Reading A Poetic Description Of God Consciousness

By Leo Gura - August 22, 2022 | 7 Comments

I read a 8-page poetic description of God-consciousness and explain my latest awakenings


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Joel says:

Proof that I am GOD. Using Leo’s example of infusing a beetle with life energy and bringing it back to life, I decided to experiment. What totally lifeless entity to pick? Clearly the New York Yankees. I summoned all my psychic and spiritual energy and breathed life into that team. And miracle of miracles they won yesterday. Joel

karbytes says:

Nice poem. Hearing it read was like watching a movie in my imagination. I can sort of imagine what it might be like to expand to my full size as the root level of all existence which is prior to any distinctions. I imagine that, as a human, I would “freak out” in horror at being the only mind in all existence and never getting a chance to truly ever stop existing (but perhaps eventually I would get used to it and come to enjoy it and have fun with it). It sounds exhausting from my limited and biased human perspective to dwell at that “root level directory” of existence.

stephanie says:

I just realized I have created you! How could you have possibly been going though the same as me? You are the voice and face I never had from this perspective of my being, and I believe because I can’t create it from this side, I projected it into a screen. It’s all miracles, miracles of God.

yusef says:

What can I even write, you guys are great, I finally figured it out, haha! I wanna talk to Leo, I’m one of the 1 on 30,000 people to have god conscienceness!

yusef says:

I’m God, I don’t know what else to say, have fun NPCs!

yusef says:

I would love to talk to Leo, I’m the real God, thanks for designing everything, having fun this go round!

Emile says:

For those who are reading the comments most likely that these comments are only just being viewed by other commenters.

God is our eyes, god is our voice, god is our consciousness, but we ourselves in this body didn’t create reality and we don’t have the powers of god. We are children of god, but children of god in the sense that we are a singular part of god. God is life, god is consciousness, god is reality, god is truth, but god is only observing right now, god is observing through us as us, but we are not god. God is holding us in their palm, each palm is different for each individual, that palm is the body for our consciousness. Our consciousness is not the driver of our body, but god is driving our body by listening to what the conscious children want. God is with you, god is next to you, god is your subconscious. God controls the unconscious, god moves what is perceived not to be moving or perceived to not having any consciousness behind it. God is in us be we are not god we are their children, god is observing us, guiding us through our actions, but our actions are still our own. Our decisions to choose thoughts are our own, but the thoughts we think or receive are not our own, god gave those thoughts to us to choose as god observes how you choose those thoughts that are given. Your choice is yours but we are still children of god. Many of us are still immature even if we think, know, or believe we are mature. For us to truly be mature we need to help all life reach full maturity not just humans to reach maturity. Once all life reaches full maturity then god can start to talk to us for real, as if god is talking to an equal as if god is talking to another adult god like themselves. To reach full maturity you need to accept immoral and moral as truth in the sense that immoral shouldn’t be rejected and corrected, because all this “correcting” that humans are doing currently, is immature children believing they are adults that can teach and correct. We are still children, we still run away from truth with fear even if we think we are running towards truth and away from falsehood, the truth is there is no false, but as immature children we call false what we cannot understand nor accept as truth.

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