How To Get Laid - Part 1
By Leo Gura - November 11, 2021 | 8 Comments
The foundations of success with women
But Leo, what about women who want sex and struggle?
brauner dreck, soviel zum bewusstsein.
all of these dating videos and the dating advice on the forum should rather be labeled HOW TO SUCK WITH WOMEN (and most definitely not get layed). HOW TO MAKE SURE NEVER HAVING A CHANCE WITH INTELLIGENT OR COOL WOMEN and HOW TO BECOME THE CREEP OF THE MOMENT. might be even HOW TO ADDITIONALLY BECOME A NO GO FOR YOUR FRIENDS. should be labeled with WARNING WILL MOST DEFINITELY MAKE YOU SUCK AND RUIN IT if you are not already a sucker, and therefore has sideffects of depression.
You could wait until robot girlfriends are invented.
are they not already? it would be more of the self actualization i would initially have thought of, to hack rubber dolls into robot girlfriends, than to teach mainstream pick up artistry. (both pretty unsexy though, the doll part about it, not the robotics part)
in japan a guy married a rubber doll, without the robotics even.
the picture looks like taken from his self help flash light. he recently gave the advice to slide in a fish from the market. but of course he claims to be a self actualizer, which is why instead of being a customer he tries to claim being a fisherman.
did someone ever make a difference between irony and paradoxes? why would i ask a fish or a fisherman about dating advice? flashlights seem to become mainstream more and more. has never been the best criterion for truth.
Leo, dude, Yes guys want to have sex but indicating that having hundreds of women as a good thing is totally negating the sacredness or deepness of the union. Women do NOT want to touch a guy that has hundreds of partners. There can be no depth to those relationships nor the man in question and there exists a much higher potential for diseases… I suggest that longer-term relationships provide more satisfaction for both parties.