of a belief. Religion and spiritually are both beliefe. I got my belief threw historical written accounts of history and my own judgement. Where did Leo get this theory.
I am 40 yrs old.
Perfect, has not been conveyed with this level of consice clarity before.
Sending thanks and deep regard
What exciting times we live in- a personal development guru going straight for the crux of the matter.
About a year ago I started incorporating into my meditations a question:
“what part of me is NOT the story” like, my knee, my hand- it put some distance between me and the drama.
Three weeks ago I tried it again, to no avail. I just sat there for a bit and suddenly the question flipped:
“What part of me IS the story”? None. Except a well developed center in me- it completely disconnected my body, for instance, from the story of my existence. It became a neutral machine, so to speak.
Thank you for this video.
So does this mean i am ment to be spirtually enligthened or not, do i have any input to make on this, since there is not an i?
Leo, just a thought: perhaps there are veils. Opening the first one may reveal what is spoken of in this video but maybe there is more to be discovered; so the Truth could change a fair bit upon enlightenment – after all that pesky number 3 does come up a bit in the ancient stories.
Anyway, edging closer to my question: hardly any of us are prepared to even consider this notion of not existing. And, those that pursue enlightenment generally come across as more than odd; so they hardly encourage others to wake up. So, just like you have planted seeds here, perhaps there are more practical and acceptable ways of planting seeds amongst the heard of heart. To that end, if you were to name an off-the-shelf method that could edge people closer to at least improving their spiritual open-mindedness, what would it be? For example, do any of the things like Taoism, Rosicrucianism, or Kaballah etc resemble this method / empirical research you are proposing?
…for the purposes of this, please try to leave the “us/we/I/you” do not exist paradox alone!
I dont know anythink anymore.
When i started watching your videos i experienced a few days later a feeling of peace, serenity. Like suddenly everything is clear, i felt smarter and calmer, and then something happened and i cannot get to that point again.
I feel like the more i watch your videos the more confused i get. I miss that pacefulness.
Also this video reminded me that many years ago i woke up one day with the strangest feeling like i was so aloof…it’s hard to explain this… Like I (and i couldnt identify that I, i couldnt recognize myself) was so far from my body
I remember i felt like my mom was not my mom my house was not my house, my friends were like strangers … Whom i knew hahha
It was wierd…
Are there any external circumstances that aligns oneself (in preparation for destruction) more appropriately than others? For instance, being outside, farming, connecting with nature, less workload, etc.? “I” will be graduating from university in June and have the luxury of situating my body wherever.
Secondly, how do you grapple with trusting this concept? Even when I think, “it’s probably just the ego wanting to preserve itself” doubts arise. “My” guess is that it dissolves over time with commitment/ work?
Lastly, does this concept make more sense when depressed? Although relating to this concept can be problematic, for simplicity sake let’s say “Kelsey” is depressed. When “I” heard this concept, “I” felt only the above objection because “I” feel aware that most pleasure in my life has come from addictions, and the ultimate answer to the most important questions are not easily available. Hence the depression.
Hoping to hear back from you! Thank-you Leo-body for this video
Hey Leo,
this is an interesting and inspiring idea. But I’m struggling with some questions. Maybe you stumbled upon some of them as well during your self enlightment work. I would be glad hearing your perspective on this:
– Whats the point of doing that enlightment work if my ego doesn’t exist? Who am I doing it for?
– And what about all the other “good” stuff? Why should I go to the gym? Why should I eat healthy food? I’m doing all of this for my ego, right? But why trying to keep up all that stuff, if I could as well just watch reality and life happen?
– Why should I even care about this? What does happiness even mean, if I’m nothing and everything? Is there any true value in happiness?
– How can “I” even have goals, if I have no control at all?
– where’s the line between “stop caring about anything” and “letting the ego die”?
– You’re arguments seem to be based on “stories” (happiness, goals, fear,…) too. Is that the case because you’re communicating with words?
I think it would be great having a discussion about this with you.
Greetings from Germany
First I want to say thank you for all your work and service for people!
This video is very interesting. I’ve spent all my life so far on searching the truth and I found it. It’s a chellange to live up to it on daily basis and you are so spot on talking about turning off our ego. Everything is energy that makes perfect scene that technically we are really nothing but a compilation of energy in a certain way just like everything around. And energy is light. The darkness is simply absence of light. When we replace fear with unconditional love for everybody and everything around we attract that kind of energy to ours and that reaction creates that state of peace. A lot of theories are base on rewards or fear but the truth is only unconditional selfless love bring that enlightment.
Wish you to discover the truth for yourself and please keep sharing with us!
You are very courageous good man! Spasibo ogromnoye!!!
Interesting hypothesis Leo. Kill yourself to find truth and happiness. At this time of my life, a senior citizen, I can analyze theory and know if such theory really holds water and will guide the masses to a tranquil and happy life. Before I expound on my thoughts, I will give examination on my current happy and tranquil life at 63 years of age.
First, soul mates do exist. I married a 10 in physical beauty. Her physical beauty drew me to her. It was her common sense, faintness, love, and courage in adversity, which has kept me as her husband for 39 years. Second, I have passive income where I will never have to work again. Third, I am a member of 2 gyms and exercise 6 days a week. I am an avid reader of nonfiction books on history, psychology, psychoanalyses, and other sciences, which provoke analyzes.
This is a short synopses of why I have a happy, tranquil, and a joyous life:
First, I know the human psyche strives to be in a state of equilibrium. To be in a steady state. In life, this state cannot be achieved because life is conflict. There are basic things a biological unit, a human being, can carry through as a process to attempt a steady state. Do not have any credit cards and credit card debt. Own the vehicle you are using for transportation. The only debt a person should have is for housing, food, and utilities. If you can’t pay “cash” for a thing, you don’t need it. As far as for recreation, exercise and read books to educate yourself.
Second, know each day is the beginning of a new life. Don’t be afraid to make change to your life.
Third, I believe I exist. I believe my existence is as a grain of sand in relation to the universe. I believe the universe is not happenstance. I understand that there is one and true living God. I am not religious. I AM a follower of Christ Jesus. I believe in the resurrection. YOU BELIEVE AS YOU PLEASE. I AM NOT YOUR KEEPER. This belief systems has worked for me.
This reminds me of “The Disappearance of the Universe”
“I” am nothing but the life itself. This means, the only appropriate behaviour is stay silent.
I am glad that you shared this.
I learnt the same thing at the end of my spiritual journey. Glad I finally found someone who gets it.
I was wondering about one thing in particular. If ego and psyche are so bad and not nessesery for our being at all then why is it created in the first place? There must be some reason for it to exist and i belive it doesn’t exis tjust to make us suffer and that other “bad” stuff and then laught at us for being failure. That would be awesom if you could upclose that thing in next video.
Excellent point and question!
Leo -If women are attracted to personality which is subjective and ths ball the ego is subjective then this ego becoming more objective wouldnt that repulse them?
Hi Leo,
I stumbled on your page via your meditation video and Im enjoying some of your videos!
However I do have to say the part you mention that an estimate of about 10,000 people are aware of this fact your presenting… is perhaps way over exaggerated. A lot of scientific debates around the hollographic principle as a result of quantum physics experiments and further theories developed (having this odd feeling of de ja vu right now…) do confirm these uncomfortable truths evoking philosophic ideas. What I find though, despite this truth as you mentioned yourself, due to the way our psyche is wired it is hard to make something of this in our everyday life. Not to say we cannot make changes in our lives with this awareness.
I am meditating regularly the past few months and with these truths in mind, I recently had this calming, freeing experience, such as the fear of death leaving me, allowing me to feel that everything is connected. (I was brought up very religiously without the prospect of a soul living on if the body dies, rather being taught that this life is it with a promise of so called everlasting life on earth in the body we have now etc. – So naturally was very afraid of the inevitable.
Thank you for sharing the information you have, im looking forward to listing to many more of your videos!
Great stuff as always Leo. I see a lot of strong reactions to this video in the comments above. I myself felt a lot of intrigue when you revealed the truth. I started chipping away at my ego about 5 months ago since I have been “shaken awake” as you said and while it is challenging at times I enjoy it, and it has already improved my life and I am only barely scratching the surface. One of the first things that came to my mind when you revealed the ultimate truth is one of my aunts. She spoke some of the same words you did in this video. My aunt was clinically dead for about 30 minutes about 12 years ago when she had surgery. She described feeling very serene and she said all the petty emotions of every day life were simply no longer there. She has been a very different person since that experience. Her view of life is very different since that experience. Since this happened I have done a lot of research on this subject and most people who have experienced a clinical death described their experience almost exactly like my aunt did. Some have even said that it was a very life changing and enlightening experience. It kind of made me wonder if we all become enlightened when these bodies fail us. Although I would like to experience it while I am still alive.
So… This was interesting, as of recently I belive I laid most of my ego to rest. I had this perception of how fabulous I am/was, and then a few weeks ago while meditating (Im a beginner) and feeling (or what my mind thought it would be) in a moment, this vast mass of infinite actuality (universe) in the greater scheme of things I was “nothing”. All that I perceive is not truth, my perceptions are “my” truths and only I see myself as such but it never made it real.
It’s almost like I had all these expectations and time and time again I felt the disappointment of those expectations never realized, more fantasy than reality. I then realized that reality is only “now”, this moment; and as I sit in this place in my kitchen responding to your video.
I actually said I was nothing to a relative in conversation yesterday and she felt bad for me. I didn’t try to explain because I don’t feel the burden of her perception, but to help her feel better I said “it’s my truth and Im not ready to explain”, actually Leo I don’t think I can.
It’s sad to let go of the “dreams” but to live in the moment and enjoy that moment is priceless.
Thanks for the video, it helps….
Dear Leo,
Thank you for this video. It is the second time I have watched it. I used to use psychedelic drugs to try to understand infinity and the universe better, but one time I had a strange glimpse of something else, which was maybe, just maybe what you are talking about. It was that even though I would die I knew that the next beings born would be seeing through eyes as I am now. As if I would never die because consciousness would continue on. When I tried to explain it to my friends they didn’t get it. Whatever it was, I thought it was beautiful and I never have forgotten it. When I saw this video it brought me back to that experience. I don’t really care if I am off at this point. All I am interested and open to is finding the truth. I am definitely at the beginning of a very probable painful journey. I would love to end the suffering I experience and all the stories and lies I tell myself on a daily basis. So again, thank you for shooting this video.
I think I am the one among those one million.
I noticed that you expected mostly negative emotions from your viewers when you broke the news. For me it was all positive feelings like excitement and joy when you said it. I am feeling all of those rewards you mentioned. they are for real.
I wasn’t feeling like this just couple of months ago. Your videos have been invaluable to me.
Sometimes I don’t know how to be thankful enough.
I understood your video. think I had my 1000 hours spent on this . wondering if some other illusions got that stuff
If I get the jist of things, you’re saying humans don’t have souls. I’ve watched the video three times and I fail to see how/why you’re so confident of the “truth” that there is no self. You talk about illusions; well, maybe you’re the one hallucinating. If you want to talk about illusions, than you have to admit that there can be the illusion of an illusion. I just wish I understood how you’re so confident. When it comes down to truth, I think the truth is “I don’t know” …God wants us to think we’re not being watched, because… you are what you are when you’re not being watched. Why would/do you have faith in the fact that death is the end? Why would you hope that a person has no self that transcends death? Why do the odds not seem at least 50-50 to you? Do you really feel as though you know something I don’t?
