Life Is A Maze

By Leo Gura - August 29, 2018 | 13 Comments

You are inside of an organic, non-linear maze

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vicki says:

Can you give me a list of the books?

Xain says:

WE aren’t really inside of a maze but more of a dance. Life isn’t a maze but a dance or a song. Aside from that you could say that life simply IS. But it is not a maze.

“If youre a rat its a maze if your a jerkoff its love if your a soldier its a field (not really)but what if youre just a moutain someone gave. A moutain that never cries.?”

Hoyeon Lee says:

Leo I’m waiting for my Video of The Week!!

Why aren’t you uploading a video this week?

Sari says:

Hi Leo,

I’ve been trying to contact you for a tech support for about two weeks now. I think there is a problem with the email, the emails I send may have not reached you. please contact me on this email so I make sure I can reach you.

thank you very much

Cris says:

Hi, Leo

Could you please shoot a video that would explain the difference between ego and soul, the two voices inside us and how to clearly distinguish them?
It’d be very practical in everyday life when we make decisions, that we all know are mostly emotional, how do we know which voice would be the soul and would guide us better in life?

I’m asking you this since I can see how life is a journey or this maze because of the inner conflict we have, the ego is drifting us away from what the soul wants and that creates so much pain and turmoil.

Donald says:


I would just like you to know that I find your video well presented and powerful just as all of your videos I have ingested. I sense that several of your viewers may find these as more of passive entertainment rather than an alarming wake up call and guidance system lighting the way to an infinite golden egg. I treasure your deep insight and vast array of knowledge but most importantly am utilizing as much as possible in my pursuit of the absolute truth.

I would like to ask this…As we let go and surrender our ego in meditation will we naturally move away from logic or brain towards intuition and higher consciousnesses or must we use consciousness to increase consciousness?

Takao Yuuto says:

Cool genius Alien prince,Strong wise human girl romance.Black hair blue eye Boy!
cute mature yet young clean boy,Short spiky soft hair,Cool yet innocent blue eyes!
his Family are hidden as they work everyday.Don’t live together before marriage!I
love 12 sai romance do Takao Yuuto danicing in blue,black,white outfit in 99 songs
Do Ayase dancing with red,white,pink,yellow,black,blue,purple,green,teal outfit Do
many unparallelled memorable moments have bullys always fail to interrupt them!

Max Raoy Gron says:

I don’t want stories of rats in a maze or any fable or parable, I want the truth: I’m not a rat, and I’m not getting more cheese becoming a big fat rat, I only get cheese becoming a small, reasonably skinny bloke, that’s the truth. Also if I think for myself, make up my own beliefs nobody would talk to me, they want you to be a typical, contemptible person, people secretly want you to be contemptible because it’s common, because the beliefs are simply to act normal like in your society. I don’t want religious content, I want the truth, based on fact, and not an opinion. Do you know what an opinion is? It’s an unproven belief. Where’s your proof? Talking about rats, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Reality is a non-religious, primitive war and conflict, it’s not people’s made up religion, making up your own religion, it’s blasphemy, it’s a sin, you can’t invent your own religion! is a belief, there I said it, it’s the belief that the unreal can’t make up its mind and that reality is unreal. Unreal? Magical? Magick is evil, what do you want magick for? That’s not the truth, it’s an old wive’s tale. If you want the truth, just change into a secular person, and don’t have magical thinking, put yourself in the centre of science, matter, etc, things like that. I don’t like mind-fucks, they modify the original belief, modification of a belief is lying about what people think, people don’t fucking think that, you’re wrong.

Max Gron says:

If life’s a puzzle, I’m in, the cost of wisdom is saying things that are literally unbelievable, people can’t believe them. I understand, as the “fat rat” that I am I used to think I had life all figured out, still there’s more, as with the “what does awakening feel like?” video, what I am, what I think is ungraspable, they’re both infinity, I’m not trying to grasp my mind, I’m trying to understand that I’m a small infinity of things, it turns out something isn’t true because it works, it could be true if it doesn’t work, my mind is very hard to figure out, since Kierkegaard doesn’t allow life to be a puzzle or solve the problem, I’m fixing that with pessimism with the goddess Fortune, as for above comment with need for no stories or parables, I believed in God but I only believed the truth, which I thought was found in the Bible, I wasn’t a secularist or atheist, I mentioned sins which is evidence of my faith.

Max Gron says:

I’m not going to change my Kierkegaardian philosophy, and I’ll read the book “Of The Abuse Of Words”, maybe I’ll think for myself, maybe I won’t.

Max Gron says:

Radical truth? Come again? So radical, perhaps, that it’s objective and alien to religion? I told the radical truth before, people can’t handle it, I was being so honest that what my words represented were even objective and physical, if you overdo the honesty (I wasn’t saying mean or insensitive things) people are going to be uncomfortable with this, their truth, that there’s no God and no Satan, you can’t prove that this is the case, wisdom is a stupid thing, telling stories that didn’t happen, there’s no rats, the rats are just your imagination, maybe it’s fictional, no one will ever know, you sit me down telling me tall stories and expect me to think they’re true? Fuck off! Nothing of tall stories is true, the truth is the world outside of you, look around, people fighting with one another, nobody in history ever got along, don’t tell me Europeans in the Dark Ages weren’t a warlike people, the horrible histories is what defines who we are, by us not being them. I don’t know what to disbelieve anymore, this might be a step above your knowledge but religions are disgraceful in history, and to believe that and disbelieve God is beyond a holy man’s understanding, what I don’t understand is that from my childhood I was fed lies, and the belief that life’s a dream, and that it’s the matrix, no way, I think these beliefs are being sarcastic, you know this is the real world, you know it’s not a dream, you know it’s not the matrix, why are you telling us these lies? They expect me to think what primitive man thinks is true? He’s rotten in the brain, what was this idiot smoking? Fuck off! Primitive man is full of shit, all this story-telling is a lie and a scam and a con, and it’s fools who believe this, you know that? These people are fools! Religion has lost its way, it started off as wise then two thousand years ago it made people fools, it’s so much a fool that the preacher got hurt, suffered, and killed, Christianity makes you an extreme fool, it’s very silly because it rejects wisdom, which is only fun to masochists who will die for their beliefs, I’m just glad we’re not a big fool like Jesus, Christianity is barbaric, it’s improved by another branch of it, and is therefore more perfect, furthermore a business to brainwash you into thinking of the Holy Ghost when that doesn’t sound right, spiritual and everything else is flesh, and angry priests kicking me out of the church when I wasn’t trying to be lustful, but wanted to marry the woman? Fuck off! It’s a narrow-minded church and it’s also false!

Max Gron says:

Wake up, Max Gron, this whole thing’s false, it sounds made up to me, talking of false religion, then stop believing false things, battling against an illusion, I’m not even going to waste the teacher’s time with a maze I cared nothing about, who cares? This is foolish teachings, just have the experience, engage in reflection and solve the problem, what’s this solving the maze, forget about the maze, play games and have some fun! Isn’t it better when you’re having fun? This solving the maze, that’s not any fun, make a game of life, laugh and delight yourself, have some fun, and dare I say, pleasure.

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