How Your Mind Interprets Reality

By Leo Gura - July 6, 2021 | 13 Comments

A deep look into how your mind confuses interpretations for facts

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Joel says:

A fly entered my apartment. I was about to spray it with RAID, but then I thought that Leo said we should act as if we were GOD. I opened the front door to allow the fly to leave unscathed. Immediately four new flies entered the apartment. Possible interpretations: 1) the five flies are reincarnations of a basketball team in the 1920’s. 2) the five flies are extraterrestrials. 3) GOD hates me. 4) GOD is playing with me. 5) there are five flies in the apartment. 6) since this is all a hallucination, it really doesn’t matter. Joel

how many flies says:

hey joel,
the new flies came because they can smell slash see the love. you just need to discern between those who smelled the shit and those who came for the light. in leos case he only loves the ones who circle around the shit, because he most certainly is a non believer. which is why he thinks: that is god. because it came from where it is supposed to come from.
does this answer your question?

Max Gron says:

There’s no reality other than every individual’s reality and not reality collectively, even a fly sees reality a bit differently from you.
Instead of being silly and wasting your time, let me be the first to interpret Leo’s teaching of interpretation. So in reality reality’s subjective and anti-materialist, it makes perfect sense for a teacher who deludes himself into thing god is real, I heard an internet video as to why people are full of shit, god wouldn’t be watching you throttling your poultry if you drop your belief in god.
Acting like god is being angry acting very strange and important, it’s a jealous god. And other people interpret the holy books from a specific religious school, I interpret the holy books as commands and not orders, I don’t have to obey them, but being puritanical requires some obedience. And as for general interpretation, people see things as weird and I see them as odd, my interpretation of names is correcting people who name places and products wrongly, whereas their interpretation is whatever’s easier, it’s not about what’s easier, when I say butter I don’t mean margarine, when I use margarine that’s because I’m spreading my bread with Flora, when I’m using Nuttelex I’m not using margarine, it’s a vegan spread.

Max Gron says:

When I wrote thing that was a typo, I was meant to write thinking.

Max Gron says:

This man doesn’t tell the truth, the truth is religion is the force that prevents spirituals like you from testing us, Satan, and there’s no mystery and awe in a physical thing, it’s just a natural, physical thing. I’ll break all lying beliefs right now: there’s no god, no spirits, no spirit, no soul, no past lives, astral projection or afterlife, you’re talking old wives tales, it’s a lie your grandfather told you, and I thought you were so deep, so into individual truths, bullshit! The problem is you don’t make things up, you believe like your mother and you’re full of shit!

Jules Pena says:

Thats ur interpretation of reality and thats ok. Dont be angry. Just let life unfold. be well

Max Raoy Gron says:

Maybe, or maybe you’re interpreting it to mean I believe and don’t reread my own bullshit, consider that possibility.

Jamie says:

Good shit all of it is

Max Raoy Gron says:

I actually think my religious fundamentalism was getting in the way of taking truths from Leo, when I wanted to believe him. I’ve been trying to pour that out but I was misunderstanding his version of scepticism. Consider the opportunity that I could be making an arse of myself, unknowingly, and that my thinking game wasn’t full consciousness, it’s already the case I watched his sex, drugs and money videos and got it right the third time, it’s not easy, I’m not meant to think, I’m meant to be conscious, which people confuse with the facts.
I’m at the achiever stage where I succeed, think up things, invent concoctions, and use analysis of everything. As much as in my ego development I’d like to be at the conformist stage, I’m above its conformity and have bits and pieces of conformist stage wherein I follow tradition and go by the mainstream and have a sense of pride for heritage. That’s pretty much it, I got it exact, it’s exactly a matter of continuing to watch such a 3-part series.

Max Raoy Gron says:

I can’t believe this, why is a profound cult taken on faith? It’s not accuracy, it’s not a godsend, it’s just a cult, it’s invented religion which is a sin to the Christian mind or Jewish mind or any other religion’s mind, to me it makes no sense how stupid this is, Leo’s crazy, he’s inventing his own religion.

Max the Know better says:

I don’t like using vainglory about how right I am, but I don’t know most of Leo’s teachings, I’m supposed to be God and the universe, but I think God is a supernatural being and the Creator, as a seperate being from myself, as for interpretation, the teaching isn’t what I think and as I’m more conscious than I was two years ago I know better.

Max Gron says:

As for interpretations of reality, crabs dragging other crabs down in a bucket, I think I’m being dragged down by other actualized fans as if I’m wrong and don’t know what I’m talking about, I think this is patently false, interpretations of Leo Gura, bullshit, the understanding of religion if you truly understand it isn’t being a fucking interpreting wanker! I know religion sounds retarded, but as before religion isn’t understood that way, religion’s merely understood from your heart, not your left-brained analytical thinking, people delude themselves into thinking I’m wrong to which I’m disgusted, but moving on from my distaste medicine really is in the Dark Ages (I’m now swapping from religion to the barbarism of the closed-mindedness of history), what was formerly leeches is now unwanted needles and frequent visits to the doctor and treating everything with a pill, I don’t like to hurt my own feelings but normality is probably not true and not possible for everyone, as for individual beliefs I’m right, reality’s subjective, it’s not fucking collective, shared reality, the objectivity most people take seriously, it’s false! As a moth-butterfly scientist, a lepidopterist, from what I see, the social behaviour of animals, isn’t from a mechanical moral code even though we think the following is right, based on right & wrong, but is derived from beautiful, even wonderful things the moths prefer, which is musty clothes and that’s why moths like you, as with us, we behave the way we behave from preference, and not really because it’s right or wrong.

Max Raoy Gron says:

Hypocrisy, Leo doesn’t care about the fucking facts, it might seem like it with his facts of godforsaken compassion for the American government, which he has to do because he’s an immigrant, otherwise they’ll deport him as a criminal migrant, he fucking very much only cares about spirituality and other childish horseshit. I’m not some odd person labelling things without the ideal standard, typicality, observance of a man, or regularity, I’m just an ordinary man and as such analysing my mind properly is the mind of food, wine, insufferable life, staying in bed, God, to whom I worship, it’s not that hard to realise that by now I spent months consistently believing in God, which I feel I have to, though the strong feeling in my gut, there’s no fun in it, other people think it stinks. Maybe I think the bloody facts of faith is thus it can’t be proven or disproven, not really, have you tried to prove your faith, or religion since it’s a fucking religion? I believe in a religious God, not a secular “no God”, I’m thinking my method of arriving at truth is correct, I starve with all the bulldrek, I’ve been starving of information for 41 years, all I know is what a shit life this is, when God just sits there and lets it happen, and answers my prayers, and that I can learn about the whole reality through the lepidopterological observance of moths, and that reality/life shouldn’t solve or deal with problems, but should be accepted for what it is, and that I can relax, knowing this, and that I need food, smokes, coffee, and wine, living to 79 years, all of which from my thinking, is all I know. Religion’s not fucking knowledge, it’s not science in any way, it’s ignorance. I don’t believe in letters of the fucking alphabet, like T, there’s no such fucking thing as T, and I don’t believe fictional stories people made up, no one was there pointing to a fucking rabbit calling it something Quine fucking made up and thinking a rabbit’s a soul and not a rabbit!, it’s not true! If I spoke in my puristic language although the words don’t mean the same thing, birdlore and ornithology point to the same thing, plus that T shit is stupid, it’s shit and stupid, talking nerdy things like an idiot, reality’s not these stupid theories, it’s genuinely intellectual and religious, and not physical. Of all I said here I might be completely wrong.

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