I don’t think you clearly understood him. I am not sure if you did. But to answer your questions:
1. He isn’t saying that humans do not have soul. He is saying you are a ‘soul’ instead of a body. Obviously the word ‘soul’ is highly misinterpreted or misused. But according to the Buddhist Texts, Vedic Indian Yogi texts soul is exactly that-nothing and everything. There is a bit of paradox that takes some time to understand hence I don’t blame you for the confusion. So YOU your true self exists. But it is not YOU the ego rather its existence itself. I am not sure if that really clears it up. It is difficult to put it in language.
2. Death cannot be an end and he doesn’t even think that death is the end because he clearly stated that we are immortal but we as in NOT the ego we rather the real self. Again difficult to put it in words.
I hope that clarifies. Your notions could definitely be right and his wrong. There is no way to prove it cause the truth he talks about can only be realized not taught. Again forgive any mistake because of the semantics. Obviously you are free to believe whatever you want.
That does help.
I thought he was implying that the true self is the universe and that we are all one and do not have individual souls. and that once a person considers others as themself, they lose the fear of death. So when you say “you, your true self exists” are you talking about an individual soul or one soul that we all share?
I really would appreciate a reply to this…. even if you see me as an oblivious idiot. What am I missing? Whether it’s a reply from you or Leo. I’m truly interested.
I am not really a person who is good with words. But I hope this helps:
Search on google “lifewithoutacenter non duality”. and read the article about what is non duality until Leo explains about this more. I think that article can really help.
READ that. It does explain well everything hopefully- the paradox that is difficult to understand.
hello Leo
Thank you for your effort
So our existence is like a river, each river have a name, but which part of the river is the river it self, each part of the river are changing at any time, can we take a part and tell that’s the river? NO, it’s exist and it’s not exist at the same time
since i found this site by accident;i haven’t went through all your posts while posting above comment but after reading through comments and other videos understood you are also taken the path of meditation only.
Hi Leo,
Did you ever notice that a three quarters moon is shaped like a lemon.
By the way, I’ll take my truth with a “lower case t”.
I think your video did make me nervous, (in an important way) cause now I got clever fever! You know, my way, of being defensive.
Thanks and enjoy,
P.S. Is it possible to do all of the effort necessary, towards enlightenment in one hour…If I work really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,really,
hard!! You can see how clever/defensive your ideas have made me….this good….thanks again.
Hi Leo,
Thanks for all your videos. This is a new subject for me and I’m becoming very interested in it already. I just wanted to ask you a few things.
You say spiritual enlightenment makes us unafraid of death, but in what way can it console us for the death of others? I myself am not particularly afraid of ‘my’ own death (or that of my body) what I fear more is the death of my parents.
You also mention the stories that try to explain reality. What is the explanation for the universe and reality to have come into existence? I get how stories in the bible such as genesis are stories written by people that try to explain reality. But what about scientific research which shows the universe expanding etc. ?
I’m looking forward to learning more.
Take care
Dear Leo,
I noticed that my comment (lemon moon) was not posted. I apologize if my being flip was offensive…I was simply being silly (after you tried to scare the self out of me).
Zen does seem to have its humor. In fact, my sense is, a lot of Zen is about turning the “self” into a banana peel, that the “self” can slip on. In Zen, isn’t enlightenment, really, the selfs prat fall. (I’m not saying you do Zen training. However, to me, it seems that you do something that might be similar to Zen.)
My only concern is free will. From what I understand, you have dedicated your life to (qualia/enlightenment). I have dedicated my life to (qualia/free will).
Like you, I don’t believe their is a self that exists (has any agency). However, I do believe their is free will. You have your paradoxes, I have mine.
I believe the “self” is actually the opposite of free will. It must be destroyed. Everything, action, belief, that points us towards a self (myself) is not free. It is simply a narrative a memetic copy.
I think the core difference between your journey into (qualia/enlightenment) and mine into (qualia/free will). Is the difference between traditional ideas about transcendence and what I choose to call (quancendence). Simply put, quancendence is the pursuit of measurable (actions/skills) that go beyond anything your “self” thought was possible for your “self” to do. In my version of (free will training), we get the benefit of measurement instead of, merely,
Tell me if I am wrong, but it seems (enlightenment training) requires a teacher, requires a relationship. Because in enlightenment, there is no self and no free will, only the random crossing of paths (student crosses teachers path).
To be completely honest, I don’t believe that we have “true” free will. I call, what we are capable of, “soft” free will, because true free will would require us have a self, be a self.
Privet Leo,
The truth you revealed in this video didn’t shock me – we are just so grounded in our humanity, it’s hard to wrap our carnal minds around anything like this. Interestingly, Jesus claimed to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life. If He is the Truth, and Truth and Reality are the same, that makes Christ reality by definition. At least He is to me
I do have a couple questions here:
Are those who actively work on achieving enlightment under the guidance of a master guru advised what the truth is before they take on the journey of discovering it? Would knowing what the truth is ahead of time then somehow spoil the process of getting enlightened?
If getting deeper into understanding reality, objectively, requires moving farther away from ‘personal’, where then do I place the Creator in this picture? You mentioned in one of your posts you hold a position of an agnostic. Do you believe in intelligent design (Creation) and the role of a Designer?
Also, I had an experience while in my Mother’s womb, in which I was observing the surroundings inside of the womb. I also remember being born. I didn’t understand what was going on, of course, but I remember being pushed along a dark tight tunnel, struggling to get through, staying stuck for a moment, and finally emerging into the light grasping for air. I remember all this very vividly. Are these stories something my ego told me, even though no particular thought was attached to what I experienced at the moment?
Thank you!
Hey Leo,
First of all I want to thank you very much. You are doing a great job and I learned a lot from your videos.I have no words. The deep understanding you have is awesome and you are a true learned person I have ever seen in my life.
The best quality in you is that you can express or say (by language) that you feel .It’s what great personality does. You just recall me of BUDDHA the spiritual leader of India. He is also the same. He realized the truth but he knows that it is hard to convey and he also wanted every one to realize hence he told some path. These paths are not the truth but by following these you can realize the unexpressed and unsaid feelings of yours . The same you are doing.Thanks a lot.
Hey man I wanted your views on universe and energy(absolute Idealism or Duality or Plurality or Relativism etc etc ). As I am from India and I know some very interesting theories but I want to know your viewpoint.
Make one video or U can mail me if possible(in case not making video)
Thanks man from heart.
Leo, I love this.
Thanks for spreading the word this takes courage.
‘ Life’s empty and meaningless, and it’s empty and meaningless that its empty and meaningless’. Love the work you share with us. I get it and
It’s a gift.
Ty Leo, it all makes sense now
If I did the work to become enlightened then it would be useless because I dont exist. And even the rewards wouldnt matter because I dont exist – the feelings that I feel arent real.
Doesnt it cancel itself out?
Whether you know truth or not, doesn’t mean you can escape from future events and situation. It should not be used as an excuse to escape from getting self work
When i am not real, how do i know that the reality is real ? every evidence for reality comes from something who is not real, so why shoud be the reality real ?
My ego is worried about providing for my physical body, IF it were to destroy itself. What does a spiritually enlightened person do? How does the body make choices? And how would a spiritually enlightened person interact with a society that, as you said, is designed for minimum conscious behavior? How would i interact within a marriage if i didn’t exist, but she still “did”?
I would assume that once enlightened, the body would instinctually perform the life purpose that it was put on earth to accomplish in the first place? And maybe everything would just flow?
I think that in order for an ego to develop this self-destructing mechanism, it needs to leverage itself to a position where it has no other choice but to destruct. In other words, the ego needs significant proof that everything is going to be okay once it’s gone. Since the only mechanism we have to destroy the ego is the ego itself, a person is required to first convince itself, with contradicting stories, that enlightenment is the ONLY path. Basically undoing all of the programming that we have done to our psyche over our entire life… I can see why that would take lots of time! thoughts?
I like to observe Buddhist monks in public and noticed how unassuming and ‘fluid’ these people appear. They never thank anyone, never talk or make eye contact with anyone (except with each other) – as though people around them don’t even exist. They seem to be completely detached from humanity. They don’t marry and don’t have kids – perhaps that is an empty pursuit to the enlightened as well.
I’ve been listening to an enlightened guru from India on YouTube and he said we do, in fact, exist outside of our thoughts. So, I’m still trying to figure out which is more accurate then – “I think, therefore I exist” or “I exist, therefore I think”?
Hy Natasha,
could you post the link to the youtube Video?
His name is Sadhguru, the videos posted by Isha USA. He said we gather our body and mind (thoughts) to add to the already existent piece of life. When asked what it means to be enlightened, he said it’s like coming back home – to that part of our existence apart from our physical body and mind.
Thank you, Natasha, I found him on youtube.
Actually Leo what has most upset me of enlightenment it’s not the truth of the no self but when you say that we do not have free will and that our destiny is pre-determined: in that moment you left me truly naked, deprived of what I thought was the greatest of the powers of man that is to be able to be creators of our reality. How can I in this state have a feeling to put myself into work to reach the spiritual awakening? Sadhguru instead has shown me a different shade of this: yeah probably we are not worth much more than an ant (as you say in an another video) and we don’t have free will (more than some things are predetermined by our ‘software’), but we can still change the direction of our lives by mastering our body, mind and finally energies as he says (I like to think we don’t have free will but we do have will power . Besides I’ve better understand that we don’t have to kill desires because they are part of human nature and they will ever be there, rather we have to make them conscious (and not unconscious that is those that are dictated by ego). Yeah maybe now I’m a bit more nice, but in this context I feel like to put myself in search. I really don’t understand you on this point: how can depression and bad states put myself any closer to the universe? Besides I expect five exams in a month, I couldn’t just stay depressed haha
Thank you Leo and sorry for my english
With an environmental science degree, my mind approached what you were saying in the video with logic and with what science has proved so far about the nature of humans.
Wasn’t expecting anything, but something happened in a split second, like a shift, a weight lifted, something cleared and much to say am much happier now, i laugh (rarely laughed before), don’t care about what people think of me, (used to care a lot), used to feel empty, but not anymore. Hope this will last, its awesome.
Thank you Leo
So, lets say that someone gets it
Is it possible to loose this, by doing the everyday routine?
or by having relationships with people who haven’t been there?
What is next after that? can you be more enlightened than that?
After a brief search i found out that what i experienced isn’t enlightenment.
A fully enlightened human will find that all humans are enlightened and all relationships are good. Am very happy that i was lucky to experience this in my lifetime, whatever this is, with hard work and meditation i will achieve truly peace of mind and whole happiness.
ty again Leo
This video sent me into a mild depression.
Leo, once again you speak to me ( that doesn’t exist! ) The ego destruction is all I need! Bring it on Leo!!
Thank you Leo for the video, I agree with you, that is where it starts once you enter upon enlightenment, no matter how you will try you will never get the truth because actually the mission why we are here is to enjoy the journey of looking for the truth we might enjoy reaching some hints of it, but no one can have it
What you are proposing is the annihilation of the self by denying its existence, which is not only anarchic but also impossible. I admit I am selfish and ego-driven from time to time, as are many other people, but it is impossible to eradicate the self as our lives depend on it. In other words we cannot not be ourself – its physically and mentally unattainable, regardless of the amount of investigation. Hate to break it to you Leo, as I’ve found your other videos very useful and you seem well intentioned. But the philosophy here is fundamentally flawed and, though clever, interesting and fascinating, nothing more than a psychological paradox.
First, great video. I love how you take someone through the point and the questions they may have.
What I don’t understand is when you say – achieve this so you can be happy and know the truth. Well why would that be rewarding if there is no “you”. It seems like in the end nothing can give you happiness because there’s no “you”. So why not just commit suicide? It seems like the real truth is society is trying to keep you from committing suicide with falsehoods.
Exactly. If the self doesn’t exist then what’s the point?
Hey Leo,
I haven’t finished watching this video yet. But I have a question in my mind, and would like to clear it and then go back to the video. If all this is illusion as its said, what should I really strive for in life ? Will it be conquering my materialistic goals or following and experimenting on spirituality to the T ? Which will make life more fulfilling that i would like to take on forever, maybe till the end of time ( if time is not counted as an illusion).
Thanks !
Leo, I have a diffrent question. I hope you don’t get upset, so here it is: do you actually consider yourself to be enlightened? Do you consider yourself to be a buddha? I am asking you this because you wouldn’t be able to tell us all this stuff and be 100% sure about it otherwise. I do believe that you are a enlightened but I want to hear it from you. I want to know your version.
Thank you in advance!
This presentation has bought new thought to my being. I was excited,
I want to take the self out, because i never knew myself, not only that, i just never understood why people see psychologist, psychiatrics, i just never understood the many ways of why decisions made to seduce someones intelligence occured. I have also wondered why people thinks so many brutal ideas to cheat, and why it is so hard to go to school, to do wondrous amazing things to enlighten themselves.
I hold truth that the subconscious mind takes you to an awareness of being in the present.
well leo what you said is great you said everything is told are just stories so what you are telling about is story too you said just forget about believes so what your saying is the believe human is a believe if you wasnt sure what your telling is absolutly right you wouldnot said even a single word but its not about believes its about what is real nd what is not !! the murderer or thief or watever if they do evil activity its a fact a truth that its bad like hell but they still doing that why becoz they believe what they doing is right !! but its not !! you said that just be honest wed thoughts well thought is just a surrounding watever it is its upto our mind wat should we chose bad or gud is just us !!!!!! at last i just want to say its big lol when your decide to journey nd you distination is to usa and your walking to canada !! confusions isnt created by nature the nature and we are clear as mirror but the eyes of minds get dirts its dosn mean nature is dirty !!believing our destinations makes reality and reality is the believes of us !! going deep is great but it dosnt make reallity its just make believe right or wrong its upto us cox there isnt such thing gud or bad or ryt or wrong but the way we use our mind !!!! keep sharing its gud to be heard (Y) appriciated
TRUTH!!! It’s a interesting concept in that there is only one. Two ideas that are opposite cannot both be true. My sister and I always debate many ideas and she always says it’s my truth. Like everyone has there own truth. Sounds nice. I am 100% convinced that there is only one truth and every thing else is a story made up for a personal reason to run away from the truth.
For instance GOD!!! Many people for some reason are mad at God and would make up a story to convince themselves and others he doesn’t exist. There anger probably is well warranted. Maybe they had some horrible tradagy happen to them and they had to come up with a story to coope with there pain of why God let horrible things happen.
A great example is intelegent design (God) verses evolution. It sounds to me as if Leo does not believe in either one. He has his own truth. The world and universe is so complicated and has so many tiny details that if that detail didn’t exist that organism would die. One example is the giraffe. The giraffe has two sets of pumps on it’s heart because when it is standing the main valve is opened to pump blood to its long neck. And when it bends down to drink water the main valve closes and opens a smaller valve so the blood being pumped doesn’t kill the giraffe. Evolutionist would say that evolved from a explosion of nothing and over millions of years evolved into this complex organism. Leo would say the giraffe doesn’t exist. I say a divine intelligent God made the Giraffe. I believe I am somewhat intelligent. I know for a fact Leo is super intelligent. I also know that scientist that came up with Big Bang are very very intelligent. But if we allow our prejudice against the thought of a God for what ever reason does not take the truth and make it true because we believe it. I am very mad at God. I have had a big falling out with him. I don’t understand him and I am frustrated with him. My intelligence will not allow me to close my eyes and say he doesn’t exist. It’s the same reason I don’t drink or do drugs to make me feel good. I love the truth no matter how ugly it is. I will give it a big sloppy kiss. It might be ugly and smelly but it’s the truth.
Thank you Leo,
Contrary to the idea that all would have negative emotions, mine were very positive and exciting. I have heard of many of the things you mentioned through various sources but you have expanded them and brought them all together. I am perfectly placed at my time of life a personal circumstances to look into this further with you. I am looking forward to it. My one question is where do you stand on helping others. .. serving others? I am vegan and am quite involved in the prevention of animal cruelty. Is it like the airplane instruction where you give yourself oxygen first or can you do both? As I have said, looking forward to tagging along xxx
Thanks for the answer! Your silence was enough.
I am scared
For the past 7 years, I have searched for “Truth”…. In the past year, all my “Beliefs” have come crashing down, and I am left with nothing. I’ve been feeling lost…. Crushed… No value
Although, my “mind”/”self”/”psyche” doesn’t know what to hold on to….. The lack of “self” almost seems hysterically logical.
So essentially the loss of the “stories”…. Or “untruths”…. In itself is comforting, I don’t know were to go from here.
What is the point of life, what is the point of anything physical
Hey Stacey
Obviously I don’t know you but I felt for you when you described how lost you were. In the words of the great Douglas Adams ‘DONT PANIC!’ From one human being (who stopped questioning his existence this morning when a car ran over his foot) to another who needs to know that other human beings who they will never even meet can care about them, I say please try not to worry. This is not the only way. (Leo will hate this. I hope he doesn’t get cross with me). Go Stace!
Dear Leo,
I found this video incredibly depressing to the point that I just couldn’t face watching or listening to any more of your videos for a while. The whole concept of nothingness touched on an inner fear that I didn’t even know existed or one that I had glossed over until you brought me face to face with it. I felt angry for a while, then depressed, then tried to keep myself occupied whilst all the time knowing that I couldn’t get away from this “truth”. I wanted to disagree with you but I knew in my soul (whatever that may mean) that you are correct and that this is true enlightenment.
But then as I meditated and practiced mindfulness a calmness has come over me and I’m feeling a little more relaxed and coming to terms with this nothingness. I’m now ready to listen to more, so I thank you for all the time and effort you’ve put in to prepare these videos, it is very much appreciated.
It seems in the video you felt many people if not all would be opposed to what you were saying but it was a breath of fresh air to me.
Something that really stood out to me was in your Spirituality vs Religion video you mentioned be depressed at first before coming to this realization. I too have this crazy depression hit me out of no where about a few months ago about life and I too was in fetal position almost crippling. I was questioning everything about life, spirituality and religion. I just find it that a lot of the people I heard about that have enlightenment or experienced it always had depression first. Gives me hope I’m on the right path.
I’m a metaphysical/self help book reader and always question most things, schools systems, marriages, religions, government etc.. I’m not against religion but I never could honestly accept it, a lot things didn’t make sense to me and I couldn’t pretend as though they although there are truths there.
I’m just excited! Every time I start getting depressed or down about how come I can’t accept religion or believe what people around me believe, I come across either a book or a video that gives me relief that it’s ok that I think a little different. I found of course Eckhart Tolle and I also ran across some Jim Carrey videos that speak on it and a director named Tom Shadyac and countless others who seem to share a common theme. I can’t wait to watch your part 2 video I was just so excited after watching this one I had to leave a comment first.
I am free to be whatever I want to be when I wake up every morning thanks to this new knowledge I have. I am finally touching, understanding (not always accepting) the power of this psyche in me. I can a new better person thanks to the understanding that “myself” is just an illusion, so I can create anything I want!
I am fighting the psyche right now, I have so many questions. The most important one, the more powerful one that doesn’t allow me to keep on fighting my own psyche is this:
I feel like reaching this enlightenment will require me to research and then go alone meditate somewhere until I can destroy my entity, then what if we all go do that? What if we all erase our psyche, I feel like we would be mellow kind of robots without emotions whatsoever, free of the mind…. Little butterflies waiting patiently for the end….. So wouldn’t that be the end of the human race? … Whatever put us here…. Why would that be our final destination, that is what my psyche came up with
Thanks Leo!
Also, I feel like love is very important in this journey. Not the love society usually knows but the deeper meaning of the word. Would you make a video about it? I’m clueless thanks!
I’ve seen both videos a couple times now, and have done a lot of pondering. Let me know if I’m on the right track. (Sorry for the length, lots of thoughts arise)
So there is no me there is just an awareness. Body’s just move with the natural flow of the universe/reality and I have no say in the matter, simply concepts that are built to make me think I do.
Do actions I think I make actually exist? When you have us nod in the video is my body actually nodding or is it an illusion that makes me think I’m nodding? Is the body nodding just its not me doing it and it’s not mine? Is it simply responding to stimulus in its environment?
If actions do exist, and I am an idea built around them thinking I’m making them, is it the brain creating my false reality?
Or is it that your body is mine as much as it is yours because we don’t exist and it’s just one giant awareness? Thought seems impossible, but is that’s what you’re getting at?
After thought about self help that feels a little regressive:
Say a human doesn’t reproduce as much as another. Is that simply evolution/ the natural flow of things and there is no you that can change that? Would taking your relationship advice be irrelevant because there is no me to set change?
I found your website several days ago and have enjoyed your videos immensely. Then I came to this one. I didn’t feel angry, depressed, scared or any of the other feelings you mentioned. I felt very disappointed and confused. I sat through your other videos feeling good about making changes in my life only to hear I don’t exist. Why would anyone want to do “the work” on themselves when they don’t exist? We are like the trees, the mountains, the rivers, the ocean…..we are part of the earth, and we do exist, mind and body. Leo, I am sixty years old, and I believe that ego goes away with age…when we learn that we don’t know shit when compared to all there is to learn. When our bodies and our looks begin to decay. That’s when ego is gone. You are a very young, intelligent and articulate man. If you are one of the 10K people out of billions in the world that “get it”, I think perhaps you have an ego problem, with all due respect.
confusion confusion confusion
I’m very open minded but totally confused. Most of this video went right over my head (that apparently doesn’t exist?) I might have to watch this a second time.
Hey Leo.
Upon hearing “the truth”, I felt an overwhelming joy which almost moved me to tears. A sense of Euphoria even! The idea that I am simply a thought resonated so clearly and perhaps my imagination got a little carried away! During the time to let that sink in, I focussed (almost enraptured) on my flicker of thought and felt a profound joy/ relief/ wholeness! I could feel a sensation in and almost above my brain like a weightless presence right around the top where the frontal and parietal lobes meet!
This is not to say I believe it wholly and totally, just because I understand and resonate with the concept. Such identification with it is proof of my ego, also, that I like the idea and haven’t fully embraced the implications. Nonetheless, I’m prepared to follow the path to it’s conclusion.
After studying philosophy and psychology alongside music and various arts for years, stumbling upon your site has been most rewarding. An extensive array of powerful and practical principles, delivered so digestibly! I have been destroying and building my ego for years in the pursuit of experiencing every facet of existence and suffered anxiety for years as a result of trying to suppress my natural abundance of energy (which I medicated with alcohol to overcome the shyness).
I’ve been cataloguing all of your wonderfully succinct principles into my brain and putting anything new into practise. Thanks to you, I can channel my energy naturally again and have the confidence/ ability to do virtually anything I need or go about achieving it… in fact, if the path leads to where I envision it, confidence won’t be necessary!
P.S. Have you read “The End of Mr Y” by Scarlett Thomas by any chance? If not, I imagine you’d enjoy it, albeit fiction! (trying to return the favour for good reading material!)
Infinite thanks for your work!
Thank you for a piece of clearty on
My path towards enlightment.
Thank you for this Leo. I must say this video happened at a very good time for me. I am down and out. I have meditated once in a while since 2009 and it has made my life poor. I am more lazy and demotivated than before. There is a permanent crisis in my life. I am sick of feeling exhausted, sad and powerless. I know why this is so. But I am unable to do anything about it. I feel good when I mediatate. But that feeling good makes other times even worse. I feel how others look at me more clearly and that causes anguish.
In a way, I am releived to hear your truth. Thank you. I will be listening to other videos.
A question: Why do you produce videos like “how to have amazing sex” when you know that having amazing sex is really not a big deal. Why do you not only say truth?
And to Thamood, (We sent) their brother Salih. He said: ‘My nation, worship Allah; you have no god except He. It is He who made you from the earth and let you live upon it. Ask His forgiveness then repent to Him. Indeed, my Lord is near and answers (prayers)
How can you disbelieve Allah? Did He not give you life when you were dead, and He will cause you to die and then restore you to life. Then you will return to Him(Quran) …..
Please Just Read The Quran ….
It Has All of the answers for you
Thank you so much for this special video. I have never seen anything this good. I have been practicing Deepak Chopra’s teachings for four years but it has never seemed to stick. It has been difficult as a 19 year old in college to teach myself but I have never given up because once I tasted the rewards of the higher states of consciousness I knew there was no turning back. I was fortunate enough to try primordial sound meditation growing up because I relentlessly and curiously bothered my family into teaching me it because I knew they were hiding something amazing. My Aunt is a certified teacher for the Chopra Center so I have been exposed to truth you speak of but never really grasped all the half ass explanations people give. I am ready for more of my own evolution and I never give up teaching myself but I just need more help practicing this new truth. Thanks for sharing your profound amount of experience it was really amazing and a big coincidence for me.
Hello body of Leo! Ah
Simple questions . What is the point of having a life purpose if you doesn’t exist? Will you continue to want to be the best doing something after spiritual enlightenment? Will you continue to love pursue your life purpose? It’s my ego or my brain that loves the work that you do? And it will continue to exist after spiritual enlightenment?
Sorry Leo, I hope you don’t think I speak out of turn.
There’s an old saying:
Before Enlightenment: Chop wood, carry water;
After Enlightenment: Chop wood, carry water.
Whilst I often find myself getting wrapped up in observing the beauty of life since my recent awakening, there’s still work to be done. If I can’t support myself and those I become responsible for, how will I continue to enjoy life’s beauty?
As Leo has already explained, If you can sustain a living and/ or benefit the world with whatever you find most fulfilling, you should be doing that.
Being enlightened doesn’t make you a rocket scientist. If learning rocket science is what it takes to achieve your most fulfilling goal, start learning. I haven’t digested some of Leo’s more financial videos yet but you can bet I’ll be checking them out!
As a musician, I’ve become less focussed on success now, becoming more expressive and true with my art for it’s own joy and integrity instead… which may lead to better success!
Hi Leo,
I’ve been on the spiritual path on/off for most of my life! Coming from a very orthodox family that practiced both Hinduism and Islam, and being sent to a Church of England school until age 11 where I went to mass every week, and a religious secondary school at age 16 where I studied Buddhism for two years, at age 18, I became an atheist.
I felt I had no choice, having knowledge of and experiencing all the hypocrisy first hand of all the major religions of the world. It was either I become an atheist or deny my own intellectual thinking and logic. I went with my own wisdom and lived a shallow life for a while, I thought this was everything, we are just here by chance and when we are dead it’s the end, we are gone forever.
Around age 20, I started contemplating the bigger questions of life again and our purpose here, I knew intuitively there was something more, I remembered that before I started doing critical thinking and before I was exposed to any religions, I knew there was something out there bigger than the ‘I’, I felt and accepted there was a divine presence in and around me, this was before I got caught up in the various religions and the concept of god. I concluded it was the religions that made me an atheist, and they would do the same for any thinking, reasoning, logical mind that questioned things instead of blindly accepting them… religions create atheist. And becoming an atheist was my attempt to protect my self by going to the opposite end of the spectrum. Now at age 20, I felt I had put enough distance between me and religion that I decided to re-examine my beliefs, and turned to agnostic, where I no longer denied god, but didn’t except him/her either, but left it open based on my own experience.
I’ve continued to pursue the truth, reading Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Neal Donald Walsh, and now at age 37 believe there is something for sure, some universal energy/intelligent awareness, and label myself a spiritualist. However it wasn’t until I watched your video that the penny really dropped. I was calm and excited at the same time, eager and curious, I felt a light bulb had gone off. 24 hours later I was filled with fear, as I digested what it really meant.
I couldn’t get the thought out of my mind, “I don’t really exist” what a strange concept, full of confusion and the more I thought about it, the more fearful I became of not existing, I feared for my wife for what would she do if I ceased to exist, I mean she married “me”, and Leo wants to help me get rid of “me”. What about my children ages 2 and 5, how will they be impacted if the ego they know as farther was to be replaced by someone that looked like father but was not, where as before they knew I loved them because they were mine and special, once the ego is gone, the illusion is gone, the egoless father will not identify with those children as his or special, would that be fair for the children or my wife… these were the thoughts running through my mind. Later having watched your what to do next video, I took some comfort in knowing that it would be a gradual process and if I’m lucky it would take 1-3 years in the best of cases and more likely 7-10 years. My family would not loose me overnight, and that eased the only fear I felt, I guess this is a slightly easier path for those without spouses and children with only themselves to consider.
Thanks for this and all other videos, I’ll be following them going forward, but not blindly, and each step with much thought and contemplation. It’s not easy to change the psyche, I first did it when I went from a religious person to atheist and the pain I felt was indescribable I took the core of what “I” believed I was and ripped it to shreds, if I had to draw an analogy the pain would be comparable to killing your own mother! I can only imagine the difficulty that lies ahead, because this time around I’m not ripping out a core part of “me” and replacing it, instead I am, ripping out all of it and not replacing it with anything… I think!
I found a interesting article on the ego that says we can never really get rid of the ego, but just learn to not identify with it, and then use it to shape it into what ever we need. In other words our ego is fixed right now and later it will be malleable and under our control, and we can consciously create and recreate the ego to consciously create our lives. I can’t add a URL here Leo, but if you think this maybe of value, search for Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity and then search for Ego related article.
Aw, Leo, when you asked to close my eyes I knew it – I knew what you would say and it made me burst into tears. Thank you for saying it out loud.
goosebumps…. I hear a ring of truth in this. I want to know the truth of reality thank you Leo
If one does not exist in the traditional sense that they believe, and because of this lack free will, does that mean those who will become enlightened (or already are enlightened) have always been on course for enlightenment?
What do you think of “The Kybalion”?
Leo I’ve lost my vision because of this enlightenment story and there’s nothing more devastating for me. I had just finished to complete my mission statement and I was traveling happy (like never I had been before) at the speed of the light towards the achievement of all my goals; I saw myself enormously grow in my relationship with life its challenges and failures,as I kept watching your videos mastering my emotions and the relationship with myself. You and my strong determination to finally start living in alignment with my values and ambitions had given me the six best months of my life (when I came across the self help’s world) but this, this has tremendously upset my plans for the future. I can’t recite my mission statement the morning anymore. How can I say to myself “I see myself as..” when there’s no “I” and no free will that can bring me become what I want to become?? And of course without knowing no more if it’s right to want to become that! I feel this truth greater than me, and of course because I see a kernel of truth in it. I just hope that this thing eventually will make me stronger, as long as there is a “me” though.
(Sorry for my english)
Hi Leo,
After watching your videos, I was thinking over some points that you said. I had a question about the state of enlightenment. If I detach myself from anything that has got to do with “ME” , and if everyone actually does that and assuming everyone reaches that state, wouldn’t the world become an emotionless place? I mean, when you reach a state where there is nothing that can hurt you or you cannot anything – what is the difference in being human and being a robot then?
Why would you want to experience a state of being where you cannot actually feel anything at all? The thought itself seems scary sometimes.
I’m trying some basic exercises that you mention in the videos – keeping track of what you are thinking and daily meditation. I really want to try to work on it but just a thought – what if I did ? what after that? Why would I want to be “THAT” and not “ME”? Probably this is my Ego asking me these questions – I dunno! But what should my answer to these thoughts be?
Hi Leo,
From this video pls let me know if I can sum up properly, The Observing self is the self looking at the reactions and emotions of ones life, this observing self is neutral and is always available. This observing self is actually your soul and is there to guide and give truthful answers while meditating. As we learn more about the soul that lives within our bodies that will not die, we can realise the emotions and thoughts have been moulded through our lifetime due to the experiences we have felt ( gone through ).
Is it true that enlightenment is being one with your soul ????
Looking fwd to your response
Hi Leo,
First of all, I’m sorry for my poor English – I’m not an English speaker. I just think that I should comment on this subject.
I’m a person who doesn’t have any EGO right now. And because of lack of ego, I don’t have any stimulation and motivation. I don’t want anything in the life. I don’t see the future. NO, I’m not depressed. I just don’t have EGO. I killed it deliberately – to see the truth.
What I understood from the video and your comments is that the main message is “If you kill your ego totally (there is no “I”), you will be happy”. Well, but you don’t clearly explain why EGO. As I know, it’s ego that makes us desire a better life, better reputation, better… and better… And how it happens? EGO makes AMBITIONS, ambitions make GOALS, goals make ACHIEVEMENT (SUCCESS), achievement makes SATISFACTION – and the result is satisfaction makes HAPPINESS!
But the problem is – what if you fail again and again to achieve your goals – the failure of success destroys your ambitions and dissatisfies your EGO – and the result is DEPRESSION! It is your ego that makes you feel bad about yourself and see negative in everything.
And that’s why there is a belief that “if you destroy your ego, you will be happy” – and if we look at the message from a different perspective, we can see that it says “Don’t want anything, don’t have any ambitions and goals, and don’t expect any satisfaction”.
Before destroying my EGO, I had a goal, actually it was my dream and the meaning of my life – to help more and more needy people to get success – stand on their own feet – in their lives (helping them with education, finding them jobs, leading them in right directions for the future). I used to do that – before… I wanted to do more… I wanted to help millions of people, I was even thinking about Somalians…
EGO is your POWER and ENERGY. Without power you cannot do anything in this wild world. Without energy you cannot leave your cave. You need just to control and lead your ego in a positive way!
P.S. Maybe, you are not sure about everything that you are talking about, but I think you are a great coach – you are very persuasive. I need some help to get my ego back. If you can help me with that issue, I would be really grateful to you.
Ok Leo but I don’t understand what you really means when you say that the “I” doesn’t exist (=You don’t exist). I know you say “literally” but I don’t manage to understand if you mean that I do not exist in the guise of what I think I am (or the body or the mind or the personality or whatever the fuck Ican be identified with) but I am something else like nothing or everything or god (so I am actually “something”) OR I literally literally am nothing that is like santa claus that can not be traced in the entire universe. Thanks
What I’m sure about is that I loved my “I” more than this “Nothing”. I’m trying to find a way to get back my “I”. And again, I’d like you to be my coach to get me back – if it is possible.
Leo can you say me if the actor Jim Carrey is enlightened? I’ve seen some videos in you tube where he seems to spoke about his spiritual awakening and read some other stuff in internet but i’d like to be sure about that. Really Thanks Leo
How can i know if i’m on the right track to enlightenment ?
So… I was in bed thinking at something like that: “Go fuck yourself Leo! If it were not for you, now I’d be traveling with my Vision at the speed of the light towards the achievement of all my goals, instead of being here filling my head with thoughts and doubts!” ” But it must be said that if it was not for Leo, I would never have started living with a Vision” “But then, why am I acting the way I act? In the sense, I’m just reacting at what someone is saying to me! I’m not deciding anything! I’m just acting in consequence to a cause, and that cause is you, the informations that you give to me!” “But wait a moment.. my mind always act based on the information that it has!The mind is induced to wish this or that by some cause and that cause is determined by another cause, and so back to infinity! So my mind is just an accumulation of informations! And these informations come from the envinronment I happened to live with since conception or at most from my genetics! So it’s my heredity and my environment that makes me wish this or that, I don’t decide anything!”. Leo if this is true, can be right saying that, hypothetically speaking, being equal genetics and environment, two individuals choose the same action?
If that’s the case, there is no such thing as free will
Then, if everything is predetermined by our environment and genetics, what’s our role in life? We are not the mind beacuse it’s just an accumulation of informations depending on the circumstances we happened to live with, neither we are the mind beacuse it’s something we hereditate and it’s an accumulation as well. So we are really nothing, I’ve come to this. The only consolation for me is the extraordinariness of nature that is been able to create a machine with the autopilot.
Leo just tell me if I’ve said something valuable or if I’m just overthinking and strachting my nuts thanks
I can’t enter the rest of the message
Its amazing how the chatter in your mind suddenly goes silent when you really take in the true content of this video, it’s like having the peace of God fall upon you (for lack of a more ‘universal’ comparison!!)
A beautiful video that brings ones mind into a state of rest, thank you Leo!!
Ps. What colours are lemons??? Green when growing, yellow when ripe and brown when rotten…though I guess it’s really a matter of perspective
The truth is when the ego dies what does exist is what we call God. That is why we are all one. After the death of the ego consciousness is what remains. This consciousness is what we call God. This consciousness is a forever thing. It will never die. Our ego and body will die but the Awareness lives on forever. Is this the enlightenment you speak of???
I think it is possible that one of my older brothers has this enlightenment. When I was 14 years old he tried to explain to me that my world is not reality, everything in my world is a a figment of my imagination, and that I am not who/what I think I am. That my reality is not the true reality. I wish I would have been able to grasp the concept at that time.
This intro video was very difficult to listen to, I am compelled to find this Spiritual Enlightenment at whatever cost. Or I will die trying to.
Wish the new “Me” luck getting rid of the current me.
Thank you Leo
Question about kundalini.
Leo, I’ve heard many statements about relationship between kundalini and enlightenment.
Some say that one is prerequisite of other, some say that one is result of other and so on.
Any thoughts ?
Thank you for this courageous video, Leo. It’s great to be on this path with you, and to have you further along to point out the pitfalls! I’m only about a month into my dedicated meditation practice and am certainly having various emotional reactions to the loss of my reality as I knew it. I’ll be looking for your videos about pitfalls on the path, but in the mean time, do you have advice about dealing with anhedonia- loss of interest in or pleasure from activities usually found enjoyable, e.g. exercise, hobbies, music, or social interactions? I’m trying to stay consistent with things I know are good for my wellbeing (or should I say, there is perception of Beth trying to… I’m a nothing!) but everything feels pretty empty. Ken Wilber talks about how spiritual growth results in MORE pain, but less suffering (youtube video Ken Wilber: Increased Consciousness, Decreased Suffering) but I find that at this point, I am experiencing more pain, and still suffering, even though intellectually I know that there is no me, and I’m beginning to actually experience it through my meditation practice.
Hello Leo…
Just a suggestion. You should really try to read Buddha’s teaching on “Vipassana meditation.” Buddha taught about it in many ways for many different people. After all everyone has different ways of understanding things isn’t it? I watched this video and I loved it so I even showed many of my friends. Seem like many people didn’t get it at all tho… Maybe you should explain with some of your experiences. So here is my brief experience. Six years ago I was taught by a Buddhist monk. He said that there is no You, or I or soul. Obviously I didn’t get a clue. But then he said we ALL are dying every day, every minute, and every second. He made me curious this time. What did he mean by dying all the time? Why am I dying? I was sitting there closing my eyes keeping my mind still and it was the hardest thing ever. At the moment he said it, I challenged myself. I won’t control my thoughts anymore but I’ll watch and catch them. I stayed at very very present moment (being in the present moment is very very important for me tho) and I watched myself. Well.. everytime a thought pops up and I was like .. Oops Gotcha and the thought disappeared as I noticed it.. So I found that thoughts came out without me trying and they disappear without me trying. So I looked for myself like … where am I? Every thought just pops up itself and disappeared itself without anyone’s control. Most of us like to think or I liked to think that these thoughts are us, the ‘soul’. Since these thoughts are dying (disappearing) all the time as they pop up, there’s no different than “I” am dying. So… Which was I? Is the thought which already disappeared was me or the thought which going to pop up next going to be me? I couldn’t control any of thoughts not to disappear. At that moment, I realized there is no I or You at all. I was shocked to realize it but at the same time I didn’t have any tension or worries anymore. I felt like it was too late to realize it. Well.. it was just realization but there are more steps for full enlightenment. The reason I share this so that people can notice that there are people who realized the truth and living peacefully and without regret not having this stupid ego self. So please Do Not doubt it right away and search into self first. Leo’s video about how to meditate can be a good good help tho. How hard you must try is depending on mindset and understanding. I don’t know how hard I tried but I could even sleep in sitting position tho…
Good Luck..
Greetings Leo
I have been following your videos for a few weeks now and i am really enjoying learning so many different things. This video as you pre-warned was a rather large shock and sent me into a few days of confusion back and forth. However today I started to read one of your recommended books, The Four Agreements and it has given me a more clear view of your message.
Just over a year ago i had everything i thought i wanted. I had realised my passion and put many months work into working myself out of a boring job into my dream career. I married my soul mate and was a super happy young woman. Then 4 weeks after getting the big interview and being offered my dream job i was hit by a car and knocked off my motorbike. I died at the crash site and was thankfully brought back round, however i sustained life changing injuries that lead to many, many surgeries. I had to learn how to walk again after being in a wheelchair. Amazingly im left with only slight disabilities. The saddest part of all this for me is 1. i can no longer drive a motorbike and 2. the main thing is that iv been advised not to undertake a career where i would be on my feet all of the time with major responsibilities (due to memory loss and concentration issues). ….Everything i had worked towards, everything id struggled for i got and then it was ripped away like it was not meant for me. This as you can imagine has left me feeling a range of emotional and thoughts from Im a failure, worthless, a burden, lost, depressed & without a purpose etc. I just wanted to say that this is not a bad story as i will get through but wanted to tell you that in the few short weeks i have been listening to you, you have made a massive difference to me and are helping to open my mind in so many ways i didnt realise were possible. Thank you so much, Kirsty x
Hi Leo
I just wanna know if you look up in the sky and you look around you , for example you saw a moon/stars at night do you wonder if there is a god? i am a christian and i do believe in this because we as humans have a purpose in life.
Hi Leo,
Well explained, and with courage.
But you are making one tiny mistake. Because it is not what you pretend. There is no choice, it is not a nine to five job, and there is no path. There is no insight to get or reach for. It will come or it won’t. Enlightenment doesn’t exist. There is only this knowledge of enlightenment. As long as you are searching for enlightenment it will lead you the wrong way. It is like the quest for the holy grail. There is only the quest. That’s all there is, there is nothing.
Rumi & Hafez
Hat down Leo, this is the best video I watch about you.
I cried a little because I had forgotten what was enlightenment.
Indeed, 2400 years ago Plato talked about his cave.
According to Plato, the world outside the cave represents the world of forms while the shadows on the wall represent objects in the physical world. The escape of the prisoner represents philosophical enlightenment and the realization that forms are the true reality. Most people are like the prisoners in the cave. They think the shadows are reality. Philosophers, though, are like the man who escapes the cave and sees the real world. They have true knowledge.
You are right, this is the same principle in all religions except they sweeten that the real truth is the void and fill it with promises or reward after life. Any judeo-christian-muslim religion have a messenger that saw the truth and came back to share it with the ones remaining in the cave. They interpreted or twisted Plato. Buddhism (more than 3000 years ago) was a philosophy but humans could not resist to change Buddha into a messenger of the gods. The human psyche cannot stand that void, the non existence and therefore, the human mind invents gods and saviours.
The perspective in zen is stopping introspect on an horizontal line (interactions with others) but focus on a vertical one, the individual, yourself. This is not a religion. “Religion is the opium of the people” is one of the most frequently paraphrased statements of German economist Karl Marx.
In many eastern philosophies, we as an energy have chose to live this current life. And I link this to your karma video, because if we decided to live our present life, indeed we have the free will to act in different ways. So maybe if we “reincarnate”, it is first because we wanted it and second maybe to try a different approach until we reach that enlightenment.
The ultimate purpose of enlightenment is to allow ourself to go on the other side consciously: the universe, the universal energy – where there is no emotions or feeling that make us suffer. We are free.
The concept that there is no purpose in life is a very difficult idea to accept and most particularly today with all the escapism available to fill that void and the success climbers to shift our minds.
Thank you so much for reminding me enlightenment, Leo.
It might not be the “truth” but we all, as superior animals, we could give this theory a though. Be open and not nihilist: mindful.
HI leo,
So first off I’d like to say I really appreciate what your doing here. Spirituality, and true spirituality at that, is what we as society really need in today’s world. I believe that a reconnection to our spiritual selves is what will save the human civilization from killing itself, which unfortunately will be inevitable without a change. I must say that I did have a hard time following your thought process as I watched your video, though maybe this was just my ego, but nevertheless, it got me and my girlfriend talking and we realized that we believe we agree with you. That is assuming that the point you are getting at is that the true spiritual self lies trapped in this mind and body that acts as a vessel for the spirit to experience this physical world, but the ego of the mind holds us back from our true self that is indeed the spirit within us. I am interested to know if this is the truth you are referring to.
-deepest regards, Nick
Do we really need that to see what’s right in society! A crutch to control us and tell us what to think!
People always changing others or letting themselves be changed by others! What about changing with someone!
Glad you got her nick! Now comes the fun part…..eh
All women are crazy. So are we. They loose interest if you let them tell you what to think, but they also run when you won’t let them tell you what to think! Guess if we all understood equilibrium then we’d be living in eutopia!!!
Men Math and Marriage, The plague of modern masculinity, or defeating feminism by Paul Elam on youtube will begin to warn you of those pitfalls
Here’s one for you Leo. Colors. Well they are actually there, but the classification of photons as a subatomic particle has identified them as having no mass. If I remember correctly, it is the lack of that elusive Higg’s boson that makes them so!
When are they going to isolate a graviton!??? We know there is gravity, but we can’t prove it scientifically….lol
The Isolation of the Higg’s boson is as close as we’ve gotten to proving matter in my understanding.
But back to colors….the electromagnetic spectrum of light all around us either passes through, is absorbed, or is reflected when it contacts matter. The color of something is based on the vibrational frequencies in the atoms and bonds of a material. These characteristics of the dye and other material in a red shirt manifest in the reflection of visible light that your eye perceives as red due to it’s wavelength.
Hello Leo!
I watched a lot of your videos, and I really liked most of them, but for this concept I have a different opinion and I disagree with you. I believe that everything we do, comes from the ego. You do work because you want something back(even if you don’t agree), things such as pleasure from doing good, money or whatever it is. So in order to dissolve the ego, you don’t have to work or do anything, because those things only increase your ego, but the world won’t advance if everybody stops doing these things. The way I understand ego, is that it has two parts, the good part and the bad part of it, the good part is trying to do something for the common good, while the bad part is trying to do something that is very selfish or hateful. So we should dissolve the negative parts of ego, but not completely the ego.
Can you please answer what you think about this? Because I’d like to hear an answer about that, because we’re trying to do something that maybe even Buddha couldn’t do(dissolving the ego). And if anybody wants to completely remove their ego, they would have to kill themselves – so brain would stop working and no thoughts to come from the brain.
I would appreciate to get a reply about this disagreement.
Thank you!
If Buddha didn’t do it, does that mean it can’t be done. What if someone else or some circumstance forced it, such that they/it “broke” that person. Or perhaps someone had to clear the haze of the past in order to move forward and in the process of rebuilding themselves this ego killing was a constant necessity to create themselves and be who they want to be! To be what makes them happy…. unencumbered by what others “think” they should be!
Followers vs. Leaders I guess!
Saying you can dissolve the ego, is like saying you can lick your back.
You might be able to do it, but life is not that long enough for the tongue to become so long to be able to lick it.
For me killing the ego seems just like a trap, because you’re trying to lose something that has no proof that it exists.
As for the followers and leaders, you can see a lot of followers and leaders with big ego, while a lot of followers and leaders with small ego, so your point is plainly wrong.
To paraphrase your rationale: “It seems like all action is inevitably for the inflation of the ego. To stop inflating the ego requires complete inaction, which is suicidal!”
This is a powerful and age-old rationalization, but it is possible to cultivate actions in your life that do not inflate the ego. Do some thankless or inconvenient tasks that serve a higher good. “Pay it forward.” Eat for sustenance instead of for indulgence of the palate. Do work that absorbs you, gets you in the “zone,” gives you the “flow” experience. Replace the thought, “I did it because I am so good.” with “It was the right thing to do.”
A single action may not dissolve the ego, but it may diminish it, or at least not inflate it.
Milind S Pandit, you completely understood my point. I agree with you about doing those good things, but when we start to analyze deeply these things, still our ego is causing them to happen, and that’s why I said that for me there are two parts of the ego, so the ego that causes good things is a good part, and the ego doesn’t have to be dissolved completely. That’s why I’m not agreeing with the concept of dissolving the ego, because you won’t be able to do good things, such as helping others, or many other good deeds.
I believe that we should dissolve only the negative parts of the ego.
Thank you for the reply!
This body has watched the video in full, three times. Refreshing delight and feelings of validation arose. The cause was the video’s concise presentation of key messages from religious traditions and schools of philosophy, but stripped of antiquity, superstition, and dogma. This heart was warmed by an apparent encounter a kindred thinker.
This intellect judges that additional praise would only inflate an ego. Critical suggestions would inflate this ego and also reduce the video’s conciseness.
This mind also values the truth, even if it diminishes this ego. The video helped it understand why most other egos react to the truth with denial, anger and blame, to this heart’s frustration and consternation.
Hi Leo could you clarify something for me. There are many points that I cannot fathom yet, but one part of this that I am trying to wrap my head around is the fact we have no free will, if all that I ever think or do is already mapped out, like writing this post going to the gym, stealing candy from a baby. To me this seems crazy, were the dinosaurs always going to be wiped out, or do external factors like “reality” get to live outside of this influence? Are Homo sapiens always destined to destroy the earth. We just haven’t reached that point yet? Was Hitler not such a bad egg, he just didn’t have a choice about it? How can you pursue Enlightenment if the decision is not yours to make? Are we just puppets in a pointless pantomime? Cool vid by the way. I’ve just realized that I have used the word I quite a few times and me. Omg how does this thought refer to itself. Meltdown initiated.
Who’s thought am I?
So you’ve never had an enlightenment experience? Well how can you explain it so well? I’ve heard many explanations from around the world, but this seems to be the most accurate and to the point. How Leo?
How does the enlightened self still deal to live in the concept of this “fake” reality?
If all of what is, actually isn’t, how does one conversate and exist around/with non-enlightened people, and deal with them on a daily basis? How does one that realises that tax, buying houses, etc, and basically living like a zombie as one could say, actually isn’t true and instead constructed to occupy the non-enlightened, but still do it anyway? If one comes to the realisation that all of what is, isn’t, why and how does one keep on doing? (Eg: paying tax)
I understand that money makes this reality go around, but isn’t that frustrating for the enlightened one, knowing that money isn’t a true reality?!?
I take it that once enlightened, these questions will be answered, but I can’t help to wonder about that now..
I’m not sure if what’s being wrote in this message is making sense, but I would value your reply Leo!!!
P.s; if we are not a we, myself, I or me, what is ones self refered to?
Best wishes!
Dear Leo,
I believe that seeing the self as an illusion is dependent of the old illusion reality dualism.
Personnally, I prefer to think in terms of set up, of configuration, i.e. we are in a configuration in which differenciated selves are being experienced.
Of course the mechanics behind this set up is all formless, unrecognizable stuff that our spirit or brain decodes. But it is just the mechanics behind!
Now what you do in your video is thinking some sort of oneness outside the set up, or inside the mechanics behind, whatever. And you firmly believe that it is reality and that our set up is the illusion.
Whereas if one thinks configuration, the old useless, illusion vs reality pattern becomes useless.
As for free will, it seems that the only alternative to it is us being automatons! Do you consider yourself an automaton? Do you make love to automatons? And do you think the superior intelligence in charge of the universe is satisfied of creating automatons?
I want to thank you for the videos about spiritual enlightenment. I have a question for you that I have been dying to ask. I have asked this question via email to Erkhart Tolle but no response as of yet. My question is this, is sleep paralysis similar to “Being” or being enlighten? I know you probably wouldn’t know fully the answer to my question because you are not yet an enlighten being yourself better yet, not aware of it but last night I woke up in a lot of fear. I couldn’t move but I was completely aware of my surroundings. Moreover, I wasn’t thinking at all but the energy of fear was heighten. Whenever I tried to tell myself in my mind to move, it wouldn’t happen. I was like paralyzed in a sense. My question still stands, now do you think in that moment if I would of accepted that fear for what it was, I would of became enlighten? Sorry for the rambling in advance.
I think sleep paralysis is a state, don’t quote me on it. But you do agree that “being” is a state? If so, I believe I was in that state when I had that sleep paralysis episode. One will never know what it’s like unless you experience it. I was just there in the NOW. When I think about it it was beautiful but it was scary at the same time. I can’t explain it unless you have experienced it for yourself. I did my research about my experience but it’s so obscured with people talking about demons. Maybe you can research it a little and do a vid about it. Hey thanks in advance for the response. Keep doing what you are doing. You are highly motivated on the right track.
Hi Leo,
Thank you for your awesome videos! You really tell me stuff I need to hear – it might not all be pleasant, but I feel it helps me grow.
So. Your message is that there is no ‘you’ or ‘self’.
Paradoxically, my view is that there’s ONLY self…
Might this be the same concept – the baseline being that all boundaries are illusory?
Let me ask you a question Leo. Is it possible that this body is just a vessel made for the soul? The soul that is, that comes from a all knowing powerful being? Is it possible? Have you removed that from your mind as a possibility? Have you ruled this out? Or could you say ” yes Ninos there is a chance that is a fact”?
If you say yes, then your theory of no self and all this not being reality and there being this making this reality a cover for another spiritually a possibility.
But the body is not one with the soul. They can both live with out each other. Scientist can genitically crest a human and have the organs and body grow, but they can’t make the body a thinking conscious human. That proves there is something else in this body that doesn’t follow the same rules as our realty. Only good explanation I see is this concept of a soul. Can you say it’s possible to have a soul or something like a soul?
Can you Leo Gura be in a complete not knowing state, complete openess to the possibility that there is a soul that is spirit form and lives before and after the body dies? Can you be opened minded, open hearted, remove all your negative believes of religion and say ” there is a possibility that there is a soul, that after the body dies, the soul still exists, and that soul is and always will be Leo Gura”? It’s not easy, but close your eyes and try to imagine after your body dies, the thing inside of you opens its eyes. Like if this world was a dream and was not real. The soul then wakes up and is in the realty that exists where it is from. But that soul is actually you. That is part one. Then the other part of this is where does it go, how did it come to be, etc. we can tackle later. Can you do part one for me?
This is a curious concept.
The thing is that I had no emotional reactions about this. And every concept in this video I understood, on meta level, so to speak, all by myself when I also was thinking about what truth and information and self is. But that’s just theoretical understanding, another bunch of rootless stories in my brain that by the path of abstraction lead to emptiness.
The only thing I kind of find non-objective is this “field of awareness” thing. My unpractical and philosophical understanding is that there is something outside of our subjective points of view that is, let’s call it, “objective reality”, and the thing is, that we, as biological beings, are unable to experience this “objective reality” – that’s just too much information for our brains and neurons too lift. Maybe even physically too much. And therefore we are forced by nature to experience outer reality using simplification and abstraction and categorization. We are incapable of processing raw objective information. That’s why we build all these simplifications, stories, concepts and believes and so on and so forth.
So yes, I completely understand, that while my fingers indeed type these words, they are not my fingers but the fingers of this body. And all my emotions and intentions are just neurological reactions in this brain. And colors that people see are not colors but memories of the same light wavelength from the childhood when their brains first encountered it.
And yes, these are all just stories in my head, they are literally nothing compared to reality because they simple not designed to hold the truth.
I enjoy making this stories, out of a thin air, just from intuitive meta understanding of the world around me. But I guess I’m one of the billions of those who won’t achieve enlightenment. I think I understand the concept, but I guess I’m too afraid of killing my “self”, even though I know it’s just an illusion.
P.S. Well that was one pointless monologue. I don’t even know what I wanted to say.
As a master of conceptual rambling I can let you know that I was with you up until a few lines past the middle. Right about when you started attempting introspection. I do the same shit, and it’s not as hard to get over as you think.
You’ll have to become endowed with the ability to tell your scientific mind to hit the background for a while and talk amongst itself. the “FEAR” will dog you until you learn to focus elsewhere (rather than reacting) while the deed gets done…heh. If you have a strong mindfulness practice when this time comes, then it can and will nudge you when you need to see the real stuff.
Leo is wise when he says: You gotta really want it.
…now “I” would add: Be careful what you want, and feel free to put on the armor first.
I don’t know what others think they think I think. Lol.
But your use of putting science in the background may be interesting. Or at least it serves you it seems.
But I guess the armor from childhood is what dictated the path for me at that moment.
I had little fear with this work as a result I feel. However, I did think lots about the presented intricacies. And it will lead to quite an awareness, with an open mind.
I feel I need to make my ego more advanced and conscious and then move to enlightment. I believe that the thoughts and emotions I hold are plant in me and it is not possible to just accept that’s they are not real.
I mean the ideas you are talking about might be true, and you are right my ego is trying to convince me that they are wrong, but till I can be more aware of my emotions and more conscious about things in life and about my psychology I believe my emotions and perception about life well prevail. I hold one idea though, it says that Leo had a strong point I cannot egnore.
Here is a question: imagine a world with 90% population spiritually enlightened?
And Leo now I know why you say, Hay this is Leo, and not I’m Leo.
So if I am getting this right. How will there be any real perceived happiness if there is no me to experience it? If there is no Ego how will this body function other then that of an automaton or monkey?
If I understand what you are saying the monkey is the bodies expression of it’s own existence. An elaborate spontaneous expression of it’s existence. I would be curious on your thoughts of dreams. And in particular could you talk a bit about near death experiences. Are those simply the psyche painting a picture for us based on our stories of what we should see and or feel?
How would you explain a child that see’s things in a near death state whom has never seen or heard of them before?
Thank you and yes this scared the shit out of me. I felt out of body and bizarre half the time.
Thanks Leo.I will be totally open minded and investigate.
i have the feeling that without ego i will eventually become a bum (not caring about anything but the most basic needs).Am i wrong?
I would say you are right, if it weren’t the strenght of habit.
Since the self does not exist as you say, then there is nothing to destroy, but the illusion of self! You already do not exist, except in your own delusions! So I am nothing at all. That sounds anti-human to say that I am nothing. Many of our long held beliefs that we have believed for our whole lives have been lies. The idea of an entity, a thing outside reality that is perceiving reality that is us, is the illusion!
Ego is an idea, a thought. Self is an idea, a thought. It does not exist. Once you realize that you are not your thoughts, and you are not your emotions, and that “you” is a thought, you cease to be! “You” cease to label your existence in terms of an independent entity. “You” stop existing separate from reality! Is this even close?
We have this thought that somehow we are separate and different from the universe. We believe that we are the center of the universe because we are looking and sensing through the body, which is a finite point in space-time. We believe that reality begins with I, and propagates outward throughout the universe! From our point of view, we are the only thing we know for sure is real, because it feels real. But that is a thought too!
The person I was when I was a child, does not exist today! The person I am today will not exist when I am old and grey. My thoughts and beliefs now are not the same when I was a child, and will not be the same when I am 90! The self dies and is reborn many time in our lifetime! The thoughts and emotions shift like sand at a beach as we grow and change! But yet I still believe that my Self is unchanging and eternal! What a paradox!
I am not thoughts…I am not emotions…I am not memories. I do not exist! Yet awareness abounds.
If I am nothing and the “I” does not exist, is there a spiritual realm after we die outside my perception that exists?
I understand this may be something that cannot be put into language, but only experienced. However, I am curious of your own experience and understanding.
Surely you’ve heard people’s stories of being in comas or dying on a surgical bed or perhaps on a battle field. And being revived or awoken. During many of these accounts experiences are told of. Many people claim to hear from the dead. I have “heard” them as well. Only with those I was close to during their life. From two distinctly different places! You fill in the blanks here!
We have in large part used terms such as “I” don’t exist. Well we actually do exist. We have form. We have intelligence. We live, breath, and eat. Sure we exist. However, there are principles that have existed since the beginning of what we call time that many of us have digressed into unawareness of. And at the same time, we really don’t exist because we are just a small part of the whole of civilization. Our being is composed of our experiences and the people we know best (in majority). So, as we come to life and pass to death much of this remains to be passed to children or family and friends until another of our “bloodline” presents to take on what is rightfully theirs.
Take for instance memories of someone who has passed away long ago. Surely you’ve heard someone refer to their memory remaining as imprints on all those who knew them while they walked among us in a visible form. Now think about how really bad people try to metaphorically “kill” a person before the act actually happens (naturally or not). These kinds of con artists, thieves, and liars go to great lengths to tarnish the image and “memory” of the person they want to extinguish long before that person may actually die. And when that person does actually die then no one remembers them and they are looked upon as a horrible person due to the lies and impersonations that occur as the result of these so called “despicable” people. So, not to speak of the afterlife with this, but just contemplate the means and purpose that is being met as this person is being removed from all of history as anything other than a no good dirty scoundrel and it was all because lots of people turn on them due to lies by others. Who can’t face up to what they’ve done, possibly out of fear from their accomplices, but probably just because they are a POS. It’s a way that they cause harm to people’s families and friends for generations. Really dirty stuff! I’ve met them face to face, though they hide their faces. Even if it be behind their hair! Of course, I’d hide my face as well if I had even been a part of such an act toward another person.
Then the favorite is to call them Jesus, so everyone else wants to kill them and the con-artists can continue with their dirty lives of riding coat-tails to other people’s riches and fame. While others do the dirty work! It’s a family tradition for some folks!
What I can tell you on your specific topic is that either we can cross to that dimension to help others with our own beings, or there is truly intelligence you will meet after your earthly body expires, I believe both are true. But one of them is true I am certain! I remember fragments of the “conversation” that I had once while my mind and body was traumatized so much that I was no longer “with us”. It was quite vivid and very personal. And I really can’t imagine it being one of us interacting with the afterlife! It was one of those kinds of talks! Very personal, more so than anyone on earth would have known!
And for all the men with beards that may read this. I’m not referring to a beard as “hair”.
Do not trust the ones that do this. They have no remorse. Never! They only lie to continue the wait. It’s a predator that injects venom and waits for the prey to die. So that the identity can be fully assumed by the “scavengers” themselves. Never let your guard down. And their tongues are laced with poison. That is their weapon! And yes, people like this can make their way into politics. And yes, this is becoming a world wide phenomena. Do you think the first two weeks of this year were a weird dream. No. It all happened. And is the beginning of the end for these types of people! As their “word” becomes known as the falsehood that it is!
Hi Leo,
This whole concept has left me very confused. I tried researching but to no avail, why we actually need to become spiritually enlightened. The whole concept sounds very abstract. What if it is not for me, are there any negatives? May sound like a bit of a silly question
Thank you
Hi Jack
I tried to get enlightened too, but I just realized some things that started to happen. I started losing everything I had, and my motivation was almost gone, my happiness was almost gone, I wasn’t very connected with people anymore, and it seemed that my life was on a downfall. However I decided to stop this, and focus on becoming positive and use ego in my advantage, so I can help myself and other people too in that way. I started regaining that lost motivation and happiness and everything started to improve, and I was getting closer to my goals. I don’t see a point in being enlightened because you deprive yourself of everything, and actually don’t get to enjoy the adventures of life. I stopped having any effect at people because I stayed passive while trying to get enlightened, but now I’m having more effect on people because I’m being involved more in activities. If you have any question about the explanation or whatever feel free to ask. I’m not trying to push people away from this page, but I’m sharing what I went through and hopefully you don’t repeat my mistakes.
Best Wishes!
This will allow you to discover who’s motivation you may really be following. And help you to understand the despair of breaking the dependencies to these people. Per our society and childhood we are conditioned to depend on others to do things for us. Leading to the culture of doing things for others. Not bc you want to, but bc someone else told you to. There’s a big difference.
I feel that one purpose of all this is to break yourself down to unwire all the programming. Then to dive into the life purpose course to find purpose(s) for yourself that you will exhibit excellence with and to allow yourself to grow around. Things that will last because they identify with your core. Which is what you find through active enlightenment.
My heart was sinking and I was breathing deeply the whole video. I am beginning to understand a little bit of what you are trying to communicate.
thank you; i feel light. you convey that this process will be horrible, but for m it is what i have been looking for. or rather, being reminded. listening to this has helped me transform a negative experience of meaninglessness into a positive one. most people hear the word nihilism and find it negative. for me it will be the peeling of an onion until i become the empty space within. you seemed to expect a lot of resistance; i just wanted to let you know that as it went along, i felt more and more affirmed in my own internal experience and beliefs that i developed but have not yet actualized from my journeys through academic philosophy and vaisnavism. rather than feel resistance, i felt increasing joy.
Hello Leo,
Why then dedicate you part of your life to “self-development”? And also, believe you in love ? Cause if I don’t exist, then who loves my girlfriend for instance?! I feel like I do ?!!
Thank you
You say that cosciousness isn’t localized but it sure seems to be; like right now i’ m in my livingoom in my house in michigan; thats what is being perceived right now. I’ m not in france or on the surface of the Moon. What am i missing?
Hey Leo. So I’ve just recently discovered your videos at what feels like the perfect time in my life. I come from a Christian background, and have always been skeptical of my “beliefs” that have been sewn into me since I was a child. I have always been force fed with various rules and “guidelines” that I was expected to follow, and believe is true, which I did for a good while. If I did not succumb to these ideas and beliefs, then I would risk not living eternally in “Heaven,” and would fear living eternally in “Hell.” This created so much fear and control in my life it’s insane to think about. Not until very recently I’ve been questioning the whole “purpose” of life, and what meaning it REALLY has. I relate very much to this video because I’m starting to understand when you say that your whole idea of the life you have and lived, and are living, has pretty much been a “lie.” I still consider myself a “spiritual” person, but not in the way I was raised. This is why I’ve been starting to do a lot of self development, and your videos are helping me tremendously. I just can’t seem to find a balance…and feel like I am constantly searching for meaning and purpose. I finally feel like I am starting to relate and connect with somebody with the way my mind thinks of all of these “crazy” thoughts and concepts that I feel and come up with, that society deems to be ludicrous. My one question for you is, what are your thoughts about what happens to your “soul” so to speak, when your physical body dies? I know you say that you don’t really “exist,” and I’m starting to try and understand this.. but does this mean that there is “nothing” at all after the physical body dies? The reason I am so curious about this is because I myself have experienced a pretty powerful moment in my life where I have connected to something “spiritual” we can call it. I did an Ouija board when I was a teenager, using a pizza box as the board, and a shot glass. I know this sounds like a crazy, insane, religious freak coming out here, but mind you I did not believe in these kinds of ideas WHAT SO EVER. To make it short, it eventually “worked” for me after getting conned into this from my roommate, and the feeling was something I can’t even begin to explain. Most people don’t believe me when they hear this, or at least the few people I’ve told have a hard time believing it. I don’t talk about it often because it’s honestly hard to believe this happened myself, and brings a feeling of complete uneasiness that again, I can’t really explain in words. If this experience never happened to me, I really wouldn’t question an afterlife at all. But since it did, it leaves me with major confusion. What are your thoughts on this?
On the one hand: enlightenment, no free will, no person in control, no soul: just a cluster of flesh and thoughts that is being lived instead of living. However a big, universal “I am” remains, according to some adepts. On the other hand: the notion of person, free will, all of religion, all of NDE testimonies. Leo Gura would say that the second is dream and illusion. But perhaps both are valid, on different levels.
Hey there Brittany,
I am in a similar situation in my life right now. Although I have no religion, I
live by Christian principles. I have decided not to take “sides” until I am
better educated (I am in my early twenties) so I am left in the midst of constant questioning and mild anxiety – I am eager to share experiences over the screen. My e-mail address is [email removed]
Hey there Leo,
I have a couple of questions.
1) How do you manage to deal with “regular” people after your awakening? I ask this because of the “fact” that we are innately social beings. Who intrigues you? Do your loved ones get/understand you?
2) Did you already have any beliefs in this area of “reality” before encountering this? How did you perceive reality and the aftermath prior to your endeavor?
I ask this because I am still searching and I have these sporadic moments when I envy “regular” people because ignorance is an easy way to live and “happiness” is defined more simpler. It truly is a red pill or blue pill situation for me.
Arigato and thank you for your wisdom.
Hi Leo,
Thanks so much for this, and every video.
One comment only, about politicians. I would have agreed with you 100% before Obama. But I have been believing he is different from the rest of the corrupt bunch. In fact, I have thought he is enlightened! Isn’t he in a different category than the rest?
Please tell me Leo. This concept makes perfect sense but it begs the question for me, what is it that produces the ego within our minds. Is it a product of our upbringing and society? Is there any documentation (presumably religious text) on a time when we were born into a world that didn’t cultivate this false sense of self within us, and when did this change? Why? Greedy here I know with a 3rd question, but does enlightenment effect sex drive and consequently our urge to reproduce??
ego is from curiosity and a ownership feeling ;comes by birth.
e.g. show a finger to just born, he holds it (curiosity),when pull back,he tightens grip(ownership of what he found) and finally when you make a move and take it back,he cries(his ego disturbed)
however as a grownup,if you can understand it, it never try to interfere in your decisions;but that needs deep learning of yourself in meditation.
If that’s the case Neru then is there some purpose to the ego produced by our DNA in order for us to survive as an individual? Like Leo says once enlightenment is achieved the fear of death disappears. However, I would like to believe that even once enlightened the basic instincts of life still remain in tact, such as survival reproduction etc.
Personally I believe the state of enlightenment would be likened to that of an animal that possess no sense of self in a conscious way. It is the natural organic mindset we would have possessed thousands of years ago before the development of civilisation. And therefore I believe the ego must be manufactured by the way we are brought up and the society we live in.
Would love to hear other people’s opinions on this?
I’m a physiology graduate student,I study human nervous system,so I’m kind of a scientist and ofcourse,I love science.
what Leo is talking about here,is the beautiful link between biology,physics,even our philosophy and art and all of other sciences and human knowledge.one just needs the right eye to see it.
Thank you Leo.I’m working on “myself”.it’s hard! but it is possible.and I hope to get there someday.If the universe wants.
Leo, This is a great video. Everything you said is true. How in the world you came up with this articulate and layered explanation is beyond me. I fairly recently discovered the consciousness you speak of without seeking it or even knowing it was a thing to seek. I was doing inner work at the time. Took me a while to figure out what was going on. I’ve been trying to explain it to my husband, and you helped me see why my explanations makes no sense to him. maybe I will have him watch your video. It’s a beautiful place of peace, expansion, allowing, and knowing. Weird and unsettling too at times. Changes everything and nothing at once. Still living life as before, but with a different truth. I am not yet able to talk about it and make sense. And even speaking from that truth can be weird. Sort of living in two worlds. Thank you for your work on this.
This video was overall great i found it very interesting and it really inspired me to start aiming for enlightenment i did have some trouble with picturing myself or imagining myself in several parts because i don’t really see myself as anything so basically when i try to imagine myself i just see void I don’t know maybe its my Ego getting a hold of me from what i can tell Leo it seems like you are saying that we see reality as if kind of like a watching a VR video and we are a character we got overly attached to but back to point when you told me to imagine myself all i could imagine is void is that just my ego and i have one other question is some other entity controlling are body’s Who slash what is controling them
We exist in a matrix, simulation, hologram, or virtual programmed
reality that we believe is real because our brains tell us it is.
Consciousness is all and everything in the virtual hologram of our experiences brought into awareness by the brain – an electrochemical machine forever viewing streaming codes for experience and interpretation. Consciousness originates from a source of light energy for the purpose of learning. The human biogenetic experiment is consciousness brought forth into the physical by the patterns of sacred geometry that repeat in cycles called Time.
Reality is about the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time. To become fully consciousness, is to remember who you are as a being of light, why you are here, and where we are going as dictated by the collective unconscious that creates the programs of realities through which your soul experiences simultaneously.
I have been watching actualized.org’s videos and it caused me to wonder what “Enlightenment” is due to how often Leo brought it up and came across this video. Honestly, this concept is easy for me to accept and have already put the philosophy to practice. But I thought it would be interesting to share a comment about my personal reaction (it wasn’t fear, anger or ego of any kind as it was accepting in nature). As I listened to Leo explain what Enlightenment was, about illusory sense of self and reality, I found myself astro-projecting in response to Leo’s concept as if to say “Yes, I understand and I agree, it is not I who you are speaking to, referring to, I am elsewhere” and I just hovered over myself and watched my non-identity watch and learn from a point where my true identity existed.
Hello Leo, I came across your site completely by accident. Good Job. You are bridging the gap between Zen and general society. Perhaps you are a reincarnation of Alan Watts. (great compliment) I have not heard anyone giving a straight forward explanation that anyone with an open mind can understand on the Internet as you have here about reality. Those who are interested in learning more about what Leo is saying can also check out books and videos by Rupert Spira, Alan Watts, Osho, Sadhgugu and others. You are right Leo, nobody with an open mind can argue with what you are saying.
Coming back to this amazing video and transcript to re-enlighten!
Basically I need to remind myself how awesome of a thing this pursuit actually is.
Questioning reality sure gives you lots of crazy rides…
One of the biggest traps is after a few (or even a lot in my case) experiences to start to think about oneself as enlightened, not having to do much more, and then starting to play all sorts of games around it. But actually BEING in a heightened state of enlightened awareness and consciosness is another thing…
I really like the allegory of the bouncing drop from Leo’s blog with insights.
If you want to read the story of my first experience that something about reality was not what I had thought it was, you can read in one of the blog posts on my website, search for ‘Life as a game, you as the player’.
I think it is quite unique, at least I have not seen or heard anyone experiencing anything like it yet, although I am sure there are people who have.
I am curious why you believe enlightenment takes time?
I’m not sure if we can even talk about what is false/illusory anyway.
I hear ya.
I suppose I am just at a place of acceptance and we are all at different stages anyway. Goals and strategies imply time. Time waits for no one. Ha! I meditate every morning for an hour and that seems to negate time but what the hell do “I” know anyway.
Thanks for responding to my comments!
Hi Leo, I would just like to humbly thank you. I am so grateful to you for your videos and you have become a significant mentor for me. A great deal of what you talk about is familiar to me, to some degree or another. I have been meditating for over 30 years. I have had moments (some even slightly extended) of clarity about the nature of reality that I am able to understand within the frameworks you provide. So basically I want to thank you for your time and dedication and the phenomenal commitment it must take to think through so much material in order to bring together and so clearly articulate such complex concepts. Thank you.
Hi Leo
But what if you didnt see the cube to begin with? What does that mean?
The only untruth that Leo says, is that enlightenment is simultaneously everything and nothing at the same time. Nothing is nonexistence. So only EVERYTHING EXISTS. Therefore enlightenment is the experience and the awareness of BEING EVERYTHING. Which is experienced as total PEACE no motion or sound, no timespace, because you can’t go from one place to another when you are all things, places, and times. When you are all things,places, and times the experience SEEMS LIKE NOTHING. All that awareness can be aware of in this condition is the ENERGY THAT MAKES UP EVERYTHING, AND THAT IS LOVE.
When she’s early 20s, she can date a guy in his 30s.
Of course she shames guys who want to do the same when she hit her 30s
She probably has a very fulfilling career though, so there’s that. Keep listening to the feminists, ladies. They are gonna lead you to the right path with a very high powered career, which is what makes you attractive to men. Don’t worry about being feminine, flirty, and cute. Just do what makes men attractive towards you.
30s women might be ok for me. I’m 52 and women my age are literally falling apart.
Make no mistake men, SJW’s, feminism, and other strains of leftist “thought” are weapons against STRAIGHT WHITE MEN. These movements are directed towards white men ONLY. Remember that and know your enemies.
Dual standards yet again…didnt wanna commit at 20-25 since her SMV was peaking cos it was so fun bun NOW she expects a propper man downgrade his SMV (thats peaking) and settle with her cos she DECIDED to? Men will be doing what you have been doing since 15. Playing the field while having the upper hand. Or look it like this: The older the women are the more entiteled and nagging they are while her ATM between the legs has no value anymore
To all of the young men out there, focus and work on yourselves. If you do, you’ll have the world by the balls after 30.
To all of the young men out there, focus and work on yourselves. If you do, you’ll have the world by the balls after 30.
My ideal woman I met after a bunch of crappy women. She was 25 and I was 30. That was perfect for me and we are still married 16 years later. My wife is still super hot. I know most aren’t so fortunate just want to say it is very possible. But you have to be willing to kick most women to the curb and you have to have your duff together and be confident and probably good looking
the solution for an older woman is to date younger men, too. Everyone has their preferences though, and those change very slowly.
men in their 30’s are after women in their 20’s you should look for someone in their 40’s that is stable & not alot of baggage
How can she say men her age don’t want to be responsible. We always wrap it before hitting that 20-something, sheesh. How can they fail to see that the “empowered feminist” crap teaching them to be ‘used’ nonstop and “working on her career” through their 16-25ish age
My payback came much sooner. The girl started off using me as a rebound and then eventually fell in love with me after 6 months. She was not into it when I pursued. So when she wanted a relationship after 6 months, I left her.
My payback came much sooner. The girl started off using me as a rebound and then eventually fell in love with me after 6 months. She was not into it when I pursued. So when she wanted a relationship after 6 months, I left her.
Spiritual enlightenment? HA HA HA HAHHHH! That’s silly, why don’t I just play mobile games, instead of fucking religion I should be nothing and do nothing, and see, painfully, how matter isn’t anything someone made up, that’s the challenge of his spirituality, to let go of religion and be nothing addicted to secularisation? Stop it!, I can be spiritual not religious, that’s what the wise people are doing, why bother with sensible things like physical things, when you can sense religious things without the senses, it’s not obvious to the intelligence, there’s a ton of mystical people who understand this puzzling concept, the rest of you are fools using fancy words without an understanding of the mystical, but I’m not doing this monkey-like nonsense, I’m already enlightened which means I can do anything I want.